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[FE7 LA] Quintessence vs. Darrman


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A battle between Quintessence and Darrman has begun!
FE7, Averages Meta, Boosters (now including Afa's Drops)

TEAM | Quintessence | [0-49]

TEAM | Darrman | [50-99]

Lyn	55	23	29	30	30	15	18	8	73	90	14	Blade Lord	
Kent	54	24	26	24	12	19	14	13	58	60	13	Paladin (M)	
Rath	54	25	27	30	17	15	15	9	62	77	13	Nmd Trooper (M)	
Eliwood	59	24	26	24	24	17	18	9	64	72	13	Knight Lord	
Fiora	55	21	25	28	16	16	25	6	58	72	12	Falcoknight	
Raven	60	25	30	26	18	19	11	9	69	70	15	Hero (M)	
Lucius	41	25	26	24	11	8	30	9	57	59	13	Bishop (M)	
Prissy	42	22	24	25	30	10	28	7	63	80	12	Valkyrie	
Guy	60	23	29	30	23	17	15	6	69	83	14	Swordmaster (M)	
Matthew	56	18	21	30	21	16	9	7	52	81	10	Assassin	

Darrman goes first!

Edited by Elieson
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Elie those stats are just a mess :(

Also, Darrman you were serious about copying my team!

Edit: yeah elie, stats are terrible :facepalm:

There, that should be correct. I accidentally set every single unit to use the same unit's Boosters, rather than their individually assigned ones. oops

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Turn 1

Darrman's Guy@Wo Dao attacks Quintessence's Lyn@Rienfleche!
cej3.png vs. ev0z.png
Guy attacks!
19 DMG 1x | 57 HIT | 34 CRT
[41] [60] | [27]
Lyn takes 55 damage!


Quintessence's Lyn has been felled.

It is now Quintessence's turn.

60/60  Raven
41/41  Lucius
42/42  Priscilla
60/60  Guy
56/56  Matthew
0/55  Lyn
54/54  Kent
54/54  Rath
59/59  Eliwood
55/55  Fiora
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[23+8+(Support Bonus)] Mt - [15+(SupportBonus)] Def = 16 before Supports

[(29*2)+(23/2)+75+5+(Support Bonus)+(Y/N Emblem Seal)] Acc - [(30*2)+30+(Support Bonus)+(Y/N Emblem Seal) Avo = 59 before Supports and Emblem Seal checks

[(29/2)+15+35+5+(Support Bonus)] Crt - [30+(Support Bonus)] Cev = 39 before Supports and Iron Rune check

S-rank doesn't increase MT, just HIT/CRT

The Combination of Supports and Emblem Seal's potential existence account for for +Atk/-Def, +Hit/-Avo and +Crt/-Cev need to equal +3/-2/-5 after math'ing it out.

You guys can use your imagination to fill in the blanks on Support/Seal

Edited by Elieson
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Turn 2

Quintessence's Kent@Swordslayer attacks Darrman's Guy@Wo Dao!
tgnp.png vs. dslb.png
Kent attacks!
49 DMG 1x | 82 HIT | 0 CRT
[11] [10] | [93]
Guy takes 49 damage!

Guy counterattacks!
13 DMG 2x | 72 HIT | 0 CRT
[60] [93] | [11]
Kent takes 0 damage!

Guy doubles!
[19] [50] | [81]
Kent takes 13 damage!


It is now Darrman's turn.

60/60  Raven
41/41  Lucius
42/42  Priscilla
11/60  Guy
56/56  Matthew
0/55  Lyn
41/54  Kent
54/54  Rath
59/59  Eliwood
55/55  Fiora
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oops. I did account for the +5 Crt in my math, i just forgot to show it. Hurpderp

Turn 3

Darrman's Matthew@Killing Edge attacks Quintessence's Rath@Killer Bow!
0err.png vs. nfz.png
Matthew attacks!
15 DMG 1x | 70 HIT | 43 CRT
[97] [5] | [19]
Rath takes 45 damage!
[69] Lethality doesn't activate.

It is now Quintessence's turn.

60/60  Raven
41/41  Lucius
42/42  Priscilla
11/60  Guy
56/56  Matthew
0/55  Lyn
41/54  Kent
9/54  Rath
59/59  Eliwood
55/55  Fiora
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Revenge, obviously!

Turn 4

Quintessence's Kent@Swordslayer attacks Darrman's Guy@Wo Dao!
tgnp.png vs. dslb.png
Kent attacks!
49 DMG 1x | 82 HIT | 0 CRT
[98] [36] | [13]
Guy takes 11 damage!


Darrman's Guy has been felled.

It is now Darrman's turn.

60/60  Raven
41/41  Lucius
42/42  Priscilla
0/60  Guy
56/56  Matthew
0/55  Lyn
41/54  Kent
9/54  Rath
59/59  Eliwood
55/55  Fiora
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Lucius, unleash Aureola's power on Kent! He has Iron Rune so no Luce bombing, so take Aureola's slightly lighter weight to try to stop Kent from wrecking my remaining swordusers!

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This'll hurt

Turn 5

Darrman's Lucius@Aureola attacks Quintessence's Kent@Swordslayer!
mwm6.png vs. tntf.png
Lucius attacks!
28 DMG 1x | 100 HIT | 0 CRT
[84] [89] | [28]
Kent takes 28 damage!

Kent counterattacks!
26 DMG 2x | 89 HIT | 0 CRT
[33] [11] | [32]
Lucius takes 26 damage!

Kent doubles!
[4] [69] | [22]
Lucius takes 15 damage!


Darrman's Lucius has been felled.

It is now Quintessence's turn.

60/60  Raven
0/41  Lucius
42/42  Priscilla
0/60  Guy
56/56  Matthew
0/55  Lyn
13/54  Kent
9/54  Rath
59/59  Eliwood
55/55  Fiora
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Prepare for Maximum Overrekt

Turn 6

Quintessence's Kent@Swordslayer attacks Darrman's Raven@Lancereaver!
tgnp.png vs. 3pjr.png
Kent attacks!
37 DMG 1x | 55 HIT | 0 CRT
[89] [63] | [96]
Raven takes 0 damage!

Raven counterattacks!
16 DMG 1x | 100 HIT | 0 CRT
[63] [14] | [53]
Kent takes 13 damage!


Quintessence's Kent has been felled.

It is now Darrman's turn.

60/60  Raven
0/41  Lucius
42/42  Priscilla
0/60  Guy
56/56  Matthew
0/55  Lyn
0/54  Kent
9/54  Rath
59/59  Eliwood
55/55  Fiora
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