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Rogue or Assassin?


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Question: What do you prefer promoting your thief into, Rogues or Assassins?

My thoughts: I have to admit, as much as I like using the Assassin class, I don't like losing the ability to steal items from the enemy.... That was a big issue I had with Matthew is that he hit level 20, but I didn't want to promote him because I didn't want to lose that ability. I was perfectly fine with using Jaffar since he was already an assassin. I'm not sure if silencer is good enough to choose that over Rogue either. I'll admit, I have yet to beat Sacred Stones, but judging on how Jaffar turned out, he one-shots enemies with a critical regardless of whether or not silencer procs.

(Keep in mind that I may be dumb... I think Rogues keep the ability to steal items from enemies. If not, then well, never mind then)

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I make Colm an Assassin purely cause I like to have one of each class, and I find Marisa and Joshua make better Swordmaster so yeah.I also tend to use Rennac anyways but I never promote Colm till I get Rennac cause like you said stealing.

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You can buy lockpicks on the overworld, so a thief itself is vaguely useless.

Also Assassin lose the stealing, which is the only true reason you would use a thief in SS.

Edited by ENS
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While rouges are helpful with getting chests open without lockpicks I usually choose Assassins. Lethality is one of my favorite skills and I think the Assassins look cooler. I usually don't even run out of lockpicks except Blazing Sword.

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Admittedly I don't remember much FE8, but Thieves are mainly useful because of their stealing, so by taking that away you get a Swordsmaster with a 50% glorified critical aka an Assassin, and you don't really need those imo when normal crits tend to finish enemies anyway and Swordsmasters aren't rare.

So I would say Rogue.

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If you pick Assassin over Rogue you're trading useful utility for only slightly better combat, but that slightly better combat is still mediocre.

Rogue is clearly superior.

The only time having an Assassin beneficial in any meaningful way is if your other thieves are dead and you still want to lock pick doors and chests.

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Colm's not really that great at fighting anyway, and Swordmasters tend to outdo assassins. They're not terribly different, so it's usually whatever I'm in the mood for.

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While rouges are helpful with getting chests open without lockpicks I usually choose Assassins. Lethality is one of my favorite skills and I think the Assassins look cooler. I usually don't even run out of lockpicks except Blazing Sword.

There are enough enemy thieves with lockpicks (for you to steal) in FE7 that you aren't even very likely to run out of lockpicks in that game either.

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If you pick Assassin over Rogue you're trading useful utility for only slightly better combat, but that slightly better combat is still mediocre.

Rogue is clearly superior.

The only time having an Assassin beneficial in any meaningful way is if your other thieves are dead and you still want to lock pick doors and chests.

Colm gain Shamshir uses, and the rare Lethality proc.

Assassin gain 1 HP VS 1 Skill for Rogue, so Rogue have the advantage here.

Clearly not worth it.

Myrmidon are actually worse as Assassin than Swordmaster

Rogues because the assassin sprite is fucking Jaffar and you all know it.

And that's why I like Legault so much...

Marissa can also be an Assassin but her Swordmaster sprite is better.

But if you really want an assassin, she's the best choice (Now Assassin vs Swordmaster is another debate.) (Colm lack the Skill to poc Lethality anyway.)

If she gets strength screwed, it can allow her not to be completely useless.

Edited by Tamanoir
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Rogues because the assassin sprite is fucking Jaffar and you all know it.

That's very true, but only assassin Marisa bothers me. They could have at least recolored Legault's sprite for her...
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