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Awakening newby needing abit of help!


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Hello there im KaoS and i just purchased Awakening not too long ago (I know im late to the party)

Playing the game and im kinda a min/max kinda guy so my questions are basicly the following,

1: What makes a good pairing and why ?

2: Are the stat modifiers tied to the character itself of the class that character is in before getting married ?

3: If each class has 2 skills and a character has 3 classes + 6 evolutions, am i right to assume that each character has 18 skills ?

4: Whats the Meta for both Streetpass and Lunatic+ and DLC ?

5: A little list of optimal pairings just to give me a idea would be awsome.

Thanks alot for your time, its really helpful and sorry for my English!


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I'm a bit rusty since I haven't been doing this for a while, but...

1. See #4.

2. They're completely independent of the unit's class, and are all listed here.

3. More or less. But some characters have base classes with only one promotion, and others have two base classes that share a promotion, so most have fewer (Libra has the fewest, at 12). And children typically have a lot more.

4a. Streetpass has no meta since it's impossible to make a team that can stand a chance against someone properly prepared. The best you can do is to slaughter people who aren't prepared, which is usually done through Lethality spam or 1-range Counter spam. I'm running 10x +Str/-Def Avatar-M@Warrior/Hero/General/Wyvern (LB/Agg/Ignis/Luna/Counter) with +3/25 forged 1-range Braves, and anyone who ends in my range is basically guaranteed to be dead on EP.

4b. There are several ways to handle Lunatic+, all of which begin with stuffing Robin to Lv.7/8 in the Prologue, storming Cht.1, 2 and the bottom left of 3 with Player Phase Offense, and then turtling the rest of Cht.3. The three dominant non-grinding strats from there are to pull a Robin/Chrom solo, using forged Thunders to attempt to OHKO threats, spam Bow users (since they can't counterattack at 1 range, they're completely immune to Counter and tend not to take as many EP fights), and to get both Sumia and Cordelia to Lv.20->15 Dark Fliers (extremely tight, but reliably doable- promote Sumia 3-5 levels early if you're running late), married to Chrom and Robin, in time to get four GF passdowns, then reclass them to Falcos and crush the rest of the game through superior offense. If you want to see the first strategy in action, you should check here at 7:00 PM PST. No matter which way you go, a +Spd asset gives you the most power if you know what you're doing, +Def hurts the least if you don't, and -Skl and -Lck are both common flaws: they make you a bit more prone to bad RNG, but leave you alone in the long run.

4c. Secret Apotheosis is the main map people care about optimizing for. It allows 20 units to be deployed, and the two main ways to do it are to bring 7 child pairs (Robin marries a child), two Rallybots, Chrom and his wife, and either two Staffbots or a Dancer, or to bring a smaller number of child pairs (usually 2-5 pairs), pairing Robin either 1st gen with Sumia/Cordelia or 2nd gen, and then use the remaining space for more staffbots (and possibly a third Rallybot, if you want to make extremely tight strategies). Regardless of which template you use for fielding units, children all tend to want the same things: girls with GF want LB/GF/Faire/Proc/Proc (Procs being Aether, Astra, Luna, Ignis, and Vengeance- never stack Vengeance with another, and always have at least one with a trigger rate at Skl% or better), boys with GF want LB/Agg/Proc/Faire/GF, boys without GF want LB/Agg/Faire/All+2/+Hit (Hit+20 works best, Hex/Anathema are good too), and Nah/Non-GF Noire do whatever they want. Lucina swaps her Faire for DSt+, and girls using Vengeance/GF typically use All+2 as their last skill. Second comes class and pairing choice: your combination of stat mods, class, support class, weapon forge and optional All+2 want to hit a few important thresholds. 75 Spd will allow you to double anything in the map (moderately easy to hit without making sacrifices); while 69 is the next step down, letting you double all but three units and being very easy to hit. Never drop below 60 Spd or you'll start missing doubles on non-boss enemies. Next is 220 Hit, which gives you 100% listed Hit on all non-boss enemies (you'll need 257 or so to get 100% on everything, don't remember the exact number). The former is very easy to hit, the latter takes a bit of work and isn't always worth it. Finally, 160 combined Skl on the lead and support units gives you 100% Dual Strike with an S support and no DSt+, which is very difficult to hit unless you're specifically aiming for it above all else (with very few exceptions, you can't get it period while sticking to the above skill outlines). Don't try to go for it too much, but having one or two pairs with it is useful (you'll always have Chrom and Lucina, but another doesn't hurt).

5. Chrom x Sumia/Maribelle/Olivia

Avatar-M x Chrom!Cynthia/Sumia!Lucina > Maribelle/Olivia!Lucina > Severa/Kjelle/Cynthia > Sumia/Cordelia > others

Lissa x Stahl/Ricken/Libra/Henry

Sully x Gaius/Donnel

Miriel x Stahl/Lon'qu/Ricken/Gregor

Sumia x Chrom/Henry

Maribelle x Chrom/Virion/Lon'qu/Ricken/Libra/Henry

Panne x Fred/Virion/Vaike/Stahl/Lon'qu/Gregor/Libra/Henry

Cordelia x Virion/Vaike/Stahl/Lon'qu/Ricken

Nowi x Vaike/Stahl/Ricken/Gregor/Henry

Tharja x Fred/Vaike/Lon'qu/Ricken/Gaius/Donnel

Olivia x Chrom/Fred/Stahl/Ricken/Libra/Henry

Cherche x Virion/Vaike/Stahl/Ricken/Gregor/Henry

There you go. That list covers parent pairings for postgame/Apo and is from memory so it changes a little every time. Just because something's on it doesn't automatically make it good, just because it's not on it doesn't automatically make it bad, but it's a good place to start. Kellam being missing isn't a joke, he's really that bad. In terms of Robin fathering 2nd gen children, Severa gets the awesomest with him as her dad, Nah sees the greatest increase over other fathers, and Owain strikes a balance between the two. Asset/Flaw typically involves -Def, with +Spd and +Mag popular assets and +Str/+Skl good as well.

People here are pretty cool with nonnative English speakers, but if you're self-conscious about it you can always set your Location in your user profile to somewhere really exotic.

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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1. What mode are you playing? If you're on Normal, then go with whoever has the best hair or something. You can throw people together on Hard, too, and it'll probably work. Lunatic requires planning, as in "what do I need this kid to do?"-type planning. Unless you have something specific in mind, it doesn't matter.

2. Every class has its own caps. These are further modified by a character's personal modifies. For example, a Great Knight has a Strength cap of 48. However, Frederick has a personal +2 Strength cap modifier, so if you manage to get him to cap Strength, he'll end up with 50 Strength. Negative modifiers also exist!

3. No. Some classes don't promote (like the DLC ones, or a certain kid with a pot on his head), at least two only have one promotion, and most promotions have two options. HOWEVER, nothing stops a character from having overlapping promotion options. Frederick's base classes are Cavalier, Knight, and Wyvern Rider. Cavalier can promote to Paladin or Great Knight. Knight can promote to General or Great Knight. Wyvern Rider can promote to Wyvern Lord or Griffon Knight. Thus, Frederick has three base classes and five promoted classes total.

4. Streetpass - not sure, but with enough patience, your team WILL be defeated, because the AI's bad like that. For Lunatic+, check out the Lunatic+ guide on the boards. For DLC, there's a bunch of Apotheosis topics, and beating it (even the Secret Path) is gravy.

5. Robin x anyone.

EDIT: I thought Kid with Pot had the least amount of options? Libra's got Priest, Mage, Dark Mage, War Priest, Sage, That Mounted Thing, and Sorcerer?

Edited by eclipse
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Posted · Hidden by Ϲharlie, September 4, 2015 - spam
Hidden by Ϲharlie, September 4, 2015 - spam


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1. F!Robin/Donnel

I'd argue that it's not the best pair, Donnel passes down Peg Knight to daughters which is a very useful skill (being able to move twice in one turn should you kill an enemy is extremely useful). Trobadour isn't as useful but it's still worth bringing attention to. Donnel works best as a father for someone who doesn't have it naturally (Morgan will most likely inherit it from FMU, and only offers Apttitude which is pretty useless at stat cap) such as Sully's child, Tharja's child and Nowi's child. Sully's child works best for it, Renewal really helps her from War Cleric and Dual Support+ can make her a good supporting unit. That's only my opinion though I've just always found Donnel x FMU to not be as useful as others, it can still work yes but Donnel works best with other parents.

If you can get through the awful FMU x Chrom supports that gives some pretty good children, and it's the only way for FMU to have two children.

Though as Eclipse said if you're on Normal or Hard you can get away with any pairing, nothing is truly awful, it's just a case of having something a bit better than something else.

Hopefully that was helpful, if I've made any mistakes just point them out. I'm only human after all.

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Hopefully that was helpful, if I've made any mistakes just point them out. I'm only human after all.

It's a bit more complicated than that, but you've got the right idea. Robin x Donnel is usually going to be a massive loss of opportunity, but there are technically times where it could be wise- such as if Chrom married Maiden and everyone else save for Donnel is dead- so I wanted to hear Gardevoir out (seeing as he didn't say when it would be useful).

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  • 3 weeks later...

1: In all honesty, I think it's based off the rating of the character

It's kinda shitty when you're going against a fighter will a higher rating because it lowers down your accuracy and avoid

2: Probably to the character- that was a pretty tough question wow

3: Yes

4: Galeforce, Limit breaker, vantage, pavise/aegis

5: Oh gosh I tried doing pairing just for ratings but I learned that it's funner when you do it based off the support/childs hair color

Personally, my favorites are-

-Chrom x Sumia (Bc Lucina and Cynthia are adorable as sisters)

-Chrom x Maribelle (Maribelle and Lissa are now sisters :^) )

-Henry x Nowi

-Frederick x Cherche

-Virion x Corderlia (Severa gets really shittastic status but you'll get a Hatsune Miku Severa! :D )

-Henry x Lissa

-Lon'qu x Sully

-Panne x Libra

-Libra x Olivia

-Cynthia x Morgan (Their supports are SO adorable ahhhh)

Edited by ohmyhylia
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1: In all honesty, I think it's based off the rating of the character

It's kinda shitty when you're going against a fighter will a higher rating because it lowers down your accuracy and avoid

Hit/Avo have nothing to do with Rating (which isn't even a stat- it's the total of all your non-HP stats, and is completely useless for combat purposes). A unit's base Hit is (3 * Skl + Lck) / 2, and on top of that you add the weapon's Hit, bonuses from skills, the weapon rank bonus and any weapon triangle boosts, and the adjacency bonus. Avo is calculated the same way, except there's no bonuses relating to weapons or the weapon triangle, and it's calculated from Spd instead of Skl.

But that doesn't have anything to do with what makes a good pairing...

2: Probably to the character- that was a pretty tough question wow

Yes, they're tied to the character.

3: Yes

No they don't. Some units have base classes with only one promotion, and others have two base classes that promote into the same thing, both of which lower the amount of available skills.

4: Galeforce, Limit breaker, vantage, pavise/aegis

None of those save LB will help you in Streetpass, but Streetpass is a lost cause anyway. PavGis won't help much in Apo either, because you should never enter a battle where bad RNG could kill you and you can always heal to full immediately after a battle with Fortify so cutting nonlethal damage isn't useful.

5: -Virion x Corderlia (Severa gets really shittastic status but you'll get a Hatsune Miku Severa! :D )

Actually, Virion!Severa's stats are some of the best in the game. Have you seen her +2/5/5 Str/Skl/Spd?

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