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(possible spoilers) PoR Data transfer affecting RD story

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So I know (and I think most do) about the Ike/Soren stuff. So here I am, getting ready to replay these two (it's been a while) and reminding myself of the criteria to unlock it their full conversation. And something I see come up a bit is 'SOME a supports affect story, the most noticeable being Ike/soren.'

Being the curious type, I was pondering what other changes have others noticed (if any at all?). Looking into, I've read that some of RD's paired endings require A supports in PoR and according the ever accurate youtube, there's apparently a base conversation of Meg/Zihark in RD if Brom/Zihark had an A in PoR. Are there any other known instances of this happening? I know it's not crucial and likely minor stuff, but as I said, I'm curious.

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there's apparently a base conversation of Meg/Zihark in RD if Brom/Zihark had an A in PoR

i'm about 99% sure that this one is available by default without data transfers. i've never used fe9 data transfers and i've definitely unlocked it

as far as it affecting other story-ish elements goes, the main draw is recruiting between parties in part 3. mist is able to recruit jill if they had an a support in the transferred fe9 data, and the same applies for brom and ilyana toward zihark

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Some scenes are longer if you are using a transfer. I noticed at least two instances of this. The first one is after Sothe gives Ilyana and Micaiah their tomes in Chapter 3 and the second was when Ike and Co. meet Ena and Nasir in part 3. I'm not sure why they are hidden like that, since those enhancements doesn't really add anything. Well, the first scene has Illyana swearing vengeance for the bad food she got in prison, so I guess it's not completely worthless.

Also, if they have an A-Support, Illyana and Brom can recruit Zihark into the Greil Mercenaries. Same with Mist and Jill.

Edited by BrightBow
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Good stuff. I didn't know of those recruiting methods (zihark/etc). And I thought meg/zihark thing was odd, but couldn't remember enough about to know either way.

While on the story changes, how do people here feel about the paired endings? I don't want to get into 'canon' fights or anything so leave your canonballs at the door. Again, I'm just curious to how people feel on some of them, for while I love PoR's story, I feel RD drops the ball on the endings.

Some, like Boyd/Mist and Elincia/Geoffrey work in my mind. Some have me shaking my head, like Astrid/Makalov. I adore Astrid, and I never pair her with that creep. Some are just plain odd to me, like Jill/Haar. I get that they're close, but I never saw this as a romantic bond, especially with the age difference here. Lucia/Bastian's ending just feels incomplete to me, with no resolution, just more of the same.

In planning this transfer run, I know I'll get A support for do Ike/Soren (even if I do like Ike with Lethe in PoR better), Boyd/Mist, Elincia/Geoffrey. I'm not sold on the others myself, though that is only my opinion (put down the gunpowder!). Are there couples you like and/or hate for paired endings?

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I agree with you that Astrid/Makalov is bad. I always thought Ike would've been better with Elincia than Geoffrey, because of how they interacted in PoR's cutscenes. I never really thought of Boyd and Mist as a couple, for me it was always Rolf and Mist.

Lucia and Bastian is just another subtler version of Sully and Virion. I don't like that one either.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I agree with Tragonight, Ike x Elincia would've been way better than Geoffrey x Elincia, imo. I get that the Japanese version of the game doesn't tease at the former as much as the translation does, but the translation, imo, also made Ike and Elincia better as characters overall. And even the Japanese game still has things like PoR's final cutscene and stuff. I'm also not really a fan of the idea of pairing two characters that grew up as step-siblings. People have complained the same thing with Fates and being able to S-support the royal siblings, and I saw Geoffrey and Elincia more as a big brother and little sister anyway. But gosh darn, I thought they were damn cute this way too. As bro and sis type relationship. Oh, another thing about Ike x Elincia: I've always been a sucker for commoner hero x princess pairings. :P

I don't mind Boyd x Mist though, it's kinda cute. I'd have preferred Rolf x Mist be an option as well though, and this is my main beef with RD's paired endings: no character has more than one option other than Ike and Ike's "paired" endings aren't really paired at all, they're platonic. Platonic is nice and all too, but really now... Elincia should've been able to choose between her mercenary hero and her knight general (even though I dislike the latter, it still has fans and truth be told, Geoffrey is the only guy I can see Elincia getting with that's not named Ike), Mist should pick between the green-haired brothers not named Oscar, Astrid should've also had Gatrie as a choice, imo, and so on. I also feel that some characters that didn't have any paired endings at all could've been added too, like Kieran x Marcia, Oscar x Tanith, Zihark x Ilyana, and more. I'm also surprised Boyd x Mia didn't even have any interaction in either of the Tellius games whatsoever, I thought they could've had good chemistry.

I'm also not a fan of yaoi or yuri, btw, so I was never keen on the idea of stuff like Ike x Soren/Ranulf being actual romances. But if enough fans of them exist, well...as long as I can get my Ike x Elincia romance, complaining wouldn't be right.

Not that anyone is doing so right now, but let's try to avoid getting too heated about this stuff. It's much nicer to talk about pairings in a civil manner, even if we disagree on them. :)

I do like how Ike and Soren's friendship is handled, though, btw. It's really touching. Best friend stories are always awesome like that, in fact. Ike giving Soren a hug to cheer him up is just so sweet of him, you don't see Ike being affectionate like that much. I don't like how people have insisted that he's gay because of this though. Men can hug as just friends... They don't have to be in love to do it. But it shows how much Ike really does care and that he's not entirely a hunk of bluntness. In fact, his friendship with Soren inspired a pair of best friends in one of my stories. ^^

I never did any data transfer though, sadly, because of the bug causing easy mode data to be untransferable. I tried completing a normal mode PoR file, but I couldn't get past the Black Knight. I wound up too underleveled, so I gave up. Otherwise, I totally would've done a data transfer file.

Edited by Anacybele
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Some scenes are longer if you are using a transfer. I noticed at least two instances of this. The first one is after Sothe gives Ilyana and Micaiah their tomes in Chapter 3 and the second was when Ike and Co. meet Ena and Nasir in part 3. I'm not sure why they are hidden like that, since those enhancements doesn't really add anything. Well, the first scene has Illyana swearing vengeance for the bad food she got in prison, so I guess it's not completely worthless.

So that's what triggers that scene, huh. Now it makes sense why I've only seen those scenes once, as I've only transferred data once (for a draft). Are the extra scenes in the Tower triggered the same way? I know there's one with Lekain where he goes into greater detail about the Senate's plan with Sanaki and Sephiran in 4-E-1, and i vaguely recall there being one about Sephiran later.

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I never did any data transfer though, sadly, because of the bug causing easy mode data to be untransferable. I tried completing a normal mode PoR file, but I couldn't get past the Black Knight. I wound up too underleveled, so I gave up. Otherwise, I totally would've done a data transfer file.

But the Black Knight fight is entirely skippable.

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But the Black Knight fight is entirely skippable.

I don't ever skip it though, I feel that's boring and makes the story a bit worse. Ike canonically beats the BK anyway, so I want him to! He's Ike. :P Plus, Nasir > Ena. You're stuck with Ena instead of Nasir if you don't beat the BK.

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I don't ever skip it though, I feel that's boring and makes the story a bit worse. Ike canonically beats the BK anyway, so I want him to! He's Ike. :P Plus, Nasir > Ena. You're stuck with Ena instead of Nasir if you don't beat the BK.

My first playthrough I ended up retreating from the BK, though that's likely because my Ike got SKL screwed (had 21 SKL at 20/20) and the Black Knight kept on being able to activate Luna, so after a few turns I just said "screw it" and escaped. Besides, it gives him more motivation for hammertime in Radiant Dawn.

Hopefully next playthrough of PoR it turns out a bit better

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  • 5 weeks later...
I don't like how people have insisted that he's gay because of this though. Men can hug as just friends... They don't have to be in love to do it.

I agree with all what you've said, but mostly with this.

Now I'm not gay, but I hug my friends relatively often :3

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