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Pokemon GO will be the death of all of us.


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"WOAH where did you get that Salamence? I can't find one anywhere!"

"oh yeah I got it at uh, Denali"

[later that afternoon]

"hey mom can we fly up to alaska tomorrow"

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The virtual reality is taking over. Soon, reality will cease to exist.

Metal Gear Solid 2 much, huh?

"WOAH where did you get that Salamence? I can't find one anywhere!"

"oh yeah I got it at uh, Denali"

[later that afternoon]

"hey mom can we fly up to alaska tomorrow"

Hahaha, win post!

what do you mean? This is going to be the single greatest thing ever!

Indeed, it could be!

Really, these Nintendo freaks never stop amazing me. Really!

This is going ot be pretty awesome to be honest! Can yo imagine the TON of people will be attracted to this incredible idea!? :D

Oh, I know already that there were a couple of games using this kind of reality simulation advice. But this applied with Pokemon and a little of innovation on their own ... Nintendo gonna swim in money, can tell ya.

Just hoping they don't get too addicted to it after all, and could even make better production for the video game consoles. This could totally rise a better popularity for Nintendo and all ...

And to think this could happen like right now ... soon, I mean. In 2016.

Anyone remember this Google's April fools joke? x'D

Edited by Erdall
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