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I reached Stage 5. but the fairies where hellish.

Also, during my first attempt at entering Touhou ages ago, I reached Reisen on my second try on Normal mode. I have no idea how that happened tbh. 2015 me was apparently a god or something.

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I reached Stage 5. but the fairies where hellish.

Also, during my first attempt at entering Touhou ages ago, I reached Reisen on my second try on Normal mode. I have no idea how that happened tbh. 2015 me was apparently a god or something.


I screwed up Invisible Full Moon, but basically the blue things alternate between being aimed at you and away from you. You need to misdirect them while using the flashes to bypass the rings.

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How do I open replay files. ; -;

Put it in the replay folder found in the game folder, naming it th8_xx replacing the xx with a number from 01 - 15. Open the game and select replays, and select the replay you want to view.

You can have more than 15 replays by renaming the replay files so the game doesn't read them. Be descriptive, in case you want to locate it again.

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I reached Stage 5. but the fairies where hellish.

Yay, Stage 5~

Yuyuko wrecks it, fyi

Also, during my first attempt at entering Touhou ages ago, I reached Reisen on my second try on Normal mode. I have no idea how that happened tbh. 2015 me was apparently a god or something.

Maybe you used Continues back then.

Put it in the replay folder found in the game folder, naming it th8_xx replacing the xx with a number from 01 - 15. Open the game and select replays, and select the replay you want to view.

You can have more than 15 replays by renaming the replay files so the game doesn't read them. Be descriptive, in case you want to locate it again.

Annie please don't provide unnecessary instructions.

How do I open replay files. ; -;

Copy them to your replay folder. You do NOT need to rename them. The game recognizes replays of the format "th8_udXX##" where X is an alphabet character while # is a numeric digit. The replay that you download should already have this format and you can copy it to the replay folder without needing to rename it. Also, you can have a total of 60 (not 15) replays that the game could read. I would still recommend picking meaningful letters and numbers (e.g. "e", "n", "h", "l", "x" to represent difficulty) to better keep track of all your replays, but you don't have to.

Note, the replays that you yourself save after your own run will be of the format "th8_xx" where xx goes from 01 to 15, which is limited to 15 files. However, you can easily rename them to the "th8_udXX##" format so that they can be part of the bigger set of 60 replays that the game can view.

Edited by Rainbow
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Yay, Stage 5~

Yuyuko wrecks it, fyi

Maybe you used Continues back then.

Annie please don't provide unnecessary instructions.

Copy them to your replay folder. You do NOT need to rename them. The game recognizes replays of the format "th8_udXX##" where X is an alphabet character while # is a numeric digit. The replay that you download should already have this format and you can copy it to the replay folder without needing to rename it. Also, you can have a total of 60 (not 15) replays that the game could read. I would still recommend picking meaningful letters and numbers (e.g. "e", "n", "h", "l", "x" to represent difficulty) to better keep track of all your replays, but you don't have to.

Note, the replays that you yourself save after your own run will be of the format "th8_xx" where xx goes from 01 to 15, which is limited to 15 files. However, you can easily rename them to the "th8_udXX##" format so that they can be part of the bigger set of 60 replays that the game can view.

...Huh, I actually didn't know that.
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...Huh, I actually didn't know that.

...I could swear I tried to tell you this multiple times when you complained about having to organize all your IN replays

Still though, 60 replay files is not enough for me. So what I do is make multiple replay folders ("replays", "replayr", "replayo" etc for spells, runs, other players, etc), each with their max 60 replay capacity, and whenever I want to view a particular replay, I would rename its folder to "replay". That way I get to have easy access to all my replays with minimal renaming and clear organization. And yeah, the "XX##" format also allows you to provide some info into the filename itself, which helps even further in identifying specific replay files. Like, for spells, I use the second character and the two numbers to refer to the spell number.

Edited by Rainbow
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...I could swear I tried to tell you this multiple times when you complained about having to organize all your IN replays

Still though, 60 replay files is not enough for me. So what I do is make multiple replay folders ("replays", "replayr", etc for spells, runs, etc), each with their max 60 replay capacity, and whenever I want to view a particular replay, I would rename its folder to "replay". That way I get to have easy access to all my replays with minimal renaming and clear organization. And yeah, the "XX##" format also allows you to provide some info into the filename itself, which helps even further in identifying specific replay files. Like, for spells, I use the second character and the two numbers to refer to the spell number.

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I know I did try to tell you, but I guess it was vague and you didn't understand what I meant (it was probably though a voice call). Either way, you know it now, at least~

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Sigh, I'm getting tired out of all this IN, I'm going to check out SA.

> SA

Of all the games you could've picked...

Well, it's better than LoLK, at least

I'm giving SWR and Flower View a go.

Yesh, PoFV is actually my favorite in the series~

can we have a pofv summer tournament?


but I know I'll get rekt

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