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Disney's "Splatoon" game

Water Mage

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Wow they could have at least made a location that was totally different to anything in Splatoon. Also its called squid wars but is there anything even squid like in that Ashoka video?

Davy Jones, pffffffff, hahaha!

To use him as an excuse ... nah, seriously, these guys sucks, even if they do that as 'legitimate defense', I wouldn't be surprised.

They at least shall recognize this wholly incredible masquerade or they will get under zero Nintendo customers for a loooong time ... more or less.

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Another way of looking at this is that gamers that don't have a wiiU or minecraft but can play Disney infinity can give Splatoon a try, good and bad imitators were always inevitable. Though the shooting mechanics are totally unacceptable to a splatoon player even if walls count.

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What the F**k!? Disney has no shame, does it? The greedy d*****ds... I b****y well hope that Nintendo slap a C&D on those w*****rs...

Couldn't they even have used another animal rather than squids? lol

nintendo fanboy 12 years old me would be so mad at this he'd boycott disney

That's what I have been doing for the last couple of years, but I was slowly ending the boycott... Well, I guess I'll be boycotting Disney for a while longer.

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I think Disney could survive losing a select number of Splatoon fans and not feel it on their sales at all. As long as they have Frozen, Marvel, Pixar, Pirates and Star Wars, and all associated merchandise, they can probably survive all of Nintendo's fanbase boycotting them and still turn enough profit at the end of the year to make a dozen more bad remakes of good animated features.

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Two things that defined my childhood are Nintendo and Disney. Now to see one blatantly steal from the other...that just really makes me mad. I don't want to side with either one of them, I always loved both. Sure, both have made weirdass decisions in more recent times, but they've also still made great stuff at the same time.

Still, I have to admit that it would probably be best for Nintendo to take this to court, as this is still theft and that's wrong. Disney is huge, but so is Nintendo. They're practically parallels of each other. I think Mario can take on Mickey Mouse.

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Two things that defined my childhood are Nintendo and Disney. Now to see one blatantly steal from the other...that just really makes me mad. I don't want to side with either one of them, I always loved both. Sure, both have made weirdass decisions in more recent times, but they've also still made great stuff at the same time.

Still, I have to admit that it would probably be best for Nintendo to take this to court, as this is still theft and that's wrong. Disney is huge, but so is Nintendo. They're practically parallels of each other. I think Mario can take on Mickey Mouse.

I want to see Mario take on Mickey Mouse.

I think what's a bigger slap to Nintendo with this is that Disney Infinity is on the Wii U too.

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This is hilariously stupid and kinda frustrating because these dipshits are going to get away with it anyway.

Calling it "Squid Wars" and having a shitty Arowana Mall ain't even subtle,either.There's just asking for a lawsuit.

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Something just hit me,

They called it squid wars, used Davy Jones as "mascot" of sorts, used like ink, turf and squid, and even used squid puns which Splatoon is know for.

Did Disney seriously thought that people would't notice?

I still love Disney, but man...

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>squiddiest kid on the block


Anyone who's heard anything about Splatoon (and those commercials) would definitely notice the reference.

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lmfao really easy to see in this thread who are the huge ass Nintendo fanboys. Calling for lawsuits oh wow lol It's just an homage jeez who cares

An homage is something that references something else while still having its own identity, this is a rip-off, lets not confuse the two. But yeah, a lawsuit would be ultimately pointless and trivial, especially since this is just a game mode in a large game series.

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lmfao really easy to see in this thread who are the huge ass Nintendo fanboys. Calling for lawsuits oh wow lol It's just an homage jeez who cares

It's not quite like that.

First, if the situation was reversed, and it was Nintendo copying stuff from Disney, most people in this thread would think that Disney should sue Nintendo, just like they're saying Nintendo should sue Disney. While I don't a lawsuit is the best thing for this, Nintendo should at least issue a Cease&Desist warning.

Second, if it were a homage, they should have said it was homage, but at no point they mention Nintendo.

When people make homages, they should say who they are making a homage of, a good example is the Playstation All-Stars game, Sony said from the beginning that they made the game because they admire Smash Bros.

Third, while game companies making clone of popular games to try to cash-in in their popularity is nothing new, they at least should try to be subtle, which they aren't, not in the least.

The reason most people are shocked is at how is blatantly obvious that they are copying Splatoon.

Seriously, like I said before, they are even using words like squid, turf, ink and are even making squid puns, which Splatoon is know for.

You can't get more blatant that this.

They at least could have used different terms for the game.

Edited by Water Mage
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lmfao really easy to see in this thread who are the huge ass Nintendo fanboys. Calling for lawsuits oh wow lol It's just an homage jeez who cares

lol yeah I'm sure Disney from their bottom of their hearts just wanted to pay "homage" to the guys at Nintendo, not cash in on a concept.

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lmfao really easy to see in this thread who are the huge ass Nintendo fanboys. Calling for lawsuits oh wow lol It's just an homage jeez who cares

breaking news: huge ass nintendo fanboys inhabit discussion board for a nintendo series

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