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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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1.Greatest achievement in life thus far?

2.Something you think is really good but I likely have never heard of?

3.Do you like the sound of your own voice?

4.Furthest you've ever been from home?

5.A Mega Pokemon you'd like to see?

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1.Greatest achievement in life thus far?
2.Something you think is really good but I likely have never heard of?
3.Do you like the sound of your own voice?
4.Furthest you've ever been from home?
5.A Mega Pokemon you'd like to see?

1. I wrote my own theater show, it was for a amateur troupe in my highschool (which I was also a part off). I also played a character and, since I had a computer classroom, I also ''directed'' the creation of the poster for the show. Of course, my teacher helped me a lot in this.

2. Poutine. It's a meal from where I live, it's only a 3 ingredient meal: French fries, cheese and a sauce. It tastes really good but we don't eat that too often because it's like fast food.


4. I've been to Quebec (the city) when I was 12 for a ''end of school celebration trip''. I also went to Ontario but I never went out of Canada.

5. Aside from the Eeveelutions themselves, I would say Flygon and Ninetales.

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1. Obligatory What are your first/current impressions of me? question

2. Movie, video game, etc that you like that everyone else hates?

3. Movie, video game, etc that you hate that everyone else likes?

4. Aspirations in life?

5. Opinion on kids and do you plan to have any?

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Impressions of: 13f26d5e1b.gif

Impressions of: 49f2b4fd55.gif

Favourite Eeveelution.

Favourite tea, if any.

Favourite Pokémon aside from Eevee and its evolutions.

Naww, they are cute (the sukus?). I don't know if they have genders or not but I would totaly see the green one being female and the blue one male.

Oh boy, a tough question. Well, if I was a trainer and I would have one of them always out in its pokéball (like Ash's Pikachu), it would be Leafeon. I could totaly see like me holding a vine whip like a hand or even carrying it around.

I don't drink tea in general but I drink that is ''similar'' in some ways.

Vulpix, Ninetales, Rotom, Pikachu, Pichu, Deerling, Zorua and Zoroark

1. Obligatory What are your first/current impressions of me? question

2. Movie, video game, etc that you like that everyone else hates?

3. Movie, video game, etc that you hate that everyone else likes?

4. Aspirations in life?

5. Opinion on kids and do you plan to have any?

1. You are... pretty much the model of a good mom and a person in general. I mean, I don't know much about you outside of what we discussed already but that's how I feel. You even play along with ''I'm a Eevee'' thing which probably means you have a good sense of humour.

2. Pokémon XD Gales of Darkness

3. Dunno if anime counts : Shokugeki no Souma. It's pretty much a anime about cooking but it's so boring, they even have to include eechi moments in order to make it interesting.

4. Being a good person, helping someone wherever I can.

5. I like kids, they are funny even if sometimes, I don't understand what they are always saying. I plan to have at least 2 because, trust me on this, having no siblings sucks.

1. impressions?

2. favorite sun&moon pokemon revealed so far?

3. favorite video game?

1. You seem... pretty calm I guess? Big sorry but I'm really not good in that kind of question. But at least you like 2 Pokémons that I like so that's nice already.

2. Starter: Litten, Bounsweet and its second evo (don't like the 3rd).

3. Starcraft 2

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Tu sais il y a beaucoup de francophones ici. (Moi, Luxspes, Tangerine, Marthur, Tamanoir...)

1. C'est quoi ton dessert préféré ?

1. Est-ce que ça te dérange si je te pose les questions en français ?

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Tu sais il y a beaucoup de francophones ici. (Moi, Luxspes, Tangerine, Marthur, Tamanoir...)

1. C'est quoi ton dessert préféré ?

1. Est-ce que ça te dérange si je te pose les questions en français ?

Yeah, je sais mais je savais par quoi te répondre alors j'ai juste marqué ce que j'avais en tête.

1. Gâteau au fromage

1.? Non, a moins que Hattusi m'oblige a faire ça en anglais tout le temps.

1. salve

2. impressions on me

3. why so many eeveelutions?

4. how long have you been into pokemon

5. can you flex?

1. Salve

2. You're chill

3. Because I like all of them

4. Since I was 5/6 years old

5. Depends, I think

(Just a quick reminder, if any of my answer feel weird, it might because I didn't understand the question)

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I have like a high school level understanding of French, but that's about it.

6. How hard was it to learn English?

7. Opinion on the name Rachel?

8. Opinion on Ests in Fire Emblem?

9. Opinion on the name Leo?

10. Opinion on Leo in Fates?

1. You are... pretty much the model of a good mom and a person in general. I mean, I don't know much about you outside of what we discussed already but that's how I feel. You even play along with ''I'm a Eevee'' thing which probably means you have a good sense of humour.

2. Pokémon XD Gales of Darkness

3. Dunno if anime counts : Shokugeki no Souma. It's a pretty mcuh a anime about cooking but it's so boring, they have to include eechi moments in order to make it interesting.

4. Being a good person, helping someone wherever I can.

5. I like kids, they are funny even if sometimes, I don't understand what they are always saying. I plan to have at least 2 because, trust me on this, having no siblings sucks.

1. Why, thank you

2. I like XD!

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4. Least favorite pokemon?

5. First song that pops into your mind?

4. All pokémon that don't evolve that are not legendaries, Rotom or Absol. Also Garbodor because its design is pretty trash... no pun intended.

5. Fireflies from Owl City

I have like a high school level understanding of French, but that's about it.

6. How hard was it to learn English?

7. Opinion on the name Rachel?

8. Opinion on Ests in Fire Emblem?

9. Opinion on the name Leo?

10. Opinion on Leo in Fates?

1. Why, thank you

2. I like XD!

I'll speak French only to Naughx or anyone else that also speak it (or want to try). Also, Hattusili, if you want me to stop speaking French for the rest of the interview, feel free to tell me.

6. Believe it or not, it's by far more easier than French (well the written part at least). It also helps that we learn English since elementary school and SF helps me pratice every day.

7. ​It sucks​ Just kidding, it's a really good name, thought it sounds better in English than French.

8. Since I'm very patient, they are very fun to use and it's feel so rewarding when you just see your unit destroy the enemy.

9. I'll not make the same joke again.​ It's also a very good name, it reminds of Leonardo, the turtle from ninja turtles, my favorite cartoon.

10. Tbh, I use him sometimes but not all of the time since I prefer Odin but I use Leo more often in Conquest than Revelation

(Also, you're a great help in Castle Battles, I sometimes pair up with your replicate or Leo, because family).

1. De rien (You welcome)

2. Yea, but a lot of people are like: ''It's not like the main pokémon game''.

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What would you do if I dropped a water stone on you? Since you will be a vaporeon and not an eevee anymore.

Also is your father a wailord?

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What would you do if I dropped a water stone on you? Since you will be a vaporeon and not an eevee anymore.

Actually, dropping a evolution stone on the pokémon does not trigger the evolution. It's never explained why but we have seen multiple examples in the anime (Pikachu rejecting the thunderstone with his tail or the Clefary holding a moon stone in their hand).

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11. If you were a Fire Emblem unit, what would your class and stats/growths be like?

12. Opinion on the name Est?

13. Favorite FE archetype?

14. Favorite historical era?

(Also, you're a great help in Castle Battles, I sometimes pair up with your replicate or Leo, because family).

2. Yea, but a lot of people are like: ''It's not like the main pokémon game''.

Cool, did you recruit my clone? I forget what class/skills I have on her right now.

2. I wish we had more games like XD. It's also really nice to be able to have as many save files as you want, assuming you have the memory cards.

My grandfather

I've got some horribly inbred pokemon in my attempts to get perfect IVs.

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You do look like him a little bit. >.>

Il y a comme un petit air de famille.


11. If you were a Fire Emblem unit, what would your class and stats/growths be like?

12. Opinion on the name Est?

13. Favorite FE archetype?

14. Favorite historical era?

Cool, did you recruit my clone? I forget what class/skills I have on her right now.

2. I wish we had more games like XD. It's also really nice to be able to have as many save files as you want, assuming you have the memory cards.

I've got some horribly inbred pokemon in my attempts to get perfect IVs.

11. Probably like a mix of a Dark mage and a Tactician (can use magic, dark magic and sword), good strength and magic growths, decent speed, skill and luck but low def and res

12. Also a very good name. Fun fact: Est means East in french.

13. You mean like in which console? I think 3ds games had a good idea but they need a few improvements for the future games

14. Medieval

Yeah I did.

I really liked the concept of shadow pokémon and the double battle.

In my opinion, IV and EV should not exist but that's just me.

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11. Probably like a mix of a Dark mage and a Tactician (can use magic, dark magic and sword), good strength and magic growths, decent speed, skill and luck but low def and res

12. Also a very good name. Fun fact: Est means East in french.

13. You mean like in which console? I think 3ds games had a good idea but they need a few improvements for the future games

14. Medieval

Yeah I did.

I really liked the concept of shadow pokémon and the double battle.

In my opinion, IV and EV should not exist but that's just me.

11. Maybe like a Dark Knight that could actually use Dark Magic, like the name would imply?

12. Yep

13. I was referring to the typical cliches, tropes, or roles that appear in most every Fire Emblem game, like the Jeigan, the Est, the Red and Green Cavaliers, etc.

14. Cool, mine too

I don't mind IVs and EVs per se. I think it should be a lot easier to breed, though. Maybe Pokes automatically inherit the higher IV from each parent, unless they get a held item to randomize it or something. EVs aren't nearly as bad as they used to, with Horde battles, but I think at end-game it should be even easier. The way it is now for both just encourages hacking.

One would think you would love EVs, considering the name.

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11. Maybe like a Dark Knight that could actually use Dark Magic, like the name would imply?

12. Yep

13. I was referring to the typical cliches, tropes, or roles that appear in most every Fire Emblem game, like the Jeigan, the Est, the Red and Green Cavaliers, etc.

14. Cool, mine too

I don't mind IVs and EVs per se. I think it should be a lot easier to breed, though. Maybe Pokes automatically inherit the higher IV from each parent, unless they get a held item to randomize it or something. EVs aren't nearly as bad as they used to, with Horde battles, but I think at end-game it should be even easier. The way it is now for both just encourages hacking.

One would think you would love EVs, considering the name.

11. Yeah but not mounted (Dark Night should be renamed to Magic Knight or Magic Cavalier), I would totaly see myself as one: one sword in one hand and a tome (with a staff in the back after promoting) in the other wearing black clothes with a hat.

13. Oh, well either the Tellius game or Awakening

Yeah I know but I find this very time consumming for what's worth. Natures alone should be enough. There's a reason why I only battled on Pokémon Showdown and never on my 3ds.

Nah, one pun will not make me like this thing.

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7.What three historical figures would you most like to go on a road trip with?

8.What three fictional heroes would you most like to go on a road trip with?

9.What three fictional villains would you most like to go on a road trip with?

10.Opinion on polygamy?

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7.What three historical figures would you most like to go on a road trip with?
8.What three fictional heroes would you most like to go on a road trip with?
9.What three fictional villains would you most like to go on a road trip with?
10.Opinion on polygamy?

7. Obama, Justin Trudeau and Nelson Mandela

8. Batman, Deadpool and Thor

9. The Joker, Beltegeuse and Alarak (may not be a vilain but it's far from being a hero)

10. I'm impressed every time I see this.

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I find you pairing Princess Rezzy with Leo very cute.

15. Opinion on kilts, and would you wear one?

16. Opinion on facial hair?

17. How do you feel about the new weapon triangle in Fates?

18. Do you wish the old magic triangle with Light Magic and Dark Magic as a proper weapon type to return?

19. What do you think of Shuriken as a weapon type?

20. Opinion on Star Trek?

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