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How out of touch do you think Nintendo is with the industry?


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Nintendo has been making some odd choices these past years. Things such as the Wii U's terrible marketing and having lower specs than the other current GEN consoles. Then of course there's the NX being release around the time while the current GEN is still blooming. Recently Nintendo is also putting copyrights on youtube Videos and removing speedrunner's videos. I like Nintendo, I really do. I bought the Wii U on launch when it had barely any games. The company has been making some odd choices lately. Will Nintendo end up like Sega and Konami at this rate?

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Nintendo has been making some odd choices these past years. Things such as the Wii U's terrible marketing and having lower specs than the other current GEN consoles. Then of course there's the NX being release around the time while the current GEN is still blooming. Recently Nintendo is also putting copyrights on youtube Videos and removing speedrunner's videos. I like Nintendo, I really do. I bought the Wii U on launch when it had barely any games. The company has been making some odd choices lately. Will Nintendo end up like Sega and Konami at this rate?

Considering how much money Nintendo has on their bank account, i doubt they will fall soon, besides, this is Nintendo what we're talking about, they might fuck it up but they somehow manages to find the way to recover themselves, remember the case Gamecube/Wii, the GC wasn't exactly a success in the market, but when the Wii came, the latter beat both the PS3 & Xbox 360 when it comes to sales, making him the "King" of the 7th generation (at least what it's based on sales), right now is losing against both the PS4 & Xbox One, since Wii U, while not a bad console, it doesn't satisfy the necessities of today gamers.

If the NX gets more powerful than the PS4 or Xbox One it's not the main concern, if Nintendo wants they can create a console more powerful than any Overclocked PC gaming, but the problem is not how powerful the machine is, the problem is lack of third party support, they need to find a way to convince developers to work with Nintendo, not only that, they need to find a way to appeal both Hardcore and Casual gamers, while also offer good launch titles.

If you don't have good launch titles, your start in the market will be slower, the 3DS had problems during it's beginning, and right now is the best console of the 8th generation (By sales and quality of games overall), and the other silly but important thing, they need to attract consumers with more marketing, more campaigns, this could potentially help the console, and probably the industry as well, we are in the dark age of gaming where everything has Story Content in DLC, Unjustified bugs in early launches, ridiculous prices for short games (cough cough Ground Zeroes cough cough), and etc.

But now, as an industry, i love them, i'm not a fanboy who is gonna say "I'm gonna defend Nintendo until the last end lolololol", this company had bad decisions, like really bad decisions, hell, for Nintendo the PS1 was created, but when it comes to games, they usually do a good job, my favorite series are Starfox and F-Zero, while i'm thankful that the first one is getting a new title, F-Zero fans are getting tired for not having any new entry of the series, and i'm obsessed with F-Zero right now, but who knows, something might pop out, we just have to wait for the time being.

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Yeah, it seems that every time Nintendo messes up, they bounce back in a big way. The Virtual Boy was a failure, but the N64 was a hit. The GC failed, but the Wii blew everyone else out of the water. The DS and 3DS have as well. The Wii U is sorta failing, so Nintendo will probably bounce back again. At least I hope the pattern continues.

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Yeah, it seems that every time Nintendo messes up, they bounce back in a big way. The Virtual Boy was a failure, but the N64 was a hit. The GC failed, but the Wii blew everyone else out of the water. The DS and 3DS have as well. The Wii U is sorta failing, so Nintendo will probably bounce back again. At least I hope the pattern continues.

the GCN was in no way a failure. It was the only console at the time that actually profited for each console that sold. Even the PS2 was selling at a huge loss for every console sold despite the sales numbers, They gain back that cost with licensed software.

Edited by kingddd
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I don't think it's so much that Nintendo is out of touch and more that they're trying vey hard to experiment with the format of gaming and trying to reconcile their business strategy with the current market (ie. the emergence of mobile gaming) and it's a tough balance to strike. The Wii U was an example of an experiment that didn't work out too well, but that gives them something to learn from so they can bounce back.

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Nintendo's always been a prideful company, which has had its positives and negatives. As a plus, their products have a great deal of quality control and don't often sacrifice content for a cashgrab. On the other hand, they're paranoid about the representation of their IPs, especially in things out of their control (such as youtube videos).

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the GCN was in no way a failure. It was the only console at the time that actually profited for each console that sold. Even the PS2 was selling at a huge loss for every console sold despite the sales numbers, They gain back that cost with licensed software.

But it didn't sell well from what I've heard... So it did sort of fail.

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Nintendo's always been a prideful company, which has had its positives and negatives. As a plus, their products have a great deal of quality control and don't often sacrifice content for a cashgrab. On the other hand, they're paranoid about the representation of their IPs, especially in things out of their control (such as youtube videos).

Let me play the Devil's advocate for a while:

To be fair, when Nintendo was less paranoid about their IPs, it resulted into things like the Super Mario Movie, Captain N and the Zelda CD-I games, so one could say they were traumatized.

And Disney Infinity's new game mode will only make them even more overprotective of their IPs.

That being said, they have a treasure trove of IP, which is very well loved, so Nintendo has an incredible pontential that I don't think they realized.

Edited by Water Mage
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But it didn't sell well from what I've heard... So it did sort of fail.

It was 3rd and only sold a million less or so from Xbox but that did not mean it was a failure. The NGage was more of a failure if anything.

Edited by kingddd
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I think Nintendo games tend not to require as powerful systems as its competition, so I wouldn't necessarily call that being out of touch. What I don't understand is why they insist on pulling stupid stunts like taking down people's YouTube videos, which serve as free advertisement. News like that travels FAST these days, and it's not like YouTube and its various personalities are getting any less relevant.

That said, I think they're slowly getting a hang on a few things, such as understanding the importance of a big online presence. Also, as far as I know, even with its low supply, amiibos have been a hit.

I think they have to fall pretty damn far to reach Konami's level, where they take down fanart on Twitter because a former employee retweeted it.

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I think they have to fall pretty damn far to reach Konami's level, where they take down fanart on Twitter because a former employee retweeted it.

Taking down people's videos advertising their games is on a level comparable to taking down people's fanart of games in my opinion, regardless of whether a former employee retweeting it was the reason.

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I think Nintendo games tend not to require as powerful systems as its competition, so I wouldn't necessarily call that being out of touch.

Nintendo games don't, third-party games do, and we all know what the third parties think of Nintendo. Sony makes tons of cash off of third party games, Nintendo misses out on a lot through its underpowered systems and gimmicky controllers.

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Nintendo games don't, third-party games do, and we all know what the third parties think of Nintendo. Sony makes tons of cash off of third party games, Nintendo misses out on a lot through its underpowered systems and gimmicky controllers.

True. I would appreciate more non-gimmicky consoles in the future.

However, I'm not that into the politics behind the games; what do third parties think of Nintendo? I mean, aside from having to develop for odd controllers.

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I remember Ubisoft and EA at least pretty much dismissing the Wii U for development a while ago because of poor sales and/or disdain for Nintendo. That was a while ago so I don't know their thoughts now but it wasn't very good.

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Nintendo's never really been on good terms with other third-parties, and I think a lot of it has to do with third parties being used to being accommodated for rather than having to accommodate for the system they're selling on. Sony and Microsoft are willing to shell out big cash to third-party developers for exclusives and ports, sponsor them, give them good advertising, etc. The most I can think of that Nintendo's done is give out a ZombiU bundle. I don't think that third-parties really deserve all this catering and pampering, especially companies like EA and Ubisoft, yet that is just how the game industry is, and Nintendo's not going to change it if they're not the ones selling the systems.

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Nintendo games don't, third-party games do, and we all know what the third parties think of Nintendo. Sony makes tons of cash off of third party games, Nintendo misses out on a lot through its underpowered systems and gimmicky controllers.

I think it's more the gimmicky controllers than the system having less power. Nintendo consoles aren't so weak that other games can't be made to play on them.

Nintendo just cares more about gameplay than graphics. There's nothing wrong with that. Some people like them for it, others don't.

Their relation to their consumer base, however, is awful. I honestly feel that part of the reason for the failure of the Wii U is their insistence on practically bullying YouTubers. Many big YouTubers just don't bother with Nintendo anymore as a result. Their Nintendo Creator program was basically them telling everyone how dumb they are when it comes to these things.

I also disagree with this

Then of course there's the NX being release around the time while the current GEN is still blooming.

Given that the Wii U is not a successful console by any means, it's no surprise Nintendo would want to move on to something else. Even so, the Wii U's lifespan will end up about as long as some of their previous consoles.
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Nintendo's never really been on good terms with other third-parties, and I think a lot of it has to do with third parties being used to being accommodated for rather than having to accommodate for the system they're selling on. Sony and Microsoft are willing to shell out big cash to third-party developers for exclusives and ports, sponsor them, give them good advertising, etc

This was old man Yamauchi's thinking which unfortunately still stuck with Nintendo

And Miyamoto is still stubbornly out of touch; WiiU is the first Nintendo home console capable of HD & online!

If Miyamoto insist on having his way the WiiU will still be using N64-type cartridges.

Fortunately Nintendo have Wii's profits to coast on, & Japan's preference to handheld means the DS/3DS still sell

(by the way Nintendo can't return to catering almost exclusively to casual gamers unless they switch to making smart phablets)

Still, will launching the NX early, like 2017, show they lack confidence in their own product i.e. Sega launching the Dreamcast not long after the Saturn?

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I don't think it's so much that Nintendo is out of touch and more that they're trying vey hard to experiment with the format of gaming and trying to reconcile their business strategy with the current market (ie. the emergence of mobile gaming) and it's a tough balance to strike. The Wii U was an example of an experiment that didn't work out too well, but that gives them something to learn from so they can bounce back.

I agree with this. They do not seem "out of touch", as much as ambitious. They dont want to freaking cave into the samey marketing as other gaming companies. They want to be the ones doing The Thing That Others Arent Willing To Do. Pokemon Go is a good example of how Nintendo is trying to tackle ambitious strategy with their product. Mobile Gaming is big. Pokemon is among their most beloved of IPs. How to do this without it being the same BS they've shoveled out for what feels like centuries? VIRTUAL REALITY MOBILE ARG! This is also being marketed to like, everyone under the sun, so they are nailing that too. Pokemon Go is an experiment. It might actually strike gold. (i know im going to get it)

Because they are trying to evolve while still being the "safe" company, Nintendo ends up doing things that arent exactly appealing once in a while. Wii U was a good idea but not a good seller. Nintendo doesnt want to be like the others or even Steam. It wants to be its own creature and its always been like that.

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