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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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Ace, hi!

First/Current impressions?

How's your writing been lately?

Idr if I've asked you prior, but do you KH at all?

Who's your favorite Attack on Titan character?

If you were somehow thrust into the Naruto universe, what kind of ninja would you be? Feel free to go into detail, which includes, but isn't limited to: clan, village, goals, specialty, etc.

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1.) Favorite book?

2.) First and current impressions of me?

3.) which music genres do you prefer?

1. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea 2. First: I've seen him around in the FE4 thread. He must post there a lot. Current: You're a pretty cool dude, and a fellow Persona fan from your avy. 3. Pop, Rock and anything that catches my ear xD


5.) I mean if you want to define what you meant by "veeeeery interesting"?

5. When I first meet you, it was in the War for Our Future RP. I thought your RP style was very interesting and I was interested in reading what you would post next.

26. Do you watch any sports?

27. Do you play any sports?

28. What's your favorite aspect of the FE series?

29. Have you played any of the Earthbound games?

30. How about Final Fantasy?

26. Nope, sorry^^;

27. I swim for exercise and occasionally play billiards. I also bowl on a league. 28. The characters in each game. I get attached to them pretty quickly. Also, the unique classes and weapons. 29.Nope, sorry^^; 30. I've played Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, Tactics A2 Grimore of the Rift, XII and XII Revenant Wings

6. Do you play Chess?

7. Do you like playing Chess?

8. Do you play Etrian Odyssey?

9. Play any Blizzard games?

6 and 7. Nope, I don't play chess. Sorry^^; 8. Nope, sorry^^; 9. Same as above answer^^;

6. Do you read fan-fiction?

7. Thoughts and/or opinions on Jotaro/Kakyoin shipping, if any?

8. Have you ever accidentally called a Persona a Stand or vice-versa?

6. Yes 7. I'm not crazy about Jotaro/Kakyoin tbh. Although, my first impression upon seeing the name Noriaki Kakyoin was if that was a girl's name. Boy, was I wrong xD 8. Yes, I have XD

Ace, hi!

First/Current impressions?

How's your writing been lately?

Idr if I've asked you prior, but do you KH at all?

Who's your favorite Attack on Titan character?

If you were somehow thrust into the Naruto universe, what kind of ninja would you be? Feel free to go into detail, which includes, but isn't limited to: clan, village, goals, specialty, etc.

1. First: Cool, Hero King Marth~ Current: You're a pretty cool person and one of my friends on this site. 2. I have stuff planned out to write, but having gotten around to doing so yet. I gotta get back into writing. 3. Gotta say Eren, Levi is close though. 4. Oh wow, that thought didn't cross my mind in the time I read Naruto. Clan, Uchiha I guess. Village: Leaf Specialty: Sharingan, Lighting style Ninjutsu, Taijutsu. Goals: Restore my clans good name.
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1. What are your thoughts on snow? Does it snow where you're from?

2. Have you ever played a Harvest Moon game? Rune Factory?

3. This is more of a comment but omg you used to be a major Chrom fangirl! Gurl, saaaame \( ;u; )/ Ok actually I'll make it into a question. Who'd be your second pick as a mate in fe13?

4. Have you tried a dango before?

5. How did you get into writing? Did a certain book spark your interest?

I don't normally ask this question, but I'm genuinely interested 6. Any impressions of little mei?

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any anime you wanted to watch?

video games you wanted to try out but lack the time to really give a go?

favorite music artists?

1. Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Watch more One Piece and Fate Stay anime. 2. All the games in my backlog XD which I'm still working on. 3. I've got a comprehensive list of favorite artists and songs on my profile so I'll list a few of them here. REO Speedwagon, Styx, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Maroon 5 and Foreigner.

Would you cosplay other Persona 3 Females? (Yukari, FeMC, Fuuka... Chidori...)

Yes. I've thought about cosplaying Yukari sometime. Just gotta get around to doing so xD


1. What are your thoughts on snow? Does it snow where you're from?

2. Have you ever played a Harvest Moon game? Rune Factory?

3. This is more of a comment but omg you used to be a major Chrom fangirl! Gurl, saaaame \( ;u; )/ Ok actually I'll make it into a question. Who'd be your second pick as a mate in fe13?

4. Have you tried a dango before?

5. How did you get into writing? Did a certain book spark your interest?

I don't normally ask this question, but I'm genuinely interested 6. Any impressions of little mei?

1. It normally does snow white fluffy cold stuff where I live, but this winter has been unusually warm :/ 2. Yes, I've played A Wonderful Life before. 3. Yea, I was pretty crazy about Chrom xD as for who I would pick as my second mate, I'd pick Owain. 4.Nope, I'd like to sometime. 5. I wrote my first fanfiction piece in middle school for a class project. It was a novelization of Luigi's Mansion. In short, I was inspired to write by video games. 6. You're a pretty cool person.
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can you sing at all?

would you listen to kpop?

would you listen to jpop?

would you listen to cpop?

have you seen/read pandora hearts or tokyo ghoul?

1. I can, I sang Karaoke at this year's Glass City Con and I also occasionally sing while driving places to my favorite songs.

2. Yes

3. Yes

4. Yes

5. I've seen some of the volumes for Pandora Hearts where I work. One of my friends did a Tokyo Ghoul cosplay this year so I've seen both Pandora Hearts and Tokyo Ghoul, but haven't read or watched either.

Edited by Ace Tactician
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: have you ever made a wish on a shooting star?

how many other forums do you visit?

: what do you think of the state of the world?

the food/dish you want everyone you want to try?

favorite philosopher?

any SF members you admire?

favorite app?

have a good one!

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: have you ever made a wish on a shooting star?

how many other forums do you visit?

: what do you think of the state of the world?

the food/dish you want everyone you want to try?

favorite philosopher?

any SF members you admire?

favorite app?

have a good one!

1. I don't believe I have. I'd like to though

2. I did post on two other forums, but then dropped off. Those were Colossalcon's forums and cosplay.

3. I'm saddened by the current state of our world, there's been shootings around the world and in USA. The person with the lead among presidential candidates is an idiotic businessman who causes lots of stirs with the things that leave his mouth. Though the Democratic frontrunner doesn't look like a good fit for President either. My hope is that this election year, we get a president who can make America great again, and that all this bloodshed in the world decreases. I hope this is the year the state of world improves from being all shootings and violence to more towards peace.

4. Noodle soup bowls~

5. Ummm.... I don't have one^^;

6. Boron, shadowofchaos and Shirley

7. YouTube~

31. Favorite kind of weather?

32. Which is worse, spiders or scorpions?

33. Have you seen any of the Mummy movies?

34. Have you ever had a cat?

35. What about a dog?

31. Spring type weather

32. Scorpions because they have those tail stingers. Spiders can be crushed with a heavy object

33. Yes, I've seen all three Mummy movies

34. Yes, at one point I had many cats.

35. Nope, sorry^^; Been a cat person my whole life.

I forgot what number question I'm on...

1. Favorite character ever?

2. Worst character ever?

3. Favorite Mario character?

4. Favorite Mario stage/level?

5. Favorite Mario power-up?

It's okay, I can look it up.

1. Gonna have to go with Noriaki Kakyoin with Mitsuru Kirijo and Eren Yeager as close seconds.

2. Ricken.

3. Luigi

4. Super Paper Mario Chapter 3

5. Starman because invincibility rocks

3: If you had a dream cosplay, what would it be?

3. Nyna's Shadow Dragon design, I love her dress. It's so elegant looking~

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11. Do you typically like fast or slow paced songs?

12. Do you usually listen to female or male singers?

13. Have you heard any kpop/jpop songs?

14. Favorite type of water?

15. How was your day?

11. I like both slow and fast paced songs. I'll go for any song, no matter what the pace is that grabs my attention. Although I may have more fast paced favorites than slow paced favorites listed.

12. I'll listen to both genders of artists, even though my music list has male artists with a numerical advantage for the female artists I have favorited.

13. I haven't heard any kpop songs yet but I think I might have heard jpop before. If "U can DO it!" By Domino counts which is an ending song for Naruto Shippuden

14. Lemon Lime sparkling water

15. My day was good, just got back from the grocery store and am now kicking back and relaxing.

9. Which JoJo is your favorite?

10. Do you prefer Persona 3 or Persona 4?

11. Have you played Persona 1 and/or Persona 2?

9. Part 3

10. Persona 3

11. Nope, I haven't. Sorry^^;

Before I forget again, the question limit is off^_^

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Current: An overall swell guy, and a good looking one too <3 Love talking to you

Oh, you're such a flatterer!

4. Favourite meat to eat?

5. Would you object to having a dog as a pet?

6. Do you have a dream job? If so, what is it?

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Oh, you're such a flatterer!

4. Favourite meat to eat?

5. Would you object to having a dog as a pet?

6. Do you have a dream job? If so, what is it?

4. Chicken. Beef and Seafood are close seconds

5.I wouldn't object to a Golden Retriever. But really, as long as the dog has a friendly personality, I won't object.

6. My dream job is something in the field of Medical Records. There's so many roles in that field.

Worst Mario character?

Do you prefer winters or summers?

Do you stand the cold better than the hot or vice-versa?

1. Popple

2. Winters because all the stinging insects are asleep

3. I can stand the cold better than heat because I can dress warmly enough

1. If you're an Ace Tactician, surely you've touched the Advance Wars series?

2. Have you heard of Sin and Punishment: Star Successor?

1. I've heard about Advance Wars, but wasn't interested enough to pick it up^^;

2. Yup, read about it in Nintendo Power magazine

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