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Back of a Pair Up Male Robin?


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So I was planning my final awakening play through before Fates comes out when I realized I had paired up all of my possible mothers, on paper. So I decided to do a 3rd Gen Morgan. I also decided that my Male Robin is going to be a full support, back of pair up, unit. So I ask of you all what should his Asset/Flaw, skill set, and final class be if he marries Donnel!Kjelle (General) or Lon'qu!Severa (Sorcerer)?

Thank ye!

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Since Robin's going to be a full-time rear/support unit, you can go with the Defense flaw since he should have no risk of being damaged at all as he wouldn't be taking the lead; plus, the Defense flaw is the only flaw doesn't lower both Speed and offense, making it the best for maximizing damage output. Asset depends on what you need though it pretty much comes down to Strength, Magic or Speed (I'd go with Speed to make 3rd gen. Morgan blazing fast), which really works great with Lon'qu!Severa.

The stat mods for Lon'qu!Severa!(+Spd/-Def)Morgan would be: +2 Str, +0 Mag, +8 Skl, +10 Spd, -1 Lck, -4 Def, -3 Res

For Robin's skillset, it should consist of the following:

-Limit Break


-(Relevant weapon)faire(s)

The 1-2 remaining skillslots should include any of the following: All Stats +2, Hit Rate +20, (Weapon)breaker, Hex, Anathema, Strength +2 (if All Stats +2 is already equipped), Magic +2 (if All Stats +2 is already equipped), Armsthrift (if you don't want Robin breaking his weapons)

Robin should be using (forged) Brave weapons as a hard support.

And yeah, Lon'qu!Severa is best suited for a physical class rather than a magical one. Hero would be my preferred class for her as it has good Strength (better than Falcon Knight's), Skill (better than Wyvern Lord's) and Speed (better than Wyvern Lord's).

Edited by Roflolxp54
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