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Do we have Feeback threads?


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How can you give writers feedback on their stories? I mean, I went into the writing section and all the stories I read only had writer posts in them. Since I like giving feedback, I was like: What the hell, nobody gave this guy/girl feedback?

Tbh I didnt even find a thread for feedback. Is that like not allowed here or somn? And if it is allowed, can we like have a seperate thread for story feedback? When I was at FEE, I use to make two threads, one for the purpose of the story being easy to read, as to not have all those feedback posts in there making the story thread longer. Then the other thread would be just for feedback. Anyway, just curious here. :blink:

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How can you give writers feedback on their stories? I mean, I went into the writing section and all the stories I read only had writer posts in them. Since I like giving feedback, I was like: What the hell, nobody gave this guy/girl feedback?

Tbh I didnt even find a thread for feedback. Is that like not allowed here or somn? And if it is allowed, can we like have a seperate thread for story feedback? When I was at FEE, I use to make two threads, one for the purpose of the story being easy to read, as to not have all those feedback posts in there making the story thread longer. Then the other thread would be just for feedback. Anyway, just curious here. :blink:


Post in the Story Topics...

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Yep, I think it was the former, Guardian Soul. ^^ But dont worry, I will get to yours soon enough.

Oh no take you time. what's there for my story is going to be there for another week.

Also Guardian Soul has a topic to talkabout it besides the story. Only because of the fact it's Metal Arc

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Oh no take you time. what's there for my story is going to be there for another week.

Also Guardian Soul has a topic to talkabout it besides the story. Only because of the fact it's Metal Arc

Is there something I should know about MA? haha

And yeah, I'll eventually get to yours. Could you brief me a bit on what your story is about though, I am curious...

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Is there something I should know about MA? haha

And yeah, I'll eventually get to yours. Could you brief me a bit on what your story is about though, I am curious...

Yeah..he's insane as hell. He mod abuses, and does bad things with his powers. Meaning we love him more than anyone else.
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Yeah, I didn't get that until now. :D oops.

I thought you were talking about him abusing the story with his character, I just never realized there was no word "god" involved. *Hides under his bed*

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Allow me to explain: I use my mod powers for unconventional things that give me giggles.

I have ALOT of powers already, and I've come up with more ways to use those powers. I really only crossed the line once, and I've kept my promise of never doing that again so far.

Also, I have my feedback topic and story separate because I prefer to not have to have all the clutter of posts, then the next chapter, then more posts, then another chapter.

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Allow me to explain: I use my mod powers for unconventional things that give me giggles.

I have ALOT of powers already, and I've come up with more ways to use those powers. I really only crossed the line once, and I've kept my promise of never doing that again so far.

Also, I have my feedback topic and story separate because I prefer to not have to have all the clutter of posts, then the next chapter, then more posts, then another chapter.

Cross the line? I thought it was hilarious. The people who were pissed were just being babies >_>

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I did it because I was down, and thought it would help me feel better. That was my mistake.
Anyone who was mad was being a whiny kid. What you did was funny as hell. I love you, and the fact that you came out and apologized proves you are even less of an ass than before.(Which you weren't before) You 'abusing' your powers makes us all laugh, and the ones who don't hardly matter. You are possibly the best part of the Forest. I see why you did the thing with the story. I never said it was wrong.
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Post in the Story Topics...


Why not try contributing a bit more in your posts instead of the usual crap you say. Honestly, how can you be tolerated?

On topic: We have separate topics for Stories and Reviews in the Fictional Works section on Fire Emblem Anthology. Though I think the idea of separate threads is good idea in more serious, mature writing section, but I doubt you would benefit that much, since I rarely see any kind of proper reviews or criticisms, or anything that could be deemed as a decent comment for that matter.

P.S: I am aware I'm pretty much asking for the Ban Hammer with my posts, which is ironic.

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Why not try contributing a bit more in your posts instead of the usual crap you say. Honestly, how can you be tolerated?

On topic: We have separate topics for Stories and Reviews in the Fictional Works section on Fire Emblem Anthology. Though I think the idea of separate threads is good idea in more serious, mature writing section, but I doubt you would benefit that much, since I rarely see any kind of proper reviews or criticisms, or anything that could be deemed as a decent comment for that matter.

P.S: I am aware I'm pretty much asking for the Ban Hammer with my posts, which is ironic.

Why don't you shut your fucking mouth, and let people spam in spam land?
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Why don't you shut your fucking mouth, and let people spam in spam land?

I was referring to his general posting habits. And is swearing at me really the best counter you can come up with?

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I was referring to his general posting habits. And is swearing at me really the best counter you can come up with?
I ain't looking for a war, I was just pointing out not only DID he answer the question it wouldn't matter if he didn't.
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Why not try contributing a bit more in your posts instead of the usual crap you say. Honestly, how can you be tolerated?

On topic: We have separate topics for Stories and Reviews in the Fictional Works section on Fire Emblem Anthology. Though I think the idea of separate threads is good idea in more serious, mature writing section, but I doubt you would benefit that much, since I rarely see any kind of proper reviews or criticisms, or anything that could be deemed as a decent comment for that matter.

P.S: I am aware I'm pretty much asking for the Ban Hammer with my posts, which is ironic.

First of all... while I find you a bit irritating I have no grudge against you. Plus, no actual user has ever been banned here. Only bots and alts. You haven't done NEARLY enough to warrant a one day suspension.

I consider my work serious. It's why I continue to write even though I only have a few readers (that I know of). You might disagree because of the script style of writing, but the story's the only thing that matters. I've made it a habit to only post quality when it's serious. If you didn't know (because you haven't been here that long) our written works section has become so large, and people have less time to read. It means there are plenty of good stories that just don't get read. I don't get proper reviews because not too many people bother with mine. And faceless compliments are nothing to me anymore, because everyone who writes anything gets them.

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First of all... while I find you a bit irritating I have no grudge against you. Plus, no actual user has ever been banned here. Only bots and alts. You haven't done NEARLY enough to warrant a one day suspension.

I consider my work serious. It's why I continue to write even though I only have a few readers (that I know of). You might disagree because of the script style of writing, but the story's the only thing that matters. I've made it a habit to only post quality when it's serious. If you didn't know (because you haven't been here that long) our written works section has become so large, and people have less time to read. It means there are plenty of good stories that just don't get read. I don't get proper reviews because not too many people bother with mine. And faceless compliments are nothing to me anymore, because everyone who writes anything gets them.

*Bows head* Wow..I feel like a fool.
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but the story's the only thing that matters.

The story is not the only thing that is important. How you present it matters just as much, having a great plot and characters is pointless if your writing style cannot present it well. Don't take that as an attack on your work, I'm just correcting that quote. Style and technique matter, otherwise the story would be boring to read.

Edited by Shuuda
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