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Are you people into rps?


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The Sorrow's Falter is a RP site. The link is in my sig. It's also loosely based on FE and there are a lot of members from the forest on there. Well, at least me, Princess Kilvas and Etheral Hero anyway.

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The Sorrow's Falter is a RP site. The link is in my sig. It's also loosely based on FE and there are a lot of members from the forest on there. Well, at least me, Princess Kilvas and Etheral Hero anyway.

Knew you'd say that.

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People don't really RP here.

The closest thing we have to that is whatever's in the Written Works section.

Thats enough for me. ^^

The Sorrow's Falter is a RP site. The link is in my sig. It's also loosely based on FE and there are a lot of members from the forest on there. Well, at least me, Princess Kilvas and Etheral Hero anyway.

I will definitely check that link out. Any of you have your own forums?

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So why dont we make an rp here, peeps? Or perhaps we could even suggest that a board be made for rps. If not, guess we could just make an rp forum from invision, that is only if you are really hardcore rpers like me.

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So why dont we make an rp here, peeps? Or perhaps we could even suggest that a board be made for rps. If not, guess we could just make an rp forum from invision, that is only if you are really hardcore rpers like me.

Not enough interest to have it's own forum here.

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I really don't know enough about Fire Emblem to do Fire Emblem Role-Plays.

Well it's very loosely based on it. All there really is is that the world is set in Tellius.

But perhaps we should have an RP forum here? Or combine with the Sorrow's Falter? Like we have a link to their site here?

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Well it's very loosely based on it. All there really is is that the world is set in Tellius.

But perhaps we should have an RP forum here? Or combine with the Sorrow's Falter? Like we have a link to their site here?

Perhaps, I wouldn't know though.

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I used to RP for a Red vs. Blue group. I was Andy the talking bomb. Though I really wouldn't consider it an RP more like a bunch of people tell each other they suck

Haha, that must of been fun. :D

Not enough interest to have it's own forum here.

Ah geez. Tough luck then.

But perhaps we should have an RP forum here? Or combine with the Sorrow's Falter? Like we have a link to their site here?

I was thinking about making a forum for rping, but would I have joiners? Prolly not, but who knows. XD

I love RPing. I did it like crazy back in the day (i was in a Tales RP group and I did FE rp at one point)

Yeah, rping is fun, man, if it is done in an orderly fashion. At FEE, some dudes would just join without even knowing what the story was about. They'd create their character and then start killing bandits, monsters etc left and right..which takes the fun of the rp since everyone wants to be a god character...not me though, I hate godmodding.

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Haha, that must of been fun. :D

Ah geez. Tough luck then.

I was thinking about making a forum for rping, but would I have joiners? Prolly not, but who knows. XD

Yeah, rping is fun, man, if it is done in an orderly fashion. At FEE, some dudes would just join without even knowing what the story was about. They'd create their character and then start killing bandits, monsters etc left and right..which takes the fun of the rp since everyone wants to be a god character...not me though, I hate godmodding.

Im always the mage with no physical prowess. And I cant fight without a ally to back me up

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Im always the mage with no physical prowess. And I cant fight without a ally to back me up

My character is always a healer of some kind that is the strategist, she makes plans to help the team, and has mysterious motives, but almost always ends up dying in the end for whatever reason.

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My character is always a healer of some kind that is the strategist, she makes plans to help the team, and has mysterious motives, but almost always ends up dying in the end for whatever reason.

My character wouldnt let you die. He always does everything possible to keep everyone alive.

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My character wouldnt let you die. He always does everything possible to keep everyone alive.

She always has bigger intentions outside the team that she eventually leads off on her own about. Which isn't her best idea, but she has a sense of honour and duty that she feels the need to fulfill. Thus resulting in either her death, or disappearance of some kind.

And like your mage, she lacks physical prowess when it comes to fighting, but she's agile.

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She always has bigger intentions outside the team that she eventually leads off on her own about. Which isn't her best idea, but she has a sense of honour and duty that she feels the need to fulfill. Thus resulting in either her death, or disappearance of some kind.

And like your mage, she lacks physical prowess when it comes to fighting, but she's agile.

Ok im gonna ask to have an RP subforum. XD

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