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Is it strange to enjoy Fire Emblem, but not other SRPGs?


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I tried playing Final Fantasy Tactics and Tactics Ogre in the past, but for some reason they couldn't catch my interest unlike Fire Emblem. This may be a personal thing but I am not fond of the isometric view (it made the controls awkward for me, I find Fire Emblem games to be a little more streamlined in comparison. Not only that but the premise and permadeath factor of FE interest me. Does anyone feel the same?

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Yeah I feel the same exact way. I've never tried Tactics Ogre but I have tried Final Fantasy Tactics and it was okay but I just couldn't really get into it like Fire Emblem games. But yeah I think a lot of Fire Emblem fans feel the same way.

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if you're used to the way just one entry in a genre works, it makes sense that you'd have problems getting into others. i mean, i've fallen victim to this myself with platformers; i'm so used to kirby and crash bandicoot that things like mario and sonic just feel weird in comparison. i'd still absolutely recommend that you keep trying others, though

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I've never really got into other SRPGs, and I dunno why really. I haven't really explored much in the genre, X-COM intimidates me with all the micromanaging, and I stopped playing Pokemon conquest because my entire army was underleveled and I don't feel like restarting. Haven't played FF Tactics or Tactics Ogre, and I might get to them one day, but I have a lot of games in my backlog of higher priority.

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I know what you mean but the Genre is growing on me. They don't feel cluttered so much as really slow paced in comparison, because FE has an attack-counterattack system with distinct player/enemy phases.

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I'd personally recommend trying out The Banner Saga. The turn structure is still different, but the calculable combat mechanics are there and that's - in my book - the most appealing quality any SRPG can have (and I've also had a somewhat difficult time to get into SRPGs where such is not the case, in the past).

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Hmm, I find this curious. I played Final Fantasy Tactics and a couple other SRPGs before Fire Emblem and I like them all.

As someone else mentioned, Super Robot Wars is probably one of the closest to Fire Emblem in terms of gameplay (the view, the battle cut ins, the turn phases and attacking/counter attacking), although the setting is completely different.
Have you ever tried Advance Wars?

Anyway, we all got different tastes, so I wouldn't call it strange. Fire Emblem definitely has its appeal and it all comes down to what you enjoy about it. FFT and Tactics Ogre are very similar to each other, so it's definitely worth trying out other types of SRPGs and seeing if it's really the rest of the genre that you dislike or just the ones like FFT.

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I like Final Fantasy Tactics, but Fire Emblem is just lightyears ahead when it comes to user interface and gameplay. FFT has a great story, but the mechanics can feel clunky as hell, and the camera doesn't help. Because of that, I have a difficult time getting into similar SRPG's like Tactics Ogore or whatever.

But SMT Devil Survivor is a fantastic SRPG series. If anything, I prefer it to Awakening, because it actually an RPG feel to it, with dialogue options and multiple story routes.

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For the most part, it's usually because the whole 'each unit takes their turn separately" is rarely strategic or interesting. This is the one thing that makes Shining Force inferior too (IMO).

Disgaea is one exception but it's a sandbox game, not a real SRPG.

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Final Fantasy Tactics is just so goddamn slow. That's a thing it hsare with Tactics Ogre (the original, at least).

And in the FFTA and Tactics Ogre game, each ennemy takes forever to kill, since they are of equal power to your units, so it's a different experience.

It's not as immediately enjoyable as FE can be

For the most part, it's usually because the whole 'each unit takes their turn separately" is rarely strategic or interesting. This is the one thing that makes Shining Force inferior too (IMO).

Disgaea is one exception but it's a sandbox game, not a real SRPG.

It gives more value to speed compared to the other stats. Shining Force is OK. It's nearly not as complex as FE, but for some quick fun, it's good.

And SF makes Archers far more relevant than FE does. Being able to hit from 3 range for all promoted class, and the usual position of the Final Boss.

Phantom Brave was also really speed based (in the end, I just had Marona destroy all the ennemies with weeds, before they can ever act, and Ash finish the Boss...)

Disgaea is pretty interresting, but tend to lose some strategic interest in profit of big numbers later on...
Despite its flashy look, many maps exploit the battle pretty well, notably with the helps of Geo Blocks (X-Dimensions Maps are puzzles you have to solve.)

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Disgaea would be good if A) There was a level cap per chapter and in the post game, you unlock further level caps when beating content (Maybe even dynamic leveling where if a unit is above the level cap, they are auto-leveled to the map's content) and B) Defensive stats are way more useful and generally rebalancing to how much damage is taken. The damage formulae for skills is ridiculous.

Then double or triple EXP gain because being capped would not make that matter, and just make the game less grind-y. This would mean being bale to play through the story without having to grind, and also stopping you from low-manning due to the cap.

It would honestly fix the series IMO.

My exactly same principles apply to Pokemon. Disgaea is like the SRPG version.

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The only other strategy game I like was indeed FF Tactics, though not because the gameplay was so good. I just liked its look and some of the characters. Advance Wars, I didn't like. I prefer medieval settings and definitely wouldn't play a Fire Emblem with guns, tanks and other stuff.

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My exactly same principles apply to Pokemon. Disgaea is like the SRPG version.

If you can't beat Pokemon without grinding, I don't know what to tell you. Increasing EXP gain would not stop lowmanning lol.

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If you can't beat Pokemon without grinding, I don't know what to tell you. Increasing EXP gain would not stop lowmanning lol.

I think they might be referring to grinding mons for competitive reasons.

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Honestly, I'd be inclined to agree then (I mean, post game grinding in Pokemon is pretty fucking tedious) but

Then double or triple EXP gain because being capped would not make that matter, and just make the game less grind-y. This would mean being bale to play through the story without having to grind, and also stopping you from low-manning due to the cap.

My exactly same principles apply to Pokemon. Disgaea is like the SRPG version.

This implies otherwise? Either way, a Disgaea/Pokemon comparison fails on so many levels that it's not even funny.

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This implies otherwise? Either way, a Disgaea/Pokemon comparison fails on so many levels that it's not even funny.

You're obviously completely missing my point if you've bothered to say this.

In context of what I was talking about yes it is.

Grinding trivialises the entire game if it wasn't easy enough. With Pokemon the lack of level cap means low manning is best.

Same with Disgaea. Either you A) Low-man with an overleveled dude and destroy everything or B) Grind to make a full team good/balanced.

The way balance is handled is more or less the exact same.

A) Adding a level cap and B) giving more EXP is the way both games would be better off for. Then there is zero incentive to low-man the game.

FE could honestly get away with doing it to. Give 0 EXP if you are 2 or 3 more levels higher than the enemy. But increase standard EXP received.

Awakening would be so much more interesting with that.

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You're obviously completely missing my point if you've bothered to say this.

In context of what I was talking about yes it is.

Grinding trivialises the entire game if it wasn't easy enough. With Pokemon the lack of level cap means low manning is best.

Same with Disgaea. Either you A) Low-man with an overleveled dude and destroy everything or B) Grind to make a full team good/balanced.

The way balance is handled is more or less the exact same.

A) Adding a level cap and B) giving more EXP is the way both games would be better off for. Then there is zero incentive to low-man the game.

FE could honestly get away with doing it to. Give 0 EXP if you are 2 or 3 more levels higher than the enemy. But increase standard EXP received.

Awakening would be so much more interesting with that.

To be honest, I kind of did. My bad.

I don't know about Disgaea, but I liked the Gen 5 games' EXP curve because it greatly increased when you were a lower level and greatly reduced when you were a higher level. Probably not as harsh as you'd like but that's the best you're going to get with Pokemon.

It'd be pretty interesting to see how FE worked with harsher EXP restrictions but I feel like that would just encourage a lot of newer players to buy DLC.

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Advance Wars isn't really an RPG though, if non-RPG turn-based strategy games are included, I like the Civilization series.

Civilization is nothing like Advance Wars, though. It's difficult to conceive of turn-based strategy games that are more opposite in style.

Advance Wars certainly has far more in common with Fire Emblem than with Civilization. You could argue that it even has more in common with FE than FE does with Final Fantasy Tactics.

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