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Do you like, actively bomb yourself to 3.xx Power and try to destroy anything? Don't do that. Try to stay at high power, and only bomb when you're in danger. And once you reach 3.xx Power against a boss, then go unfocused and align the middle laser on the boss. Most spells/nonspells will die before their bullets can threaten you, and you'll eventually get back to 4 Power or above and repeat the process.

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Nah I've only made it to sakuya once and that was with 1 life, I was just practicing her in stage practice to get away from the monotony of grinding the first four stages

I plan on bombing her midboss bullshit, yeah

Using both reimu a and b

Ideally you want to perfect stages 1-2 (which shouldn't be a problem for you, I think), then maybe spend around 2-3 bombs on stage 3. Where are your resources being drained the most?

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The only thing that's keeping me from perfecting stage 1-2 is cirno's opening attack >_>

any other death is just carelessness though, yeah.

Fuck stage 3.

Meiling is literally russian roulette, I can't predict when I'm going to be in danger too, which is the worst part.

My resources are being drained heavily during the meiling fight and patchy's lasers.

ReimuA has (relatively) easy spellcards for patchy though.

At the risk of bragging you could, uh, use my replay for reference on the early stages.

I suggest weaving through the third shotgun of Cirno's opener.

Meiling is scary. I'd suggest planned bombs on Extreme Color Typhoon and maybe the last nonspell. It'd probably help if I had a replay to see how you're faring against Meiling so I could provide a bit more specific advice.

I can't really help you for Patchylasers. Although ideally you want to avoid left-right or right-left movement. Try to only move along with the second wave of lasers, so position yourself to the left if they sweep right for example. It's hard to explain and I always mess up.


I'm not an expert, so my advice isn't probably the most sound. (Sorry if I sounded confident or anything. I didn't intend that.)

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I just didn't gather any Power after getting in between 3 and 4, it was just a one time thing though, I don't wanna cheat. Also, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, I have no idea what to make my Touhoumon team and I got bored out of spamming my Meiling, Alice and Minoriko, but they're all I ever trained along with a low level Hina aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.

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Don't level Minoriko too fast, Chrome Shard only works on the chibi forms of the sisters

I know, she's around 34 and I have to B button her every time because she has a Macho Brace.

Use Kanako

1. Why.

2. Why?

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