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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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16. From all the FE games you've played, can you rate them from best to worst (in your opinion)?

17. How many Mario games have you played?

18. Have you seen any of the Marvel Cinematic Universe films?

19. Would you ever go deep sea diving?

20. What is your favorite kind of sandwich?

Do it! But be cautious in venturing into the PS2 CB games, they're very hit-and-miss, unlike the PS1 games where they're all good.

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16. From all the FE games you've played, can you rate them from best to worst (in your opinion)?

17. How many Mario games have you played?

18. Have you seen any of the Marvel Cinematic Universe films?

19. Would you ever go deep sea diving?

20. What is your favorite kind of sandwich?

Do it! But be cautious in venturing into the PS2 CB games, they're very hit-and-miss, unlike the PS1 games where they're all good.


  1. FE10 (9/10)
  2. FE5 (8,75/10)
  3. FE9 (8,5/10)
  4. FE7 (8,25/10)
  5. FE8 (8/10)
  6. FE12 (8/10)
  7. FE6 (7,5/10)
  8. FE11 (5/10) (without gaiden patch)
  9. FE13 (4/10)

PS: I've made a little review of all played FE games in my profile.

17. Do you mean all types or only platformers:

Let's see:

  • Super Mario Land
  • Super Mario Bros 3
  • Super Mario World
  • Super Mario Kart
  • Mario 64 (my favorite)
  • Mario Kart 64
  • Mario Golf 64
  • Mario Tennis 64
  • New Super Mario Bros Wii
  • Mario Kart Wii
  • Mario 64 DS

18. The Incredible Hulk

19. No. I'm not a big of fan of water sports at all.

20. Cheese, ham, mayo, an egg, salad and a small tomato.

I will. But I must finish the started videogames first. Unfortunately it'll take a time.

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6. Have you played Eternal Sonata

7. Have you played Breath of Fire 3

8. Have you played Summon Night: Twin Age

9. Have you played The Last Story

10. Did you enjoy any of the games listed if you've played them

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6. Have you played Eternal Sonata

7. Have you played Breath of Fire 3

8. Have you played Summon Night: Twin Age

9. Have you played The Last Story

10. Did you enjoy any of the games listed if you've played them

6-9 can be answered in one word: no

10. ^

Now EVERYBODY knows what a huge videogamer I am. Must I feel bad now for this?

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But I listed RPGs. >w>

11. What made you decide to only play RPGs these days

12. How do you feel about Root Beer

13. How do you feel about cheesburgers

14. Do you have a dream car

15. Who's your favorite Touhou

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Would you play Radiant Historia if I begged you to? :)

First and current Impressions?

Have you ever read Fire Emblem Fanfiction? If so, what is your view on it?

1. If I've completed my current games, then probably. But it'll take its time.

2. Tbh I only know you from the games section. You seem to be very kind and smart. Probably you're the person, who uses :) the most. :) You brought me to another FE9 LP which was pretty cool.

3. no

But I listed RPGs. >w>

11. What made you decide to only play RPGs these days

12. How do you feel about Root Beer

13. How do you feel about cheesburgers

14. Do you have a dream car

15. Who's your favorite Touhou

11. Mainly because I prefer games which require strategical skills than skills in pressing buttons and moving the control stick all right time. (of course it's also a little part in action RPGs like Tales of though). I mainly love round based strategy games because mathematics is needed.

PS: I'm going to play more RPGs in the future. However I still have a few incompleted games to finish and other stuff around me atm.

12. I would not try it out, because I can't stand any sort of beer. Prefer vine.

13. Earlier: :wub: Now: I'm tired of them.

14. Just a drivable car which doesn't have to be brought to the workshop all that much. However a TV inside wouldn't be bad.

15. IN, because it's the only part I've played yet... And I still have to beat it sometime.

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What even.

No no, root beer is a type/flavor of soda. It's safe and stuff.

16. Where in the world are you

17. Who's your favorite Touhou character

18. What made you dislike cheeseburgers

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What even.

No no, root beer is a type/flavor of soda. It's safe and stuff.

16. Where in the world are you

17. Who's your favorite Touhou character

18. What made you dislike cheeseburgers

16. Germany (alternative: little Netherlands)

17. Still Reimu Hakurei

18. I lost the appetite in beef. I don't enjoy the taste anymore. Honestly I don't have an exact reason for that. Only eat chicken burgers... and this very rarely. I'm tired of junk food currently.

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That could prolly be why you don't know root beer(soda) is.

19. Are there any brands of soda you like

20. I have reached my question limit, how do you feel about that

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Opinions of the Zelda series?

Favourite RPG series?

Favourite Video Game Soundtrack?

4. I'm probably the worst Zelda-player ever. My dad like this series and played the ones for NES and SNES. He tried to introduce me into the series with the N64 ones, but I couldn't get into them. I was overwhelmed in the puzzles and the controls in the battles. I quitted and my dad completed them for me. I also tried out Skyward Sword, but same happened. Couldn't deal with the controls of the Wiimote and so I gave up very easy. However this time no one completed it for me.

=> Never ever have beaten one single game of this franchise. I'd like this series, if I just could get into it.

5. Fire Emblem (if it counts), Tales of, Persona and probably Final Fantasy

6. Actually each game by RareWare. The soundtrack in the Donkey Kong Series, two Banjo games, Conker's Bad Fur Day and GoldenEye 64 was just awesome. For my favorite soundtrack I'd go for GoldenEye 64.

Favourite Movie OST?

Favourite Music Band or artist?

1. Hmm... hard to tell. Probably Star Wars. Just legendary.

2. I claimed Duran Duran as my favorite band in my profile, but actually it's a tie between them and Depeche Mode. Both bands have done fantastic music for about 35 years and they still exist. I go for Duran Duran though, because I like Planet Earth and Girls on Film better than each DM song and this band was free of any affairs so far I know.

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1. Favourite Tales main protagonist?

2. Favourite Tales character gameplay-wise?

3. Favourite Tales character, personality-wise?

4. How would you rank the Tales games you've played, from best to worst?

5. How are you right now?

1. Luke fon Fabre

Just because of his character development. He becomes from a jerk into a "man".

2. Lloyd Irving / Guy Cecil

Both have pretty much the same moveset and artes. I like units, who are using fast artes and attack in close range. I always feel comfortable with them unlike with most magic users.

3. Tear Grants

One of the main reasons is that she introduced me into the mechanics of the Tales of series, because Abyss was my first game. Furthermore I like, how cool she acts towards Luke in the beginning and her weakness for cute things. She has by far my most favorite outfit of all females in this series and a sexy voice. Lailah is close behind.

4. Ranking:

  1. Abyss
  2. Symphonia
  3. Xillia
  4. Vesperia (Gattuso ruined the rank)
  5. Zestiria
  6. Symphonia Dawn to the new world

Honestly I've beaten only Abyss yet. Haven't played Graces and Xillia 2 enough to rank them.

5. Umm... could be better honestly (however still much better than a few months ago).

As for my occupational situation I'm happy. Studying makes much fun, even if I'm looking for good jobs atm (just to have an alternative for the future).

As for my personal situation... meh. My mom won't come back home until this year and I absolute don't know about her physical consequential damages. At least I learned to take all her tasks and became the new "housewive" in the family.

Furthermore I must deal with a few health issues atm. However it's not that bad.

At least I've some people I can talk to so it's all managable.

Edited by Mister IceTeaPeach
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Favorite track from Sonic CD? (If you have played it or listened to any)

[spoiler=The song in 24:22]

Hearing the synthesizer always gives me a good feeling.

However I think the title of the song in the video description is wrong.

Looked for the title, but it was a different theme.

Edited by Mister IceTeaPeach
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