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My Chrom is getting a bit screwed in strength


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Level 8 and currently at Chapter 5. Despite a 55 strength growth, he's only at 9 strength, 2 higher than his initial strength stat. Meanwhile, his girlfriend Sumia got 2 strength growths in both her levels, putting her at 8, despite Chrom being almost 3x her level.

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Chapter 5 is still early on, plenty of time for him to improve overall. Pretty sure you can get an enemy drop from the boss in Chapter 8 which will help him catch up a bit. And if worst comes to worse you could always grind with Risen battles (unless you've banned grinding?). Otherwise you get another paralouge 15 and paralouge 19 (though 19 is very late so it's probably not useful then).

Hopefully he gets better for you soon!

EDIT: Forgot about the other ways you can get them.

Chest in chapter 18 has one, and paralouge 13 can have one in a village. Otherwise Anna always has a chance to carry them, but they're more common near endgame, which isn't very useful.

Sorry if you already knew this, just thought I'd throw it in just on the off chance it was useful.

Edited by Bandit
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That's -1.85Str, which means that on average, he'd have an 85% chance of having 10Str at that level and a 15% chance of having 9Str. That's not that screwed, dude.

Edited by Refa
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Sounds like my Ike in Radiant Dawn...

That guy had so bad of luck with his str that ILYANA THE MAGE had more strength than him for the entire game until he got his T3 promotion. It was so bad.

Was it as bad as my 20/11 FE9 Jill though?


15 Strength is her average for Level 18. Unpromoted. She ended up being the worst unit on my team ;=;

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  • 2 weeks later...

You've got tons of time for him to catch up, and with Dual Strike strength isn't as important. My first run Chrom averaged about a 30%-35% speed growth that made him unbelievably annoying to use. Hoard the energy drops and use them on him if this trend continues, but for now he's fine.

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Yeah, I'm getting the same thing on a run I just started recently. Hard / Classic, no pair-up run... I'm at Chapter 7, my Chrom is at Lv. 13 (grinded a bit on Risen battles) and he's got 9 Strength. On average, he should be at 14... I'm starting to have to use Strength Tonics on him for each map, because he has worse Strength than a Lv. 12 Lon'qu, Lv. 11 Sumia, a +Mag/-Lck Avatar, Lv. 11 Donnel, and he's tied with a Lv. 8 Gaius.

At least most of his other stats are fine. Can't recall them exactly on hand, but I believe he's got 14 - 15 in Skill, Speed, and Defense.

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