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our favorite games and the bad things about them?


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Advance Wars 4 is an amazing game that really takes the gameplay to the next level and implemented online play (although sadly the servers are now defunct). There was one problem, though; the map list used for online play is terrible. While some maps are decent, there were also some ludicrously unbalanced maps such as Swan Cove and Fist Peninsula.

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You didn't get all the Stray Beads, did you? For shame! There's even a Demon Gate with entire boss battles inside!

Oh, I did get all of the Stray Beads... once.

But since then I haven't bothered since I just like starting over from scratch each time I start a new game.

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If you thought Okami was easy, wait 'til you play Zelda: A Link Between Worlds. All the dungeons were easy, and the final one was like, medium difficulty at best. The game was so fun, but man, they needed a hard mode that did more than just quadruple damage.

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Dark Souls needed a better 2nd half.

Majora's Mask needed better dungeons. I don't really mind only having four of them, except only Stone Tower was fun or interesting.

FE7 needs more deployment slots.

Bravely Default needed to cut the last 2 chapters. Also

[spoiler=Don't look unless you've beat Bravely Default] Airy should have been the final boss, the real final boss was a joke.

Mother 3's Chapter 2 is easily its weakest point, being a difficult chapter for newbies cause Duster is the worst solo ever and because Wes is kind of an ass, albeit useful when he joins. Mix that in with a chapter that doesn't feel like it does much for the plot as a whole and just serves to introduce Kumatora and practicing her and Duster's skills before they disappear for a whole 2 chapters and you've got a temporary stopping point for many new players, myself included.

I never found chapter 2 that hard. Just spam stuns and nothing can attack you.

Maybe I just got lucky though.

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Crusader Kings II is nice in that it focuses on interacting with characters instead of declaring war and expanding like in EUIV, but still, the "war system" should be changed. First, I don't see why I must take so many years until a diplomat fabricates a claim, based on lucky chance + his stats (and good luck getting a diplomat with better than mediocre stats early in the game). Why couldn't they do it the same way done in EUIV? Also, all the other games have a deeper layer of strategy in combat than CKII. In CKII, all you have to do is send a huge army toward another weaker army, occupy and win. Rince and repeat. In EUIV and Vic 2, this is not so simple, and getting large armies together is disencouraged.

I just wish they'd make a CK III.

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Oh hey, I don't have to auto-close this topic!

Baten Kaitos - desperately needs the option to skip cutscenes. Also. . .

The final battle during the ending scene was stupid, and shouldn't have existed.

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My only really big objection with Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne is having to reroll inherited skills during demon fusion to get what I want on the resulting demon. That means sending many hugs and kisses selecting and deselecting over and over until the demon has the right set of moves.

Edited by The Funniest Valentine
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FE6: I love this game, but some of the recruitments are... really out there. I really don't know how you're supposed to guess a lot of them.

Also the RNG is a bit fickle.

FE4: I like this game a ton for how unique it is, but I do like some old mechanics of other FEs.. like.. trading..

Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga: I love this game to death but enemies and especially bosses have so little HP, it's ridiculous. It's extremely easy to make yourself op in this game, and most bosses after the first few have way too little HP. The HP scaling in this game is really bad. Late game you really need to gimp yourself if you want to make any of the bosses somewhat of a challenge. It's sad that like, the only bosses that are scaled well in HP are like, the first few, and the final boss.

Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door: I love this game much more than the original, but I will admit it can have a bit too much backtracking sometimes (looking at you literally all of Chapter 4, and you, General White, like, why.)

Kid Icarus Uprising: I find this game scales difficulty pretty well, except for 9.0, I find the difference between 8.0 and 9.0 light and day, 9.0 on some stages is ridiculous, when I can beat 8.0 no problem.

Final Fantasy VI: I love this game, but I will admit the battle system is a bit dated and somewhat annoying to replay through with.

Final Fantasy VII: I still think this is one of the best final fantasies, but I will not deny it's aged like bad cheese.

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Mario 64: The effects of fire damage are completely unfair in the last few stages which are made almost completely of tiny platforms. Also, Mario seems to have a lot of trouble making tight turns.

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