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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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if you could direct the anime industry with no budget constraint what would you have made?

if you could make any dream game you wanted WITH NO BUDGET OR TIME CONSTRAINT what would it include and what would the name be

if you could ask me any question what would you ask me!?

i'm surprised yasako hasn't asked you any questions yet tbh (or did i miss it?)

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6. Have you played my game, yet?

7. What do you like to do during your free time?

8. Favorite food (or type of food if you can't nail one down)?

9. What do you think of me?

10. Hardest Fire Emblem boss/enemy you've taken on?

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Most memorable non-boss enemy/opponent in games?

If you read books/novels, favorite villain?

Artistic skill you'll like to have?

Do you have tattoos?

1. Regenerador from Resident Evil 4.

2. I haven't read a novel in a long time...

3. Drawing.

4. No.

if you could direct the anime industry with no budget constraint what would you have made?

if you could make any dream game you wanted WITH NO BUDGET OR TIME CONSTRAINT what would it include and what would the name be

if you could ask me any question what would you ask me!?

i'm surprised yasako hasn't asked you any questions yet tbh (or did i miss it?)

1. Good anime.

2. It would be like a Fire Emblem game (or a legit FE game, if I'm allowed to go that far) with my own concepts and a non-generic (hopefully) story. And no children, but a large cast with romance options otherwise (but not everyone x everyone). I don't know what the name would be. I know, I'm a huge FE nerd.

3. Who are you?

4. Me, too. Wait, that wasn't a question.

6. Have you played my game, yet?

7. What do you like to do during your free time?

8. Favorite food (or type of food if you can't nail one down)?

9. What do you think of me?

10. Hardest Fire Emblem boss/enemy you've taken on?

6. No.

7. Internet, games, and occasionally some Chinese cartoons.

8. Salmon.

9. You are...someone I recognize the name of.

10. Shadow Dragon H5 Medeus.

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10. Shadow Dragon H5 Medeus.

Shadow Dragon H5 medus is easy.

1. What is your favorite game on Steam?

2. What was the most challenging thing to do on Steam?

3. Have you played Legend of Dragoon? If you have not, you should try it.

4. How did you like the Orcs Must Die games I recommended?

5. Is there any game you have in mind for playing together?

6. What is your favorite arranged FE track? For reference, mine is "Within the Magnificent Nature"

7. Have you had any interest in playing Starcraft 2?

8. What is your favorite drink?

9. Do you ever feel worried about some of the secrets you've told me?

10. Do you have any interest in the Hotline Miami games?

Edited by Sirius
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1. What is your favorite game on Steam?

2. What was the most challenging thing to do on Steam?

3. Have you played Legend of Dragoon? If you have not, you should try it.

4. How did you like the Orcs Must Die games I recommended?

5. Is there any game you have in mind for playing together?

6. What is your favorite arrange FE track? For reference, mine is "Within the Magnificent Nature"

7. Have you had any interest in playing Starcraft 2?

8. What is your favorite drink?

9. Do you ever feel worried about some of the secrets you've told me?

10. Do you have any interest in the Hotline Miami games?

1. Dark Souls.

2. They Bleed Pixels.

3. No.

4. I played them both to 100% completion. I only do this if I really like the game.

5. Not off the top of my head.

6. I haven't really payed attention to the arranged soundtracks.

7. No.

8. Dr. Pepper.

9. No. Should I be?

10. I enjoyed the first one. I'll probably pick up the second one in a bundle or at a good discount.

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Things that people does that you hate the most?

8. Dr. Pepper.

Yaay Dr. Pepper and Crush Cream Soda are the best. (Personal opinion)

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1. Dark Souls.

2. They Bleed Pixels.

3. No.

4. I played them both to 100% completion. I only do this if I really like the game.

5. Not off the top of my head.

6. I haven't really payed attention to the arranged soundtracks.

7. No.

8. Dr. Pepper.

9. No. Should I be?

10. I enjoyed the first one. I'll probably pick up the second one in a bundle or at a good discount.

1. Ah yes, you've played that one. How far into it did you get?

2. I'm surprised it's not Sanctum 2 or Giana Sisters. What makes "The Bleed Pixels" stand out above those 2?

3. Go play it then, you can pick it up for $10 if you have a PS3. Once you play it we must discuss the characters. Have you not heard of it from the fruit?

4. Excellent. There is a 3rd game called "Orcs Must Die Unchained" but it's trying to be a moba version of OMD. Would you try this one?

5. Surely you must have had one in mind. Any game you'd like to go back to?

6. Then you should check out a few and then answer this: "What's your favorite arranged theme"?

7. What if it told you there's co-op missions in the game and that they would be easy for you to pick up?

8. Yes, you've answered this before but here, I'll make it more specific: What is your favorite alcoholic drink? Examples being Martini, White Russian, some specific red wine, etc etc.

9. What do you think the answer to that is?

10. Excellent. The game's story takes a similar approach to "Pulp Fiction". Have you seen that movie?

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8. Yes, you've answered this before but here, I'll make it more specific: What is your favorite alcoholic drink? Examples being Martini, White Russian, some specific red wine, etc etc.

Hey RFoF... are you a heavy drinker?

Now I want to see her being drunk...

Edited by Naughx
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Things that people does that you hate the most?

Would/could/should of.

1. Ah yes, you've played that one. How far into it did you get?

2. I'm surprised it's not Sanctum 2 or Giana Sisters. What makes "The Bleed Pixels" stand out above those 2?

3. Go play it then, you can pick it up for $10 if you have a PS3. Once you play it we must discuss the characters. Have you not heard of it from the fruit?

4. Excellent. There is a 3rd game called "Orcs Must Die Unchained" but it's trying to be a moba version of OMD. Would you try this one?

5. Surely you must have had one in mind. Any game you'd like to go back to?

6. Then you should check out a few and then answer this: "What's your favorite arranged theme"?

7. What if it told you there's co-op missions in the game and that they would be easy for you to pick up?

8. Yes, you've answered this before but here, I'll make it more specific: What is your favorite alcoholic drink? Examples being Martini, White Russian, some specific red wine, etc etc.

9. What do you think the answer to that is?

10. Excellent. The game's story takes a similar approach to "Pulp Fiction". Have you seen that movie?

1. I beat it.

2. Sanctum 2 overall wasn't super difficult, and Giana Sisters only took me so long because it wanted me to beat the entire game deathless (which would be significantly harder in TBP). They Bleed Pixels is just a really damn hard game.

3. I don't think I've ever heard of it before.

4. I don't think I can see myself getting interested in a MOBA.

5. As a solo-minded player, co-op just isn't something I tend to consider in a game.

6. I'll have to get back to you on that one.

7. Probably still no. There are too many games I already own that I want to play to start anything too time-consuming.

8. I've had alcohol on exactly two occasions in my life. Incidentally, both were before I was of drinking age, and I don't remember the names.

9. No.

10. I have seen that movie.

Hey RFoF... are you a heavy drinker?

Now I want to see her being drunk...


When did you start gaming?

I've pretty much had games around for as long as I can remember.
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