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Well you may have missed the memo, but they took Toonami off. So all the shows probably went with it.

If that's applicable. I wouldn't really know. I haven't watched any dubbed animes for about a year now.

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Well you may have missed the memo, but they took Toonami off. So all the shows probably went with it.

If that's applicable. I wouldn't really know. I haven't watched any dubbed animes for about a year now.

Adult swim is not toonami. Code geass came on at 1 am then they pushed it to FIVE IN THE FUCKING MORNING. Then they took it off INYUASHA. Seriously?

What is code geass?


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I think it's because of the fact that r2 will get it's dub immediately after season one is over. They might need the time to get the episodes dubbed.

makes since since r2 ends in japan tomorrow

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I liked Code Geass ;___; They took it off? Wtf?

And also Masu you are wanted @ mafia game

And I'm sorry for what I did there

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