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Serenes Forest Characters needed


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For the first story I shall write here.

Here is what you need to know about it.

1. Its a space/horror type of story

2. Serenes Forest Characters will make up the cast, though I dont know most of you, that is why I was told by Dark Sage to post this here.

3. The story mainly focuses on our spacecraft, which is sorta huge and was sent to a far away galaxy to investigate the going down of a fellow ship.

4. There will be major roles in the story, meaning that a few of you will have priority over others.

5. If you wanna be in it, please choose one of the following for your character, after describing yourself a bit of course:

a) Trooper (Rookie

B) Ship Pilot

c) Ship Cook lol (Ship cook ftw)

d) Elite Guard ((Stronger than a Trooper))

e) Enemy Monster/Alien

And that is it, I will take care of the rest. Please join peeps, for I really need a cast, else I aint going anywhere soon. lol





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Name: Ninji

Age: 15-16-ish.

Gender: Male.


Most original name evur, amirite?

You betcha. :D

That is a gay-ish sheet. ^_^


Elit Guard.

Name: Matt

Age: 21

Gender: Male

I do it right? I can fix it.

You did right. And yes, it was the gayist sheet ever, I was in a hurry.

Elite Guard




I guess this should be everything right


So we got Ninji, Matt, Ether, Hika and myself. Oh, and lets not forget about Dark Sage, ship's cap'n. He was in by default. I will wait until tomorrow just to see if any others want in. However, once I start, if others join in, they'll appear soon in the story as well. That means we five have priorities over the others, for joining first. :D

Edited by Okörina
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Name: Freohr (It doesn't sound too femininish... or however you say it! XD)... If you don't think you will use it, then Ameryll

Age: in the story or for real? :huh:

Real age: 15

Story age: well... It's in a spacecraft... I'd say 21

Gender: female

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Freohr has been added to the cast as the ship's cook. But that doesnt mean she wont get to blast the crap out of monsters and aliens :D

Ninji- Trooper (Ship's newest addition as a soldier)

Hika- Elite Guard/Block Watch

Matt- Elite Guard/Computer Specialist

Ether- Elite Guard/Ship's Pilot

Dark Sage- Captain (Name will be changed when he tells me about his character's name)

Zeta- Master Chef/Trooper

Freohr- Master Cook/Trooper

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--Character Update--

Ninji- Trooper (Ship's newest addition as a soldier)

Hika- Elite Guard/Block Watch

Matt- Elite Guard/Computer Specialist

Ether- Elite Guard/Ship's Pilot

Ray- Captain

Zeta- Master Chef/Trooper

Freohr- Master Cook/Trooper

Lumine- Monster Boss

Loi- Alien boss

MaSu- Elite Guard/Medic

Sothe- Elite Guard

I might not be able to log in for a few days as I am moving to another room and I wont have internet for a while since I am also moving my computer and the whole broadband thingy. ^^ But worry not, foresters, I shall be working on the story even while offline, I promise to bring in a few chapters when that happens.

Thanks for joining everyone.

Edited by Okörina
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