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The Confederate Flag...


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The primary problem with states rights, and decentralization in General, is that it can lead to the states feeling as though their interests are more important than those of the nation as a whole. In terms of centralization, the pre ACW US was on a level similar to feudalism, except that the leaders were elected. Thankfully it didn't get quite to the level of what Thomas Jefferson wanted, but it was still dangerous. An example of where this can really suck is, for example, say that the economy of the country in General is bad, but the economy of a single state is good. Under centralization, that state can help the rest of the economy. Just look at the massive clusterfuck that is the European Union. The Confederacy would have been similar to that.

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yeah i feel like a coalition of ultimately autonomous states joined only by a few political ideas/institutions and/or currency doesn't work out as well as it could. if i were european, i'd support a government-based european union. meaning the countries would become states/provinces/whatever (like the us) and have a centralised government. basically, it'd become a democratic republic lol. but i guess i only support this because i have the biases of, "the future requires an alliance from the whole wold," and i'm american that thinks our system works (but obviously has its fair plethora of issues).

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yeah i feel like a coalition of ultimately autonomous states joined only by a few political ideas/institutions and/or currency doesn't work out as well as it could. if i were european, i'd support a government-based european union. meaning the countries would become states/provinces/whatever (like the us) and have a centralised government. basically, it'd become a democratic republic lol. but i guess i only support this because i have the biases of, "the future requires an alliance from the whole wold," and i'm american that thinks our system works (but obviously has its fair plethora of issues).

Nah, that wouldn't work in General. The US worked somewhat because the states all shared the same basic language. Europe is far too diverse to even try to unite it. Now, I would be in favor of a European alliance, but it an actual European nation state wouldn't work.

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