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[FE7 LA] Quintessence vs. Darrman


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Turn 7

Darrman's Raven@Lancereaver attacks Quintessence's Rath@Killer Bow!
jc51.png vs. nfz.png
Raven attacks!
20 DMG 1x | 82 HIT | 13 CRT
[14] [11] | [2]
Rath takes 9 damage!


Quintessence's Rath has been felled.

It is now Quintessence's turn.

60/60  Raven
0/41  Lucius
42/42  Priscilla
0/60  Guy
56/56  Matthew
0/55  Lyn
0/54  Kent
0/54  Rath
59/59  Eliwood
55/55  Fiora
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i just

Turn 8

Quintessence's Fiora@Killing Edge attacks Darrman's Priscilla@Thunder!

lmnd.png vs. ago8.png


Fiora attacks!

21 DMG 1x | 53 HIT | 7 CRT

[39] [22] | [45]

Priscilla takes 21 damage!


Priscilla counterattacks!

5 DMG 1x | 83 HIT | 1 CRT

[86] [98] | [0]

Fiora takes 0 damage!


It is now Darrman's turn.

60/60  Raven
0/41  Lucius
21/42  Priscilla
0/60  Guy
56/56  Matthew
0/55  Lyn
0/54  Kent
0/54  Rath
59/59  Eliwood
55/55  Fiora
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Turn 9

Darrman's Matthew@Killing Edge attacks Quintessence's Eliwood@Regal Blade!
0err.png vs. dln7.png
Matthew attacks!
9 DMG 2x | 55 HIT | 11 CRT
[45] [50] | [77]
Eliwood takes 9 damage!

Eliwood counterattacks!
30 DMG 1x | 78 HIT | 2 CRT
[42] [73] | [59]
Matthew takes 30 damage!

Matthew attacks again!
[31] [51] | [38]
Eliwood takes 9 damage!


It is now Quintessence's turn.

60/60  Raven
0/41  Lucius
21/42  Priscilla
0/60  Guy
26/56  Matthew
0/55  Lyn
0/54  Kent
0/54  Rath
41/59  Eliwood
55/55  Fiora
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Turn 10

Quintessence's Eliwood@Regal Blade attacks Darrman's Matthew@Killing Edge!
d3zy.png vs. wld4.png
Eliwood attacks!
30 DMG 1x | 78 HIT | 2 CRT
[75] [68] | [83]
Matthew takes 26 damage!


Darrman's Matthew has been felled.

It is now Darrman's turn.

60/60  Raven
0/41  Lucius
21/42  Priscilla
0/60  Guy
0/56  Matthew
0/55  Lyn
0/54  Kent
0/54  Rath
41/59  Eliwood
55/55  Fiora
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Turn 11

Darrman's Raven@Regal Blade attacks Quintessence's Eliwood@Regal Blade!
jc51.png vs. dln7.png
Raven attacks!
28 DMG 1x | 92 HIT | 0 CRT
[62] [44] | [39]
Eliwood takes 28 damage!

Eliwood counterattacks!
26 DMG 1x | 84 HIT | 0 CRT
[47] [31] | [91]
Raven takes 26 damage!


It is now Quintessence's turn.

34/60  Raven
0/41  Lucius
21/42  Priscilla
0/60  Guy
0/56  Matthew
0/55  Lyn
0/54  Kent
0/54  Rath
13/59  Eliwood
55/55  Fiora
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All the good RNs ran out!

Turn 12

Quintessence's Eliwood@Killer Lance attacks Darrman's Raven@Regal Blade!
d3zy.png vs. 3pjr.png
Eliwood attacks!
17 DMG 1x | 79 HIT | 20 CRT
[52] [11] | [27]
Raven takes 17 damage!

Raven counterattacks!
27 DMG 1x | 77 HIT | 0 CRT
[94] [44] | [67]
Eliwood takes 13 damage!


Quintessence's Eliwood has been felled.

It is now Darrman's turn.

17/60  Raven
0/41  Lucius
21/42  Priscilla
0/60  Guy
0/56  Matthew
0/55  Lyn
0/54  Kent
0/54  Rath
0/59  Eliwood
55/55  Fiora
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Turn 13

Darrman's Raven@Regal Blade attacks Quintessence's Fiora@Killing Edge!
jc51.png vs. k3dp.png
Raven attacks!
30 DMG 1x | 99 HIT | 9 CRT
[8] [11] | [24]
Fiora takes 30 damage!

Fiora counterattacks!
10 DMG 1x | 58 HIT | 14 CRT
[17] [91] | [78]
Raven takes 10 damage!


It is now Quintessence's turn.

7/60  Raven
0/41  Lucius
21/42  Priscilla
0/60  Guy
0/56  Matthew
0/55  Lyn
0/54  Kent
0/54  Rath
0/59  Eliwood
25/55  Fiora
Edited by Elieson
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Turn 14

Quintessence's Fiora@Silver Lance attacks Darrman's Raven@Regal Blade!
lmnd.png vs. 3pjr.png
Fiora attacks!
16 DMG 1x | 78 HIT | 0 CRT
[21] [68] | [92]
Raven takes 7 damage!


Darrman's Raven has been felled. One ginger remains!

It is now Darrman's turn.

0/60  Raven
0/41  Lucius
21/42  Priscilla
0/60  Guy
0/56  Matthew
0/55  Lyn
0/54  Kent
0/54  Rath
0/59  Eliwood
25/55  Fiora
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Darrman's Priscilla@Excalibur attacks Quintessence's Fiora@Silver Lance!
6ox0.png vs. k3dp.png
Priscilla attacks!
15 DMG 1x | 94 HIT | 11 CRT

[85] [36] | [86]
Fiora takes 15 damage!

Fiora counterattacks!
25 DMG 2x | 70 HIT | 0 CRT
[2] [73] | [69]
Priscilla takes 21 damage!


Darrman's Priscilla has been felled.

It is now Quintessence's turn to brag in the winner's corner!

0/60  Raven
0/41  Lucius
0/42  Priscilla
0/60  Guy
0/56  Matthew
0/55  Lyn
0/54  Kent
0/54  Rath
0/59  Eliwood
10/55  Fiora
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Hahha omg elie you made me suffer with that spoiler tag. Thank you very much for the hosting!

GG Darrman, tight match! Things are even now :P:. Although I'm sad Lyn got blickrekt first turn and I wanted to show some Dodge Hax but nope!

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GG Quint. Can we all agree that no-one should ever use Priscilla in an FE7 match ever again? Her combat is rather sub-par. GL in the LA finals!

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