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Kingdom Hearts' plot doesn't make any sense to me any longer


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Playing through DDD on the 3DS right now, and I've got to a point where I find myself not understanding anything that's going on between the characters. I see cutscenes that do make sense out of context but can't really piece them together with the big picture anymore. The first KH was a big game in my childhood, with a simple story that was hard for a kid to not care for. KH2 was a game I'd anticipated for a long time and really delivered in terms of gameplay; however, I couldn't appreciate the decisions taken in the storytelling and found what it did to KH1's legacy all really silly.

After that, I didn't touch the series much for a good decade until I got a PSP and started playing BBS. Excellent gameplay yet again, another silly storyline, but while silly it was at least understandable still.

I think I'm close to the end of DDD right now; with both protagonists at TWTNW, and I don't know what's to blame, the plot not being too developed, me not bothering to read the information from old games when prompted (and it did include games I'd never touched, like re:coded) or whatever, but I really have no idea what's going on in the game right now or what that genius plan the game's villains came up with to trick Sora/Riku is supposed to be.

At least I'm happy Axel will most likely be returning in KH3, which will hopefully be more coherent and well-developed than the games released between KH2 and KH3 (who knows, they just might squeeze another KH title in before the ultimate KH3 release), since it's a full-blown console / mainline title.

But eh, DDD is a good game, I actually really like the Dream Eater system. Not sure how easy it is to break the game with since I haven't got to the bottom of it just yet.

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Wait, you're still trying to make sense of Kingdom Hearts's plot?

I gave up at GBA Chain of Memories!

Seriously thought, even thought I love the game, it has the craziest plot so far, I'm kinda scared of Kingdom Hearts 3's plot actually. I get the feeling that it's gonna be a wild ride.

Have Sora met Roxas yet? If not get ready for the most WTF moment of the series.

Edited by Water Mage
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Yeah, he has. I didn't react to it much at all tbqh.

Apparently done with Sora's part (maybe not?) as I'm forced to be Riku again without a chance to drop. I was sorta planning to get star-ranked Dream Eaters of each kind before finishing the game, so it's a good thing I kept an earlier save just before Sora faced that joke of a final boss (or not? again).

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Yeah, he has. I didn't react to it much at all tbqh.

Apparently done with Sora's part (maybe not?) as I'm forced to be Riku again without a chance to drop. I was sorta planning to get star-ranked Dream Eaters of each kind before finishing the game, so it's a good thing I kept an earlier save just before Sora faced that joke of a final boss (or not? again).

Joke of a final boss?

You mean Xemnas?

If you seen Sora's whole story, then also seen the scene where Young Xehanort mindfucks Sora.

But if you're not finished with Riku's story, there still more crazy moments to come, trust me on that.

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I actually chickened out of finishing Riku's final bosses because the 3rd one whopped my ass. Had crappy DEaters and an awful choice of commands (should've memorised from BBS by now that having at least two Curaga spells is a must for the endgame), like the ones that are downright detrimental to success and yet take up 2 slots, so I went and did Sora's part more cautiously.

Anyway, I'll probably be doing money grinding now (selling Kab Kannon's Dark Firaga and repeatedly getting another one from the AR Card, which is how I've been getting unnecessarily rich until now), and will be dropping until I make all star-ranked DEs that I can.

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Remind me again what parts about the plot you're not getting? All of the previous games lead up to DDD, re:coded in particular (granted, thats the only one I haven't played, but 2.5 has it as scenes), for being directly before it, and the journal in DDD sums it up to a degree. Albeit some things arent very direct, but the signs are definitely there, when you take the time to notice them with each installment.

I'd also like to ask, have you played any of the final mixes (KHII in particular)? You'll find that the extra info in them really transitions between each game.

I REALLY want to just tell you, but its a major spoiler alert in preparation for KHIII

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The plot does have an sense, its just like really hard to understand whats going on, i know i discovered it whole like 2 years ago but by

now i forgot most of it, but i still know what the characters have to do in the 3rd upcoming game

Theres still stuff thats going only get explained in that game, like about the keyblade war and etc which we know almost 0, the game really has

alot to answer but as i said, studying it closely can aleadry get you alot of content, the game is just like really hard on explaining

I don't know if you simply not understanding anything

or if you aleadry know some stuff like for example : the base story,objective of the characters,the whole organization 13 lore, who terra has become


or etc

so i cant quite give you a good answer

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Gametrailer's plotline explanation

But yeah, unless you really try to understand it, you'll be confused. I don't blame you; I'm one of those "KH scholars" who actually understands and pays attention to stuff. I enjoy it (but at the same time, I enjoy and understand freaking Blazblue, which runs off of time travel and alternate dimensions), but I can understand why it would be confusing. The game doesn't explain everything until the very end (and when it does, you'll probably be more confused if you haven't read the plot overviews/played the other games). It's a combination of the writing being very confusing and you finding a terrible point to jump back into the series.

It's Nomura big flaw as a writer; introducing new aspects so he can make a twist with relatively little prior explanation or build-up.

But eh, DDD is a good game, I actually really like the Dream Eater system. Not sure how easy it is to break the game with since I haven't got to the bottom of it just yet.

You're playing as numero uno gamebreaker now: Riku. Grind in the flick rush arena to get dark roll (which replaces his evade with a freaking teleport) and load him up with spells. His new found evasive abilities coupled with his glass-cannon stats means you can just hang back and spam magic.

Edited by The DanMan
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watchu talking about guys retconning xion is BRILLIANT

Sounds a bit like his clothing designs too.



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You're playing as numero uno gamebreaker now: Riku. Grind in the flick rush arena to get dark roll (which replaces his evade with a freaking teleport) and load him up with spells. His new found evasive abilities coupled with his glass-cannon stats means you can just hang back and spam magic.

Adding to this, the Balloon spell line as either Sora or Riku is ridiculously good especially against big enemies/bosses.

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Sounds a bit like his clothing designs too.

Most of his designs aren't like KH1 Donald and FFX Lulu, you know; he's greatly toned down his obsession with buttons and zippers. Just look at the KH3 Sora design.

In general, I just don't get the Nomura hatedom; yes, he's a bad writer, but name somebody in SE who's much better? Plus, he really does seem a bit like Sakurai, as he can't say "no" to a project; he's backed up to 2018 with projects "both large and small". The reason he was moved off of FFXV was probably because it was far enough along and they needed somebody fro the FFVII re-make. I sympathetically want Square to use him less; he really seems like he could use a break.

watchu talking about guys retconning xion is BRILLIANT

Xion was retconned? The only game with her in it I played was 358/2 Days, so...

He's talking about the whole "being made from Sora's memories means wiping her from everybody elses' memories when she returns to Sora.

Really, 358 was character development for Roxas and not much else.

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The story didn't make sense for me past the first game.

He's talking about the whole "being made from Sora's memories means wiping her from everybody elses' memories when she returns to Sora.

Really, 358 was character development for Roxas and not much else.

Doesn't Kindom Hearts retcon things all the time with Namine?

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The story didn't make sense for me past the first game.

Doesn't Kindom Hearts retcon things all the time with Namine?

That wasn't "retconning"; that was mostly "keep her mysterious until I fully plan out the next installment". The Xion retcon is the biggy.

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Most of his designs aren't like KH1 Donald and FFX Lulu, you know; he's greatly toned down his obsession with buttons and zippers. Just look at the KH3 Sora design.

KH3 is a good sign of things to come in terms of designs I hope.

KH2 we had Captain Asszipper (Pete) among other things, DDD also had snazzy designs and even BBS were mostly subtle, KH2 not so much though haha.

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You do realize there's another KH being release before 3? It's a browser game that takes place before BBS. It's also canon. GOOD LUCK WITH THAT!

Hahah! I deliberately didnt mention Unchained X, cause I've yet to grasp its concept completely, other than it being before/during the Keybladr War.

There's something about these 6 seekers, along with the origins of Xehanort's Keyblade, which apparently is the oldest one in known existance (which shouldn't happen since every wielder gets their own Keyblade unique to them. Unless of course, you get the dark version of it, like Mickey did)

Btw, its actually for mobile

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Dream Eater is pretty easy to break actually. Yoggy Ram with Leader Disposition is from what I remember pretty much the ultimate Dream Eater. Its skills kinda sucks, but his in battle performance is insane. He spams Sonic Wave so you can easilly build up link gauge which makes playing Sora kinda stupidly easy, although his link attack sucks compared to say... Meow Wow. He have Combo Assist AND Spirit Roar, and brings Protect, Esuna, Regen, and Shell on top of it.

Used him from early game and he basically trivializes shit with the stupid amount of damage you deal on top of his defensive contribution

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Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance: Because we believe the plot isn't complicated enough,

let's add in goddamn time travel and dreams into the mix.

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Hahah! I deliberately didnt mention Unchained X, cause I've yet to grasp its concept completely, other than it being before/during the Keybladr War.

There's something about these 6 seekers, along with the origins of Xehanort's Keyblade, which apparently is the oldest one in known existance (which shouldn't happen since every wielder gets their own Keyblade unique to them. Unless of course, you get the dark version of it, like Mickey did)

Btw, its actually for mobile

It was browser based in Japan for a couple years before as simply Kingdom Hearts X/Chi/Key.

And while it is true every keyblade wielder has their own personal keyblade, the master can pass their keyblade down to their student. And it's "one of the oldest", not the oldest.

Really, I (and most fans, it seems) are abstaining from Chi and simply keeping an eye on any lore bits.

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