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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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5. Rank the trails games you've played from most favourite to least.
6. how hype for sen iii/cs3?
7. what made you join sf?
8. what got you into trails?
9. lifting question limit or not?

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48 minutes ago, Renne said:

5. Rank the trails games you've played from most favourite to least.
6. how hype for sen iii/cs3?
7. what made you join sf?
8. what got you into trails?
9. lifting question limit or not?

5. FC, Cold Steel 2, Cold Steel

6. Looking forward to it. Tita is coming back~


3 hours ago, Gemma said:

IV. I came here after playing Sacred Stones in 2013. I enjoyed the game, and wanted to find a place to talk about FE. i also got Awakening at this time.

8. someone on a Tales of forum was crazy about falcom/xseed and kept talkig about Ys 7. I had just got a psp at that time (this was when ys 7 first came out) and was looking for jrpgs, so I pickedit up. After that I learned about trails.

9. Yes, you can all ask 8 questions (cant seem to edit color on mobile, darn)


44 minutes ago, Aya Shameimaru said:
  1. Favorite videogame theme?
  2. Favorite game from the Legend of Heroes series?
  3. Favorite character from the Legend of Heroes series?
  4. Favorite music theme from the Legend of Heroes series?
  5. Favorite bossfight from the Legend of Heroes series?

1. Sorcerian, Sand Castle (pc88 ver) field zanmai ver is also great

2. FC

3. Tita Russell

4. Don't be defeated by a friend

5. Oh gosh... I also liked fighting the dogs that buff each other after ther get ko'd. Also I remember having a tough time fighting C in CS 1, fun stuff figuring that out. 

1 hour ago, Truthblade said:


1. What is your favorite Fire Emblem character overall.

2. What was the first Fire Emblem game you played.

3. Would you say your education is/was good?

4 Do you remember me? With a different name? And pic? In a Smash tournament perhaps? In this forum in fact?

1. Hmmmmm... Lyn

2. Binding Blade

3. It was fine. I was fortunate to have some pretty neat teachers in high school that changed the way I think and learn. 

4. Could it be... The knight from the realm of Taco?

2 hours ago, Rezzy said:

9: I had a tornado touch down in my yard once, so I wouldn't say no natural disasters.

10: He was a Polish General from the Revolutionary War.  The large Polish population in Chicago made it their holiday.  It's sort of like the St Patrick's day for Polish people.

Dang, scary. nowhere is impervious, but it's very tame around me.

any excuse to drink vodka, right?




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10. what's your next Trails game to be played next? you gotta get to SC and 3rd, man!!
11. what do you think about living in the US?
12. what states have you been to?
13. countries?
14. opinions of mental illnesses
15. if you could cure any illness in existence, which would it be?

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7 minutes ago, Renne said:

10. what's your next Trails game to be played next? you gotta get to SC and 3rd, man!!
11. what do you think about living in the US?
12. what states have you been to?
13. countries?
14. opinions of mental illnesses
15. if you could cure any illness in existence, which would it be?

10. I would play SC, buuuuuut my computer has trouble loading the graphics, rendering it (quite literally) near unplayable

11. It's a nice place to live. 

12. Iowa, Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan, Minnesota, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, NewYork, New Jersey, Connecticut, Maryland, DC, West Virginia, Virginia (actually born there), Kaintuck, Tennessee, Alabama, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida.

13. Canada, Italy, Russia, and Japan

14.  Mental illness can be chemical, spiritual, or both. Sometimes it can be hard for those people to get the help they need. Uhhh... perhaps I'm too uninformed about treatment to have a real opinion, though. 

15. Cancer. I think it would have the greatest impact, but I'm not certain. 


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1. What three words best describe you?

2. Are there any unspoken social rules that you dislike?

3. What do you value the most: free time, recognition, or money?

4. What's something you've tried that you'll never try again?

5. Would you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert?

6. What are you most grateful for right now?

7. Do you enjoy overcoming challenges or do you prefer things to be easy? Why?

8. What are your pet peeves?

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11 hours ago, Gemma said:

14.  Mental illness can be chemical, spiritual, or both. Sometimes it can be hard for those people to get the help they need. Uhhh... perhaps I'm too uninformed about treatment to have a real opinion, though. 

you got the gist of it!

also so you've been to Japan too!

16. What handhelds do you own?
17. Consoles?
18. Favourite game series
19. Favourite video game companies
20. If you could change ONE thing about the world, what would it be? (I hope I'm not stealing someone's question with this.)

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11 hours ago, Gemma said:

12. Iowa, Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan, Minnesota, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, NewYork, New Jersey, Connecticut, Maryland, DC, West Virginia, Virginia (actually born there), Kaintuck, Tennessee, Alabama, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida.

13. Canada, Italy, Russia, and Japan

Wow, you've been to a lot of places!

VI. Do you have a favorite history or mythology to learn about?

VII. Fight or flight?

VIII. Favorite season?

IX. Do you know your Myers-Briggs personality type, and if so, does it fit you?

X. Do you enjoy traveling?

XI. Have you played all the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games? (Or at least one of each version?)

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11 hours ago, Gemma said:

15. Cancer. I think it would have the greatest impact, but I'm not certain. 


Yes, it would. In Canada, for example, it is the leading non-natural cause of death.

  1. If you wanted to rule over a given country or province, what would you choose?
  2. What is your haecceity?
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15 hours ago, Infinite Dreams said:

1. What three words best describe you?

2. Are there any unspoken social rules that you dislike?

3. What do you value the most: free time, recognition, or money?

4. What's something you've tried that you'll never try again?

5. Would you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert?

6. What are you most grateful for right now?

7. Do you enjoy overcoming challenges or do you prefer things to be easy? Why?

8. What are your pet peeves?

1. Unyielding, joyful, and reflective

2. Not that I can think of. Then again, I'm not ine to ponder that type of stuff. 

3. Free time. Time to think, reflect, and step back and get a better grip of yourself. Be in control, promote your own self growth, think so you can have a meaningful life. I feel recognition should never be sought out, it is a gift from others based on your virtues and integrity.

4. There's some food I wouldn't want to try agan, nothing comes to mind though.

5. Ahhhh, I feel I'm pretty balanced. But introvert, if I had to choose.

6. God

7. Some things are nice when they are convienient. Say paperwork, signing into services, makivng payments, etc. But most things in life are good/high quality because of hard work, awareness of problems and potential solutions, thoughtful design, etc. In that sense, I value the challenge doing things well provides.

8. Nail clippings left on the floor, people who cut in lines, not cleaning up after your pet in public

6 hours ago, Renne said:

you got the gist of it!

also so you've been to Japan too!

16. What handhelds do you own?
17. Consoles?
18. Favourite game series
19. Favourite video game companies
20. If you could change ONE thing about the world, what would it be? (I hope I'm not stealing someone's question with this.)

Yeah, I was in Tokyo for almost a month.

16. PSP, Vita, GBA, DS lite, 3DS

17. Wii, WiiU, PS3, PS4 (rip GC)

18. Someone just asked me his on the ask the above poster thread. Gotta say DKC for overall quality acroos all games.

19. SNK, Falcom, Rare

20. Oh my... I would do something about human waste/emissions. What specifically? Couldn't say.

6 hours ago, Rex Glacies said:

Wow, you've been to a lot of places!

VI. Do you have a favorite history or mythology to learn about?

VII. Fight or flight?

VIII. Favorite season?

IX. Do you know your Myers-Briggs personality type, and if so, does it fit you?

X. Do you enjoy traveling?

XI. Have you played all the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games? (Or at least one of each version?)

VI. History... probably Medieval. Not into mythology.

VII. Flight

VIII. Ohhhh... fall

IX. I always get I/ENFP. I take that stuff with a grain of salt, though.

X. Yes, it's really fascinating

XI. No. I've played Blue and Time.

6 hours ago, Sigismund of Luxemburg said:

Yes, it would. In Canada, for example, it is the leading non-natural cause of death.

  1. If you wanted to rule over a given country or province, what would you choose?
  2. What is your haecceity?

1. Idk, Monaco seems fun. Or Lichtenstein.

2. What's the question? Is their like... certain types? I am myself, no?

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7 minutes ago, Gemma said:

2. What's the question? Is their like... certain types? I am myself, no?

The context of my question was, "What do you believe makes you you?"

(Haecceity = the quality of something that makes it describable as "this object")

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XII. Any personal philosophy or mindset you try to stick to?

XIII. Do you live in a rural, urban, or suburban area, or a combination?

XIV. Which do you prefer of the areas above?

XV. Would you consider yourself a pessimist, optimist, realist, nihilist, etc.?

XVI. Hot or cold?

XVII. Favorite book of the Bible, if any?

XVIII. Favorite generation of Pokemon?

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On 9/27/2017 at 8:55 PM, Sigismund of Luxemburg said:

The context of my question was, "What do you believe makes you you?"

(Haecceity = the quality of something that makes it describable as "this object")

Body and soul, here I am

10 hours ago, Rex Glacies said:

XII. Any personal philosophy or mindset you try to stick to?

XIII. Do you live in a rural, urban, or suburban area, or a combination?

XIV. Which do you prefer of the areas above?

XV. Would you consider yourself a pessimist, optimist, realist, nihilist, etc.?

XVI. Hot or cold?

XVII. Favorite book of the Bible, if any?

XVIII. Favorite generation of Pokemon?

XII. Not really a mindset, but I strive for discipline and integrity

XIII. Suburban

XIV. Hm... probably a smaller suburb, smaller than the one I'm in.

XV. Couldn't say. I feel there's some things that are difficult to be optimistic for, but generally I would say I'm positive minded. Though I will say many times I can't help but be idealistic. 

XVI. Cold

XVII. All the gospels. Also Tobit. It's simple yet interesting.

XVIII. Tough pick between I and III. Too many good memories with neighborhood and school friends. 



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XIX. Have you ever gone fishing?

XX. Quality or quantity?

XXI. Eastern or Western dragon?

XXII. Katana or broadsword?

XXIII. Ever solved a Rubix Cube?

XXIV. Samurai or ninja?

XXV. Favorite Pokemon?

XXVI. Favorite Pokemon type?

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11: Do you play FE Heroes?

12: Favorite FE Archetype?

13: If you were a FE unit, what would your class and growths/stats be like?

14: Favorite FE character?

15: Favorite FE class?

16: Least favorite FE character?

17: Least favorite FE class?

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1. Do you speak any languages other than English? Would you like to learn more?
2. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
3. If you were a ruler, would you be an active ruler (pursuing your own policies first) or a passive ruler (responding to developments first)?
4. Legal positivism (law before justice) or legal naturalism (justice before law)?
5. Forgiveness or retribution?
6. First and current impressions of me?

On 27-9-2017 at 5:02 AM, Gemma said:

    3. I've been. Like I said about France. Rome's history is fascinating.


7. Do you have any favorite things about/in Rome?

On 27-9-2017 at 7:31 AM, Gemma said:

2. Binding Blade

8. Wow, how did Binding Blade become your first FE game?
That's highly unusual for any Western fan.

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19 hours ago, Rex Glacies said:

XIX. Have you ever gone fishing?

XX. Quality or quantity?

XXI. Eastern or Western dragon?

XXII. Katana or broadsword?

XXIII. Ever solved a Rubix Cube?

XXIV. Samurai or ninja?

XXV. Favorite Pokemon?

XXVI. Favorite Pokemon type?

XIX. Yes. This and this are my coolest catches.

XX. Depends on what it’s for. Usually quality, though.

XXI. Western

XXII. Broadsword

XXIII. No. But I had a friend back in gradeschool who would learn all the algorithms for all the different sizes and speed solve them. It was cool to see.

XXIV. Ninja

XXV. Hmmm... Relicanth

XXVI. Overall it’s gotta be fighting type

12 hours ago, Rezzy said:

11: Do you play FE Heroes?

12: Favorite FE Archetype?

13: If you were a FE unit, what would your class and growths/stats be like?

14: Favorite FE character?

15: Favorite FE class?

16: Least favorite FE character?

17: Least favorite FE class?

11. No. I used to, though.

12. Abel

13. Warrior with high HP and decent Skill, good atk growth

14. Lyn

15. General

16. Don’t have one. 

17. I never cared for the mounted mage units, much rather have them on foot. Troubadours are awesome, though.

5 hours ago, Claudius I said:

1. Do you speak any languages other than English? Would you like to learn more?
2. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
3. If you were a ruler, would you be an active ruler (pursuing your own policies first) or a passive ruler (responding to developments first)?
4. Legal positivism (law before justice) or legal naturalism (justice before law)?
5. Forgiveness or retribution?
6. First and current impressions of me?


7. Do you have any favorite things about/in Rome?

8. Wow, how did Binding Blade become your first FE game?
That's highly unusual for any Western fan.

1. My Japanese is okay. It would always be cool to learn more, but I really don’t have any reason to right now.

2. Probably in northeastern US, near the coast

3. Passive

4. Legal positivism

5. Forgiveness

6. I can’t recall our first meeting. As for now, I appreciate you running this thread~

7. The michelangelo sculptures were the most interesting thing to see for me.

8. I played a lot of Roy in Smash as a kid, lol

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I'm back!

2 hours ago, Bartozio said:


6 hours ago, Rex Glacies said:


I will stick with Rex's pronunciation of a certain someone's name, lest the purity of my mouth be defiled.

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