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Favorite Fire Emblem Quotes


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Forde: Snargleblagh... hmph? Zzzzzzzzz...

Matthew: You know... I've been wondering about this for a while... But...are you (Serra) really one of Elimine's clerics? Are you sure you're not actually the follower of some dark, evil god?

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Anything Ranulf says. Seriously.


L'Arachel: Cad! Beast! Pervert! Devil! I simply will NOT allow you to take advantage of me in my confused state!

And that time Shinon was drunk in FE9. Poor Shinon.

Matthew: You know... I've been wondering about this for a while... But...are you (Serra) really one of Elimine's clerics? Are you sure you're not actually the follower of some dark, evil god?

I second this. XD

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Ike probably never saw a drunk before. He was like "Shinon? What's wrong? What are you doing?" or something like that.

Ike proabably figured out what was going on. He just didn't expect Shinon to be drunk...I guess....

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  • 4 years later...

Linus: Hey, you! You think you're tough, don't you?

Hector: Tough enough to cleave you in two.

Linus: I am Linus Reed, son of Brendan Reed. You killed my brother, Lloyd! Take this! Rrraahh!!!

Hector: I am Marquess Ostia's brother, Hector!! And I don't know about Lloyd, but I'll sure kill you!

Why does Linus' line here remind me of Inigo from The Princess Bride? More quotes please! This thread is awesome!

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Just about anything Frederick says is gold to me. :D Especially "Pick a god and pray!" <3

Other favs:

Shinon: Gatrie, I swear you'd hit on a tree if I dressed it in a skirt! Tell me I'm wrong!

Any convo between Ike, Aimee, and Soren. LOL

This bit from Brady's paralogue in Awakening:

Brady: Oh, Ma!

Maribelle: Oh, Brady!

Chrom: Oh brother.

Just...rofl. XD

Ike: Shinon wouldn't tell me that he smelled smoke if I was on fire.

Ike: We have enough men to take care of these clowns.

Ike: What am I supposed to do now, put on a funny hat or something?

All of Gaius's critical lines in Awakening. lol

A lot of what Sain says.

Oscar calling Kieran "Sir Simpleton" and Marcia when she's really angry lol. I have a lot of favorites. :P

Edited by Anacybele
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Yuma: Black-winged demon, eater of carrion! Prepare to receive the goddess's judgment!

Naesala: Hmm...how colorful.

This, and:

Goran: Followers of the false apostle! Bow down to the miracles of our savior! As long as the Maiden of Dawn watches over us, we cannot be defeated!

AKA the FE10 Bridge Map's boss.

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The intro to the Noble Theives Archenea Chronicle. The whole thing is hillarius, but my favorite parts are:

Navarre: If either of you two [Castor and Rickard] are lying... I'll slice out your touge!


Lena: This is amazing, Rickard! where did you get this?

Rickard: I bought it off a traveler. Yeah, thats it.

Navarre: Rickard, show me your touge.

Rickard: EEP! No, I remebered wrong!


Navarre: Rickard, get off the cleric.

Poor, poor Navarre XD

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Why does Linus' line here remind me of Inigo from The Princess Bride? More quotes please! This thread is awesome!

The thread was almost 5 years old, don't necropost.

Since several people have decided to participate in the topic, I'll leave it open.

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