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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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10. what kind of anime hair do u want

11. chaos or law

12. can you do magic

13. can you fly

14. are you a wtich

15. would you like to be a witch

didn't you already do 10-15??

10. blue

11. chaos

12. no

13. no

14. no

15. no

those were good questions

ya i hthink ill continue questions tomorrow

thank u

thank u for asking!!! i look forward to answering more of your questions

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70. are you lying to me

71. have you lied yet

72. are you refa

73. can you fight with your left breast

74. tea with obscene amounts of milk or coffee with obscene amounts of milk

70. no

71. no

72. no

73. no

74. i don't know! i've never had either with obscene amounts of milk

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1) hi unique!!

2) im on mobile so reading past questions is tricky, so uhhh what's your favorite videogame?

3) favorite disney movie?

4) are you gonna change your name back to maybe?

5) obligatory impressions question i guess

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1) hi unique!!

2) im on mobile so reading past questions is tricky, so uhhh what's your favorite videogame?

3) favorite disney movie?

4) are you gonna change your name back to maybe?

5) obligatory impressions question i guess


1) hi leila!!

2) that was not one of the past questions actually! i'm not sure. either metal gear solid 3 or shovel knight.

3) the jungle book i guess??? there are a lot i like though

4) maybe some day but not soon

5) first impression: you seem pretty nice

current impression: hi leila!!!! you're really nice and i like you a lot you're one of my closest friends on here probably and i wish i could talk to you more often without using dumb sf ipchat. i like you and you're sort of like an older sister or something to me. basically what i'm saying is ur cool

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1. Can you speak any languages besides English?

2. Are you interested in languages and/or linguistics?

3. Do you bike?

4. Are you familiar with Tolkien's works (such as The Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit)?

5. Are you interested in history?

shouldn't it say "unique" and not "maybe" since that's my name right now

i feel like that would make more sense

also you can ask however many questions although i may not be able to answer them all

I think most people know you best as maybe, so that's what I put.

But I can change it to unique if you want to!

7. Legal naturalism (justice before law) or legal positivism (law before justice)? (sorry hatty stealing your question)

i'll steal ur face

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1. Can you speak any languages besides English?

2. Are you interested in languages and/or linguistics?

3. Do you bike?

4. Are you familiar with Tolkien's works (such as The Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit)?

5. Are you interested in history?

I think most people know you best as maybe, so that's what I put.

But I can change it to unique if you want to!

i mean yeah but if people know me well enough to know the name i had before they'd probably know the name i have now too so it'd just be easier for people who do not know what my name was before

it seems like it makes more sense that way

1. No

2. a bit, yeah

3. not much

4. i own and have read some of the hobbit but i don't think i ever finished it

5. it interests me occasionally but in general not much

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31?. What are you interested in?

32. Opinion on memes?

33. You live in the states right?

34. If so describe what you feel about the current election in five words or less

35. How was your day??

i'll steal ur face

Not before I steal ur soul

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oops tomorrow


31?. What are you interested in?

32. Opinion on memes?

33. You live in the states right?

34. If so describe what you feel about the current election in five words or less

35. How was your day??

Not before I steal ur soul

31. lots of things!!!!

32. bad usually but fun when they're good

33. yeah

34. bad

35. it was okay!!!! i had to take the psat which was not that bad but what was that bad is that i didn't leave after i took it so i ended up having a class where i did actually nothing since almost no one showed up including my friend who was in that class since he was sick and two of the four people who did show up left to practice something else so i was kind of alone

but after that the day was pretty ok

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hi again;

> How do you approach a topic you have no knowledge of but suddenly get involved discussing it with out a heads up?

> Opinion on the current state of the world?

> What is something you would say to a past version of you to comfort them in a time of sadness?

> A message, or anything, you would write and put away for some time (months, years, decades) for the future you to read?

> Reaction when somebody mentions your favorite band? If it's a negative comment?

> Ever made a wish on a shooting star?

> You chose five songs for others to listen to and gain some sense of understanding of who you are, which songs would those be?

> Ordinary or famous?

> Under what sort of situation/conditions would you be willing to spend a day with some one you find very unpleasant?

> c:

impressions, if any?

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hi again;

> How do you approach a topic you have no knowledge of but suddenly get involved discussing it with out a heads up?

> Opinion on the current state of the world?

> What is something you would say to a past version of you to comfort them in a time of sadness?

> A message, or anything, you would write and put away for some time (months, years, decades) for the future you to read?

> Reaction when somebody mentions your favorite band? If it's a negative comment?

> Ever made a wish on a shooting star?

> You chose five songs for others to listen to and gain some sense of understanding of who you are, which songs would those be?

> Ordinary or famous?

> Under what sort of situation/conditions would you be willing to spend a day with some one you find very unpleasant?

> c:

impressions, if any?

i'd be terrible at that and would have to rely on my friends if they were present but otherwise i'd just be terrible

it's ok

are you kidding i'd probably make them feel even worse

"are u ok"

i don't know if i have a favorite band but typically it feels a bit nice to see people mention a thing i like

if it was a negative comment i probably wouldn't care much

i don't think so

i thought about this for a while but i don't think i know enough songs that i actually like that would work for that


if i got a cat for doing it



good idea!

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58. have you ever auditioned for anything?? would you??? if you had to, what would you audition for????


60. what kind of braid hairstyle is the best. idk how much u know about hair but like braid crowns and normal hair with a tiny braid on the side and twintail braids and--

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52. WHAT KIND OF COLOUR SCHEMES DO YOU LIKE like analogous complementary etc

53. do you wanna free somebody

54. best skirt length

55. best skirt TYPE

52. i'm not sure! i like a lot of color schemes but i don't know which ones i specifically like more than others

53. no i can't trust myself with that

54. not sure actually but i guess i like them better if they're shorter????

55. i like "gypsy"


maybe they'll come back later!

56. best vocal colour of these three???

v sorry if u dont like soft boyvoices because those are exactly my favourite kinds oops

i don't like soft boyvoices much sorry

the first one probably


theyre good

58. have you ever auditioned for anything?? would you??? if you had to, what would you audition for????


60. what kind of braid hairstyle is the best. idk how much u know about hair but like braid crowns and normal hair with a tiny braid on the side and twintail braids and--

58. yeah i have!!! i don't know what i'd audition for

59. bowties

60. i don't have an answer for this!!! sorry!!!!

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it was for some thing where i played the guitar!

i like playing the guitar, so i might audition for some thing where i played a guitar again!

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