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so heres an interesting topic i found on facebook(gaming stuff)

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Its in Indonesian language but let me summarize it

From what i understand(im anti social ok), basically a fairly well known motivator in Indonesia was always having issues with gamers in general. Recently he used social medias and stuff and made an... interesting statement saying how a teenagers at 18 years old who only thought about Gaming and Dating are uninnovative and can't think smart by the time you reach 25.

*The article mentioned that the 18 and 25 are chosen as benchmark for adolescence and young adulthood.

Thanks to being an uhhh, fairly interesting statement, this caused quite a fuss. People kept making statements like "LOL IM A GAMER AND I "insert bragging about how they got something awesome and attributes them on gaming here".

Someone then made another net article quoting 7 person that would make this statement invalid, that being gamers that suceed. Amongst the quoted people that you guys might know are Saahid Arora(Universe from DOTA2 Pro scene), Danil Ishutin(Dendi, another person from DOTA2 scene, arguably the face of the pro players basically) and PewDiePie.

Now this is where I find it interesting. In my perspective, the base statements was directed on obviously the kind of gamers who "neglect" their works and excessively played games. You know the thing. Me and my friend discussed it a bit. She mentioned how her li'l sis, herself, and a lot of her friends are technically gamer, and they still manage to do fine on their educational progress.

Honestly speaking while I don't really like the way that the motivator dude are disrespecting(for lack of better words) gamers in general, I can see his point. Things aren't as black and white as "you play games and date, so your dumb". 18 years is obviously a VERY long time and a lot of things happened in that time span. Specifically saying "only thought about playing games" has got to have a meaning, at least as much as choosing 18 and 25 as a benchmark, and in my mind it is talking about things like game addiction. I remember that Addiction, by definition, can only be defined as such when it have some sort of negative effect to your daily lifes.

To picture my point, the guy who created the article specifically mentioned 2 person from DOTA 2 scene(one of them, atm is the single most payed pro player of all time thanks to winning The International 5). I followed the dota scene, so I kinda know that DOTA is a pretty difficult game that requires tons of dedication to be good at. This is always an issue with even the pro players, that even today its not unheard of that they will take a hiatus from the pro scene(AKA where they get paid) just to focus on their education. Back in dota 1, a lot of well known players decided to retire to focus in their study(mostly going on college). Back in the day, lack of payment was also cited as their reason of retiring. However, the dota 2 scene is a different thing. Higher end of Pro Players actually get paid fairly well these days, even outside big major tours like TI.

Thing is, even then we still have players who retired from the scene thanks to educational issues. This is particularly funny since these kind of gamers(which the article refered twice) are, in my opinion, the kind of person that the motivator dude is not talking about. They have something they think about that isn't about playing games. I think this could, at times, be generalized to some other statements. People who is scores well in class despite playing games in a very long time span(usually thanks to knowing how to study effectively) isn't exactly the kind that i would describe as "only thought about playing games and dating". They still studied to make up for playing games.

So what do you guys think?

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