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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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1 hour ago, DisobeyedCargo said:


Are you specifically referring to Bombchu missions or "Guard the allied keeps with your life!"?

1 hour ago, DisobeyedCargo said:

14. I avoid trouble with them but I have been unlucky and gotten stuck with them

Speaking of, I was unlucky enough that the cuccos spawned in a keep I was trying to take once... this would be bad enough, but it was in the mission where you get Ruto's level 3 weapon in the Wii U version, where your base has a crapload of IBP and flying lizardmen advancing on it (including the three that you need to defeat); needless to say, I thought "this is bullshit" and restarted. Making matters worse is that said mission has three instances of cucco fighting. At any rate, I tend to avoid the Gold Cuccos since they're overall a dangerous waste of time.


16. Opinion of the following:



b. KO Competition

c. Two Armies missions

d. Disorderly Forces missions

e. Traitors missions

f. Attend the Festival of Cuccos! (Personally I find this funny enough, but then the game has "Limited: Ganondorf")

g. Enjoy a leisurely cucco-outing!

17.Favorite Zelda villain?

18. Favorite Smash Stages?

19. Who are your Smash mains?

20. Weirdest game you've heard of or played?

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12 minutes ago, Levant Mir Celestia said:

Are you specifically referring to Bombchu missions or "Guard the allied keeps with your life!"?

Speaking of, I was unlucky enough that the cuccos spawned in a keep I was trying to take once... this would be bad enough, but it was in the mission where you get Ruto's level 3 weapon in the Wii U version, where your base has a crapload of IBP and flying lizardmen advancing on it (including the three that you need to defeat); needless to say, I thought "this is bullshit" and restarted. Making matters worse is that said mission has three instances of cucco fighting. At any rate, I tend to avoid the Gold Cuccos since they're overall a dangerous waste of time.


16. Opinion of the following:



b. KO Competition

c. Two Armies missions

d. Disorderly Forces missions

e. Traitors missions

f. Attend the Festival of Cuccos! (Personally I find this funny enough, but then the game has "Limited: Ganondorf")

g. Enjoy a leisurely cucco-outing!

17.Favorite Zelda villain?

18. Favorite Smash Stages?

19. Who are your Smash mains?

20. Weirdest game you've heard of or played?

Guard he keep with or life

ouch, that way unlucky

16 a. Meh

b. Not my favorite

c. I enjoy those



f. Keep the cuccos away

g. Keep the cuccos away

17. Majora and Byrne 

18. Guar plains, battlefield, and arena ferox

19. Lucas and Shulk

20. Pepsiman

Edited by DisobeyedCargo
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On 12/20/2017 at 1:34 PM, DisobeyedCargo said:

XVIII: black and white 2 are my favorite ls

Er, I meant which versions of the games did you get. Like, did you get Pokemon White 2 or Pokemon Black 2? Or both?

XXI. Asking it again, which versions of Pokemon games did you get for each generation? Or did you get both versions?

XXII. Do you tend to focus more on details or the bigger picture?

XXIII. Hot or cold?

XIV. Have you ever gone fishing?

XV. Would you say you are more introverted or extroverted?

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10 minutes ago, Rex Glacies said:

Er, I meant which versions of the games did you get. Like, did you get Pokemon White 2 or Pokemon Black 2? Or both?

XXI. Asking it again, which versions of Pokemon games did you get for each generation? Or did you get both versions?

XXII. Do you tend to focus more on details or the bigger picture?

XXIII. Hot or cold?

XIV. Have you ever gone fishing?

XV. Would you say you are more introverted or extroverted?

Oh oops I got fire red, white 2, Pearl, platinum, heartgold, Y, alpha Sapphire, and sun/ultra sun 

XXII. More on the bigger picture, I do try to think about smaller details though 

XXIIl: Hot? I dunno I don't like extremes in temperature

XIV: many times

XV: introvert

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9 hours ago, DisobeyedCargo said:

Ehh, as long as he stops stealing my money he's alright

101. How did this happen again?

102. Do you want me to rough him up for you?

9 hours ago, DisobeyedCargo said:

All the main series and rouge 1

Ah good

103. How good was part I?

104. How good was part II?

105. How good was part III (the most meme-tastic one)?

106. How good was part IV? 

107. How good was part V?

108. How good was part VI?

109. How good was Rogue One?

110. What is your favorite of the movies?

111. Who is your favorite character in the series without force power?

112. Who is your favorite Jedi?

113. Favorite Sith?

114. Han or Chewy?

115. Obi-Wan or Anakin?

10 hours ago, DisobeyedCargo said:

You got the quote wrong, but yes I have

116. What is the proper quote, for future reference?

10 hours ago, DisobeyedCargo said:

60. YES


117. Favorite Marvel movie to date?

119. Have you seen all 3 Iron Mans?

120. Have you seen all 3 Thors?

121. Have you seen all 3 Captain Americas?

122. Fave of the Guardians of the Galaxy?

10 hours ago, DisobeyedCargo said:

Odonthave one

123. How do you not have one?

124. Do you even eat cereal?

125. What is your favorite breakfast item?


126. Pancakes or Waffles?

127. Ever had chicken and waffles?

128. Ever had waffles with Jelly?

129. Hot dogs or burgers?

130. Ribs or porkchops?

131. What did you do with your first ever paycheck?

132. Fill in the blank:
Money is ___________.

133. Would you go bungee jumping?

134. Parachuting?

135. Favorite Dinosaur?

136. What would you do if you could go to a dinosaur island (like Jurrasic Park)?

137. Ever been to a water park?

138. Ever been to a skate park?

139. Ever been to a park?

140. Do you have siblings? I cant remember if you mentioned any before.... 

141. McDonald's or Burger King?

142. Have you ever seen Wendy's twitter roasts?

143. Do you have social media?

144. What do you think of social media?

145. Favorite childhood cartoon?

146. Biking, skating, or roller blading?

147. Hunting, fishing, or loving?

148. Who is the most annoying character to fight against in Smash?

149. What do you have to say to Masahiro Sakurai?

150. How good is RWBY?

151. How many pokemon nuzlockes have you done (including versus)?

152. What pokemon has been on your team the most?

153. Favorite legendary mon to use?

154. You play Showdown?

155. Apple or Android?


Ill have to come back and finish cause im busy right now ;-;

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9 hours ago, DisobeyedCargo said:

Ehh, as long as he stops stealing my money he's alright

101. How did this happen again?

102. Do you want me to rough him up for you?

9 hours ago, DisobeyedCargo said:

All the main series and rouge 1

Ah good

103. How good was part I?

104. How good was part II?

105. How good was part III (the most meme-tastic one)?

106. How good was part IV? 

107. How good was part V?

108. How good was part VI?

109. How good was Rogue One?

110. What is your favorite of the movies?

111. Who is your favorite character in the series without force power?

112. Who is your favorite Jedi?

113. Favorite Sith?

114. Han or Chewy?

115. Obi-Wan or Anakin?

10 hours ago, DisobeyedCargo said:

You got the quote wrong, but yes I have

116. What is the proper quote, for future reference?

10 hours ago, DisobeyedCargo said:

60. YES


117. Favorite Marvel movie to date?

119. Have you seen all 3 Iron Mans?

120. Have you seen all 3 Thors?

121. Have you seen all 3 Captain Americas?

122. Fave of the Guardians of the Galaxy?

10 hours ago, DisobeyedCargo said:

Odonthave one

123. How do you not have one?

124. Do you even eat cereal?

125. What is your favorite breakfast item?


126. Pancakes or Waffles?

127. Ever had chicken and waffles?

128. Ever had waffles with Jelly?

129. Hot dogs or burgers?

130. Ribs or porkchops?

131. What did you do with your first ever paycheck?

132. Fill in the blank:
Money is ___________.

133. Would you go bungee jumping?

134. Parachuting?

135. Favorite Dinosaur?

136. What would you do if you could go to a dinosaur island (like Jurrasic Park)?

137. Ever been to a water park?

138. Ever been to a skate park?

139. Ever been to a park?

140. Do you have siblings? I cant remember if you mentioned any before.... 

141. McDonald's or Burger King?

142. Have you ever seen Wendy's twitter roasts?

143. Do you have social media?

144. What do you think of social media?

145. Favorite childhood cartoon?

146. Biking, skating, or roller blading?

147. Hunting, fishing, or loving?

148. Who is the most annoying character to fight against in Smash?

149. What do you have to say to Masahiro Sakurai?

150. How good is RWBY?

151. How many pokemon nuzlockes have you done (including versus)?

152. What pokemon has been on your team the most?

153. Favorite legendary mon to use?

154. You play Showdown?

155. Apple or Android?


Ill have to come back and finish cause im busy right now ;-;

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39 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

101. How did this happen again?

102. Do you want me to rough him up for you?

Ah good

103. How good was part I?

104. How good was part II?

105. How good was part III (the most meme-tastic one)?

106. How good was part IV? 

107. How good was part V?

108. How good was part VI?

109. How good was Rogue One?

110. What is your favorite of the movies?

111. Who is your favorite character in the series without force power?

112. Who is your favorite Jedi?

113. Favorite Sith?

114. Han or Chewy?

115. Obi-Wan or Anakin?

116. What is the proper quote, for future reference?


117. Favorite Marvel movie to date?

119. Have you seen all 3 Iron Mans?

120. Have you seen all 3 Thors?

121. Have you seen all 3 Captain Americas?

122. Fave of the Guardians of the Galaxy?

123. How do you not have one?

124. Do you even eat cereal?

125. What is your favorite breakfast item?


126. Pancakes or Waffles?

127. Ever had chicken and waffles?

128. Ever had waffles with Jelly?

129. Hot dogs or burgers?

130. Ribs or porkchops?

131. What did you do with your first ever paycheck?

132. Fill in the blank:
Money is ___________.

133. Would you go bungee jumping?

134. Parachuting?

135. Favorite Dinosaur?

136. What would you do if you could go to a dinosaur island (like Jurrasic Park)?

137. Ever been to a water park?

138. Ever been to a skate park?

139. Ever been to a park?

140. Do you have siblings? I cant remember if you mentioned any before.... 

141. McDonald's or Burger King?

142. Have you ever seen Wendy's twitter roasts?

143. Do you have social media?

144. What do you think of social media?

145. Favorite childhood cartoon?

146. Biking, skating, or roller blading?

147. Hunting, fishing, or loving?

148. Who is the most annoying character to fight against in Smash?

149. What do you have to say to Masahiro Sakurai?

150. How good is RWBY?

151. How many pokemon nuzlockes have you done (including versus)?

152. What pokemon has been on your team the most?

153. Favorite legendary mon to use?

154. You play Showdown?

155. Apple or Android?


Ill have to come back and finish cause im busy right now ;-;

101. He stole my forging money when I want looking

102. Nah, I'll get him soon enough 

103. Meh

104. Ugghhh

105. Eew

106. Great

107. Awesome

108. Alright

109. Fantastic 

110. Rouge 1

111. Fin

112. Rey

113. darth plagueis the wise

114. Solo

115. One-Wan

116. Have you ever been so far as to even pretend to even want to go to do more like?

117. Dr.Strange

119. No

120. No but I want to

121. Yes

122. Do you mean movie? If so 2 by far

123. Cause I like too many cereals to answer

124. I eat cereal

125. Scrambled eggs

126. Pancakes

127. YES

128. Yes 

129. Burgers

130. Ribs

131.Christmas present for siblings/friends

132. Money is important

133. Yes

134. No

135. Velociraptor 

136. I would not go

137. Yes

138. Yes

139. Yes

140. I do

141. McDonald's 

142. Yes

143. No

144. It has its ups and downs

145. Regular show and teen titans

146. Roller blasing

147. Fishing


149. Nothing bad, he made Kid Icarus uprising and smash after all

150. Amazingly awesome

151. I couldn't count, probably several dozen by this point 

152. Arcanine

153. Arcanine Reshiram

154. Occasionally for testing competitive teams

155. Well, the choice is either pass me the dongle, or exploding in my ear.... windows


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1 minute ago, Natalie said:

I haven't had the time to ask you questions!!! I'M SORRY I HAVE FAILED YOU!

okay here's one

1. How disobedient is a DisobeyedCargo?

Your transgressions are forgiven young padawan

1. As Disobedient as possible  

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Just now, DisobeyedCargo said:

Your transgressions are forgiven young padawan

1. As Disobedient as possible  

Woah nice! We're going to get along swell, my dude.

Also please forgive me if I double up on questions, Arcanite is doing their thing and I can't keep up with those young robots these days.

2. Do you like Christmas?

3. Ice cream or custard?

4. Lemons or limes?

5. You live in the states, right? What's it like?

6. Favourite season?

7. Favourite number?

8. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you choose?

9. Countries you've visited?

10. Countries/cities/states you'd like to see?

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4 minutes ago, Natalie said:

Woah nice! We're going to get along swell, my dude.

Also please forgive me if I double up on questions, Arcanite is doing their thing and I can't keep up with those young robots these days.

2. Do you like Christmas?

3. Ice cream or custard?

4. Lemons or limes?

5. You live in the states, right? What's it like?

6. Favourite season?

7. Favourite number?

8. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you choose?

9. Countries you've visited?

10. Countries/cities/states you'd like to see?

That it fine, I have more than enough time on my hands to answer everyone's questions thanks to winter break 

2. Yes

3. Ice cream

4. Neither, don't like sour

5. It's Okay, loss of net neutrality hurts a lot though, and old man Clump ain't that great

6. Summer/winter

7. 42 cause of hitchhikers guide to the galaxy 

8. New Zeland, it's freaking beautiful

9. Haven't been out of the country yet

10. Japan, new zeland, Ireland, and England 

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17 hours ago, DisobeyedCargo said:

29. Cool, but not as cool as swords

I missed this, but yeah! Swords for the win!

XXVI. Do you use logic or emotions more?

XXVII. Quality or quantity?

XXVIII. Eastern or western dragon?

XXIX. Samurai or ninja?

XXX. Broadsword, katana, or scimitar?

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1. What three words best describe you?

2. How do you think success should be measured?

3. What scares you?  Do you have any irrational fears?

4. What do you do to de-stress at the end of a long day?

5. Do you think social media is making people more narcissistic? 

6. Are there any unspoken social rules that you dislike?

7. What do you value the most: free time, recognition, or money?

8. What is something you have tried that you will never try again?

9. Would you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert?

10. What are you most grateful for right now?

11. Do you enjoy overcoming challenges, or do you prefer things to be easy? Why?

12. If you could time travel, where would you go?

13. What are your pet peeves?

14. What are some of your favourite TV shows?

15. What has been the most significant or best year of your life so far?

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7 hours ago, Rex Glacies said:

I missed this, but yeah! Swords for the win!

XXVI. Do you use logic or emotions more?

XXVII. Quality or quantity?

XXVIII. Eastern or western dragon?

XXIX. Samurai or ninja?

XXX. Broadsword, katana, or scimitar?

XXVI: Both blend together to drive my decisions, but I lean slightly more towards emotions

XXVII: Quality

XXVIII: Eastern

XXIX: can't I be a samurai ninja? ninja

XXX: Katana 

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3 hours ago, Infinite Dreams said:

1. What three words best describe you?

2. How do you think success should be measured?

3. What scares you?  Do you have any irrational fears?

4. What do you do to de-stress at the end of a long day?

5. Do you think social media is making people more narcissistic? 

6. Are there any unspoken social rules that you dislike?

7. What do you value the most: free time, recognition, or money?

8. What is something you have tried that you will never try again?

9. Would you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert?

10. What are you most grateful for right now?

11. Do you enjoy overcoming challenges, or do you prefer things to be easy? Why?

12. If you could time travel, where would you go?

13. What are your pet peeves?

14. What are some of your favourite TV shows?

15. What has been the most significant or best year of your life so far?

1. Calculated, nerd, observer

2. I feel succes is measured by if your able to achieve your dreams. If your able to work your dream job and still be able to support yourself or others, then that it success.

3. Autonomophobia and Trypophobia

4. Reading and video games

5. To an extent yes

6. Don't make plans with friends in front of other friends 

7. Free time 

8. I can't recall anything 

9. Introvert

10. The ability to take classes at my high school that will help me towards getting my dream job

11. I enjoy a good challenge because I find them fun and it gives me a chance to apply everything I know and to better myself

12. I really can't answer that, I have  no idea

13. When people constantly interrupt what I'm doing and when people play music I can hear when I'm trying to focus

14. Impractical Jokers, RWBY, Teen Titans

15. The most signifigant year so far is junior year, it's when I began to take school much more seriously and when I first got a job 


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3 hours ago, Phillius the Crestfallen said:

11. Favourite Board Games?

12. Day or Night?

13. Summer or Winter?

14. Do you listen to any podcasts?

15. Favourite Youtubers/Twitch Streamers?

11. Sorry, monopoly, clue

12. Night

13. Damn it my two favorite seasons.... summer, i like heat slightly more 

14. No

15. Chuggaaconroy is number 1 youtuber, and I don't use twitch 

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9 hours ago, DisobeyedCargo said:

XXVI: Both blend together to drive my decisions, but I lean slightly more towards emotions


9 hours ago, DisobeyedCargo said:

XXIX: can't I be a samurai ninja? ninja

Sure. Why not?

8 hours ago, DisobeyedCargo said:

10. The ability to take classes at my high school that will help me towards getting my dream job

XXXI. What's your dream job?

XXXII. Power, wisdom, or courage?

XXXIII. Knowledge, willpower, or emotion?

XXXIV. Have you ever solved a Rubix cube?

XXXV. Are you more of a planner or do you tend to go with the flow?

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6 minutes ago, Rex Glacies said:


Sure. Why not?

XXXI. What's your dream job?

XXXII. Power, wisdom, or courage?

XXXIII. Knowledge, willpower, or emotion?

XXXIV. Have you ever solved a Rubix cube?

XXXV. Are you more of a planner or do you tend to go with the flow?


XXXI: game design, specifically programming

XXXII: you assume I am not balanced enough to control the full triforce I'd side most with courage. What use is power and wisdom without the courage needed to use said power and wisdom

XXXIII: assuming I haven't caught the whole lake trio? Emotion as it's what drives my actions more than anything else.

XXXIV: not yet...

XXXV: I try to plan, but I more often then not act on the fly and go with the flow. 

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18 hours ago, DisobeyedCargo said:

XXXII: you assume I am not balanced enough to control the full triforce I'd side most with courage. What use is power and wisdom without the courage needed to use said power and wisdom

XXXIII: assuming I haven't caught the whole lake trio? Emotion as it's what drives my actions more than anything else.

Thank goodness you caught my references.

Interesting answers, and nice logic for courage. I was not expecting this.

XXXVI. Is it better to tell  harsh truth or a kind lie?

XXXVII. Any personal philosophy or mindset you try to stick to?

XXXVIII. Do you think the world is governed more by fate or free will?

XXXIX. What is it that makes Xenoblade Chronicles your (presumably) favorite game?

XL. Are there any questions that you haven't received yet that you would like to, and what is the answer to them?

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6: Opinion of the name Rachel?

7: Opinion of petticoats?

8: Opinion of kilts?

9: Opinion on Ests in Fire Emblem?

10: If you were a Fire Emblem unit, what would your class and stats/growths be like?

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1 hour ago, Rex Glacies said:

Thank goodness you caught my references.

Interesting answers, and nice logic for courage. I was not expecting this.

XXXVI. Is it better to tell  harsh truth or a kind lie?

XXXVII. Any personal philosophy or mindset you try to stick to?

XXXVIII. Do you think the world is governed more by fate or free will?

XXXIX. What is it that makes Xenoblade Chronicles your (presumably) favorite game?

XL. Are there any questions that you haven't received yet that you would like to, and what is the answer to them?

what made you think I wouldn't get them

XXXVI: Harsh truth, I'd rather someone find out now rather than later, the damage would be more severe

XXXVII: i like being happy, so I try to find the positives in any situation I'm in.

XXXVIII: Free will

XXXIX: it is my favorite game. 1. Despite the "last gen" graphics, the game is beautiful (I look more at art style and presentation than actual graphics). 2. The characters are so loveable (when was the last time someone said something g bad about Dunban or melia?). 3. IMHO, the story was quite beautiful. 4. Micromanagement of Equpment and items for quests was super easy thanks to the vision mechanic. 5. The world was so rich and vast and varied. 6. I was so immersed in the world and its history. 7. The combat was awesome. 8. The music is among the greatest I have ever heard, with the final boss theme being my absolute favorite.

I could talk about this game all day

XL: none that I can think of now 

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1 hour ago, Rezzy said:

6: Opinion of the name Rachel?

7: Opinion of petticoats?

8: Opinion of kilts?

9: Opinion on Ests in Fire Emblem?

10: If you were a Fire Emblem unit, what would your class and stats/growths be like?

6. Personally I prefer the spelling Rachael cause that's how my sisters name is spelled 

7. Okay I suppose

8. Nope nope and nope 

9. They tend to be my favorite units to use 

10. My class would be knight/baron, and my stats/growths would have a focus on high resistance and attack.

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9. What's your record time for beating Xenoblade Chronicles?

10. What's your best idea for a crossover video game that hasn't been done yet?

11. First game you ever completed 100%?

12. Name one movie/actor/actress that you think deserves an Oscar this year.

13. Describe 2017 in ten words or less.

14. Did you enjoy being interviewed this week?

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10 minutes ago, TheGoodHoms said:

9. What's your record time for beating Xenoblade Chronicles?

10. What's your best idea for a crossover video game that hasn't been done yet?

11. First game you ever completed 100%?

12. Name one movie/actor/actress that you think deserves an Oscar this year.

13. Describe 2017 in ten words or less.

14. Did you enjoy being interviewed this week?

9. About 80 hours, that's with almost no side quests done

10. A crossover between Pokémon and dynasty warriors, a Pokémon Warriors if you will

11. Mario and Luigi Bowsers inside story 

12. Daisy Ridley

13. A bucket of memes

14. It was a very pleasant experience 

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