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Casualty of War. The Avatar


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Spoilers ahead if you havnt beaten the game and the title isnt a dead give-away. You. Have. Been. Warned. So if you complain you get no cookies!

Anywhom. So near the end game Naga gives us the intel that big n'bad Grima can only be perma killed (cause the douchbag has HIS game set to casual) is if the Avatar blasts the git dragon with its own dark power (cause the dragon is a cheating dastard). Now Naga says that if the avatar does this, they are more then likely going down with the dragon. The ending shows this to be the case. Physically.

However! Before the game began and Grima tried to mind warp our precious Avatar (Grima we do NOT ship you with our avatar as soul buddies! We got enough ship-to-ship battles as is) the Avatar was their own person with their own feelings, and if we are to believe some of the hints in the game, the future grima with future avatars body apparently didnt make the same connections they did as our mind wiped Avatar.

What if the Avatar did indeed come back, but it wasnt our avatar, but past avatar who has no memories of the past 2 years when they were first found by Chrom? The fact the Avatar survives at all seems to be a miracle, but is all as well as people believe? Thoughts?

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It would have to be one without the seal on his/her hand (compare what you see in the opening movie versus the ending). So I'm not sure how that works.

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Your scenario would be impossible, at least to me.

The Avatar's fate in all timelines is the same. They are corrupted against their will by Grima and kill pretty much everybody, and they are ultimately considered Missing in Action, aka dead.

The only reason why the Avatar WE control is the way they are is because of the child character's influence, which as far as we know has only happened in one timeline, aka the one that our Fire Emblem: Awakening takes place in.

The mark disappears from the Avatar's hand because Grima is gone for good, but Grima could only have been killed off for good in one timeline: the timeline in which the Child Character's intervene. And they only began to come to the present after Chrom found the Avatar (Laurent aside), so it's not like they could change the Avatar's role as the vessel of Grima.

Unless Miriel's miracle invention was tattoo removal, it should be impossible for there to be any other avatars that are missing their Mark of Grima.

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Hmm...so, I'm the only who thinks that there is a posibility that the Avatar reverts to who they were just before Grimas shenanigans caused them to lose their memory huh? I guess I didn't explain it well...go figure what happens when its late. And time travel is a pain.

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Hmm...so, I'm the only who thinks that there is a posibility that the Avatar reverts to who they were just before Grimas shenanigans caused them to lose their memory huh? I guess I didn't explain it well...go figure what happens when its late. And time travel is a pain.

If that were the case, the Avatar should still have the mark of Grima, but because they don't seem to, it is far more likely that, as seems to be the case in many games, that small 0.0001% chance of a miracle happened.

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