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Cut that out.

Let new players play anything they want and see if they can get into it.

Uh, cut what out? I just said I wouldn't recommend it to a new player. If she wants to play SA, that's up to her. I wasn't opposing that or anything, but I did express that I wouldn't recommend SA to a new player. Or are you annoyed that I wasn't actively encouraging her to play SA like I did with PoFV...?
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Thanks a ton for the info on PoFV, it was actually pretty fun this time around, but unlocking all the characters sounds like so much work. ; -; Also, playing against Sakuya sucks with her random knives.

mfw shoddy is absolutely empty

Edited by Floral Pattern
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Uh, cut what out? I just said I wouldn't recommend it to a new player. If she wants to play SA, that's up to her. I wasn't opposing that or anything, but I did express that I wouldn't recommend SA to a new player. Or are you annoyed that I wasn't actively encouraging her to play SA like I did with PoFV...?

The thing is, I think that we should recommend everything to AT LEAST try out.

If I listened to people telling me not to do UFO back then...who knows what would've happened. :P

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Ah, how naive I was back then.


This sucks.

I cleared UFO Hard and still think it's really tough.

/patpats Ice

You can do it, you are the second best player among players I consider myself close to!

Uh, didn't he already clear it...?
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I have confidence in you!

More than I do in myself, anyway...

I have confidence in you! UFO Hard can wait, but I'm sure you can clear other Hard Modes now and eventually get UFO too!
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Yeah, pretty certain Glac can do some of the hard modes.

She already cleared a few. I knew she cleared IN Hard like last year but I'm not sure about the other games.

I think she also has most Normals down too. Not sure about SA or LoLK, but probably all the other Normals.

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She already cleared a few. I knew she cleared IN Hard like last year but I'm not sure about the other games.

I think she also has most Normals down too. Not sure about SA or LoLK, but probably all the other Normals.

The Normals I have yet to do are EoSD (so BORING), SA (lazy), and LoLK (cheap).

Discounting PC-98s.

The only Hard I've done besides IN Hard is a fangame though... I've done Lunatic in that fangame too, actually...

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