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When it comes to possible newcomers...


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People always say K. Rool or Isaac even though that makes no sense. Golden Sun is dead and K. Rool's both dead in DK and a Mii Costume.

People make these ridiculous fan quotas that mean nothing to Sakurai or anything, and yet, one character fits all the composites.

Chibi-Robo does not look "anime"

Chibi-Robo is relevant and has an amiibo.

Chibi-Robo has more games than Golden Sun, and is not a Mii Fighter.

Chibi-Robo is super unique and is even a protagonist, which Smash favors.

Chibi-Robo is totally requested as well.

There's a reason that I great everyone online by making my tags Please, Vote, and then Chibi-Robo (also Ivysaur and Squirtle but just because I cry myself to sleep that they were cut).

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Isaac and King K. Rool are more popular then Chibi-Robo.I think (not too sure)that Isaac and K. Rool are in the top ten of the DLC ballot for first/second party characters.More games in a certain series then another doesn't really count,either.It depends on how well they sold.Plus,Golden Sun's not exactly dead,it's just holding onto life due to the fact Camalot's forgotten it but Smash hasn't.

And I daresay that Isaac's more unique then Chibi-Robo.He has several classes with several different Psyenergies.And he can have Felix or Matthew as costumes.

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Isaac and King K. Rool are more popular then Chibi-Robo.I think (not too sure)that Isaac and K. Rool are in the top ten of the DLC ballot for first/second party characters.More games in a certain series then another doesn't really count,either.It depends on how well they sold.Plus,Golden Sun's not exactly dead,it's just holding onto life due to the fact Camalot's forgotten it but Smash hasn't.

And I daresay that Isaac's more unique then Chibi-Robo.He has several classes with several different Psyenergies.And he can have Felix or Matthew as costumes.

Felix or Matthew as costumes would be a disgrace. Look at Alph. Alph being a costume only hindered Pikmin's potential like these would hinder Golden Sun.

Chibi-Robo is totally unique. There's no sword, and all those tools are more unique than magic swords man. He could use that plug in many ways.

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You're saying the most voted characters are ridiculous?

There is no criteria a character has to meet to be likely, they just need votes to be put under consideration. None of the things you've mentioned makes Chibi-Robo any more likely, and your thread isn't either.

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Is this a general topic or...ranting about Chibi-Robo?

Chibi-Robo does not look "anime"

What does this have to do with anything?

Chibi-Robo is relevant and has an amiibo.

While I don't think it really means anything, I think Chibi-Robo already having an amiibo would hurt his chances more than help. He more likely wouldn't have one already if he were being considered for Smash DLC.

That said, I do agree with the unlikeliness of K. Rool and Isaac. K. Rool has been given a consolation prize in the form of a Mii costume and Isaac isn't nearly as popular as his fans think he is. Isaac is basically only popular in the Smash fanbase; the rest of the world doesn't know or care about him. Sakurai didn't even think him relevant enough to bring his assist trophy back.

Nintendo has used up so many of its big characters that there is hardly anyone left to consider likely. With the Inklings likely out of the running for this game, the only potential newcomers that feel at all likely to me are Dixie Kong and some form of Toad.

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That said, I do agree with the unlikeliness of K. Rool and Isaac. K. Rool has been given a consolation prize in the form of a Mii costume and Isaac isn't nearly as popular as his fans think he is. Isaac is basically only popular in the Smash fanbase; the rest of the world doesn't know or care about him.

By consolation prize, you mean spit in the face (which all Mii costumes are except for preexisting ones), and you said the very same thing about Roy and it turned on its head. Careful about statements like that.

Edited by Jedi
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wait I remember you now OP, you changed your name again

okay carry on


franchises with fewer sales than golden sun include Mother, Xenoblade, and Kid Icarus, and when Pit got in Kid Icarus was way deader than Golden Sun is now

there's not exactly a lack of precedent, for that, or for characters coming out of nowhere

I would like to see Isaac as DLC, but my expectations are that I'll be surprised with what they decide

somewhat relevant is a sourcegaming article that, while an opinion piece rather than a (new) translation, probably still has useful info


Chibi-Robo does not look "anime"

nSjEHkv.jpg Edited by Euklyd
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By consolation prize, you mean spit in the face (which all Mii costumes are except for preexisting ones), and you said the very same thing about Roy and it turned on its head. Careful about statements like that.

I don't think I ever said Roy got a consolation prize, but point me to it if I did. I did think Roy was unlikely, but he's also a veteran (Sakurai has stated that he dislikes cuts), and there was no DLC associated with him released (aside from himself, of course).

I mean, yeah, I was wrong about Roy. It's entirely possible I'm wrong here, and I will admit it if it turns out that way. Besides, it's not like the logic I used to believe Roy was unlikely was bad (that he's mostly Smash fan infamous), it just didn't matter in the end.

Lastly, no, a Mii costume is not a "spit in the face." It was likely that or nothing. He may not have made it as a full fighter, but at least K. Rool's fans were acknowledged.

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People make these ridiculous fan quotas that mean nothing to Sakurai or anything, and yet, one character fits all the composites.



A limited or fixed number or amount of people or things, in particular.
  • A limited quantity of a particular product that under official controls can be produced, exported, or imported.a fixed
  • A fixed share of something that a person or group is entitled to receive or is bound to contribute.


1. Made up of various parts or elements.
2. Relating to or denoting a classical order of architecture consisting of elements of the Ionic and Corinthian orders.
1. A thing made up of several parts or elements.
2. BOTANY A plant of the daisy family (Compositae).
1. Combine (two or more images) to make a single picture, especially electronically.

Your criterion for what makes Chibi Robo a good character for Smash Bros. has no basis in reality.

Edited by Refa
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Chibi-Robo has more games than Golden Sun, and is not a Mii Fighter.

btw, according to admittedly shitty source vgchartz (however there's no alternative), all of Chibi-Robo's games put together sold the same number of units as the worst-selling Golden Sun game

edit: dammit refa

Edited by Euklyd
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what is chibi robo


It's a game series that can't decide what the hell it wants to be. Only the first one's good simply because of its surrealness.

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I admit that I was probably too challenging, and I don't want to sound like I hate these, as Isaac is probably one of the better choices, but I'd like to hear any ways that Chibi-Robo could even be a bad choice. It's not like it's a controversial character or an indie, and I've seen no reason as to why Chibi-Robo should NOT be a character. There are so many prospects that I can't see why anyone would oppose this character, and it's not like the series has 3 characters already. I have no idea why anyone would oppose a new series. Nintendo Wars would be great. Harmo-Knight would be great, Mysterious Murasame Castle would be great, Starfy would be great, and even something like Savvy Stylist could be worked into something people like. I mean, look at Wii Fit Trainer. Everyone loves her now.

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You're saying the most voted characters are ridiculous?

There is no criteria a character has to meet to be likely, they just need votes to be put under consideration. None of the things you've mentioned makes Chibi-Robo any more likely, and your thread isn't either.

Whew. I was reading this in Robin's voice. :|

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I'll say the Inkling has a much bigger chance of making it in as DLC that people give it credit for. It definitely seems to be one of the most popular picks.

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I'll say the Inkling has a much bigger chance of making it in as DLC that people give it credit for. It definitely seems to be one of the most popular picks.

considering the amount of success it has spawned in Japan and the merchandising that has been coming in, I would not be surprised if they actually do even with the mii gunner costume.

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Chibi-Robo is the best GameCube game you never played.

doesn't matter since the best gamecube game is one that i have played


f zero is actually the best game for the gamecube that i haven't played.

Edited by PichuMaster3000
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