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  1. 1. which is best touhou soundtrack?

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If I were you, I'd switch to MarisaB. Better bomb, an easier Patchy fight, and still retains good damage output. She's also better for stages.

But it's up to you. You're closing in on a 1cc anyway.

Edited by Zeems
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Eh, it's nothing much, ZM's probably done it like twenty times over anyway.

Sorry. It's just a cute name, rolls off the tongue really well.

Don't be ridiculous, I'm not cute.

It's really tough for me to say, my deaths change a lot per each run. If I had trouble with stage 4 stage segment but did well on the patchy fight, the next run I'll do great on the stage 4 segment and completely flop at patchy.

If you're having problems on stage 4, most of the fairies can be streamed. The bullets are either aimed at or away from you (except books and the autocollect fairies). Kill the sigil fairies on one side of the stage to make the opener easier.

If there's one general problem for me though, it'd probably be bombing too much. If there's one thing that makes me livid while playing touhou, it's dying with a full stock of bombs, so I sort of overcompensate. Panic bomb on a moderately difficult non-spell, only to have no bombs left for the more difficult spellcard.

OH well.

Have a good idea of how many bombs you want to allocate to each stage and stick to it. Even better if you memorise your trouble spots and do a planned bomb. Beyond Patchy, however, there really isn't much point in this, so maybe only use this method up to Koakuma.

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nah, my deaths are way too spread out. Hell, one time I decided not to reset when I died at cirno and meiling a combined 3 times and I ended up making it to remilia's second spellcard, so,

I really think it's just random luck and me not dying in dumb places that's keeping me from 1cc-ing at this point really.

An early death might keep you on guard and maybe help you play better / more cautiously in later stages, but too many will just doom your run. I'd suggest trying to get a bit more consistent with Meiling at least.

If you treat all your acheivements in life like this you've got a pretty depressing life ahead of you, just saying.

I don't want to lose my motivation to improve just because I consider myself "good enough". So I don't.

EDIT: I should probably watch your replays since I don't know anything about your playstyle.

Edited by Iceflare
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my two biggest problems with is that the Park Area (where you need to deactivate the mascots) feels like it kinda drags on and that on the 3rd loop and above, the Undernet is INSANELY unforgiving considering the massive decrease in the power of battle chips

The Undernet was super difficult, but I always love a good challenge. Park Area was eh, but it's not the most boring dungeon in the BN series. BN4 may not be perfect but it was still a great game imo.

Whoooaaaa! Congratulations, IceMyon~! You conquered UFO Lunatic!

goddamn good job man.

I've been getting some progress on the eosd lunatic 1cc, scarlet meister spellcard is the farthest I've gotten with Marisa A.

Stage 4 and 5 are just too much sometimes though.

> Shezzy reaches Scarlet Meister in EoSD Lunatic

Now I feel sad at my own (lack of) growth

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the Undernet is INSANELY unforgiving considering the massive decrease in the power of battle chips

Also, should point out that the postgame was also really tough. You really have to design a strong and efficient folder if you don't want to get rekt. I still remember those 10-battle trials for the Evil Chips... *shudder*

But once you manage to build a strong folder and get the hang of it, it's a lot more manageable. It was still really tough, but the challenge was feasible and felt really rewarding.

No I'm just better at EoSD than I am at a lot of the other games, you've beaten SA Hard which I find much more difficult than this.

Okay, tbh I haven't tried EoSD Lunatic after clearing SA Hard. The thing about SA is that it's less dependent on your general dodging skills and more focused on your specific experience within the game modes themselves. Practice them enough and you'll get the hang of it for an easier clear. Kinda like most Extra Stages, but in SA it applies to their Story Mode as well, at least imo. In fact, I actually find UFO Hard much tougher than SA Hard (and I think it was more than 6 months after SA Hard that I beat UFO Hard).

What makes EoSD annoying though, aside from Patchy being a massive jerkface, is how stingy the game is with resources. After factoring in bombs, it's probably even stingier than TD! I'm a player that relies heavily on resource management skills as opposed to raw dodging, so I find EoSD pretty brutal. At least SA Hard and UFO Hard (and my extremely recent SoEW Ex) provided me with tons of resources.

But yeah, I haven't actually tried EoSD Lunatic in over a year so idk if it'll feel as hard as it did before. I'd probably have better luck with something like DDC Lunatic or MoF Lunatic than with EoSD Lunatic though.

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UFO Lunatic is literally the worst. I liked the difficulty, though.

(Shezzy blah I can't be bothered to quote because mobile)

Hm, at least from what I've gathered, the general consensus is SA is the hardest on E/N while UFO is the hardest on H/L. EoSD is the way you described it because of rank mechanics, and there is a lot more inherent randomness in the patterns than other games. I was going to put "-something-, I'm looking at you" here but there are too many good examples. Patchy's spam cards, BOOKS, most of Sakuya's and Remi's spells. VI and Meister are the worst offenders.

Rank doesn't even always make things harder. I've heard that Remi's opener is easier with higher rank, although I haven't experimented to find out why.

By the way, if you're having trouble with Meiling's opener, you want to put more focus into avoiding her random spam. Dodging the regular spirals should come secondary. What I do is sight-dodge the first few waves, but once I position myself for the last wall I read upwards to find the largest gap and start moving (by this time the wall would have moved past me).

It's pretty consistent for me at least, because I've always used that method and I don't recall ever dying on her opener like that. Except on normal because I sucked.

Also, play GFW.

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Congrats Ice! I'm still trying to clear IN on Normal lmao. ; -;

Oh, anyways, I want to try out a Touhoumon Nuzlocke again and this time it WILL go smoothly. The problem is, I'm worried that a reskin hack would be boring and that Aichiya's ones will be too hard. Suggestions pl0x, everything other than TDPD TPDP and Purple is accepted.

Edited by Floral Pattern
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Eh, it's nothing much, ZM's probably done it like twenty times over anyway.

PLEASE. You still did super well and a UFO Lunatic 1cc is definitely something to be proud of.

Also don't bring me into this, people don't like me here. .w.

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zem stop self hating you're popular as hell and you know it

I like you!


Alright, alright ;w;


I'm going to call this a default lives clear though since I finished with 3 lives to spare, and you can only add 2 more lives.

Good job! Now clear with default with a Marisa shot~

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Blue is my personal fave tbh

BN3 Blue version? I personally prefer BN5 (Team Colonel, if I had to pick), but BN3 was pretty great too.

PLEASE. You still did super well and a UFO Lunatic 1cc is definitely something to be proud of.

Also don't bring me into this, people don't like me here. .w.

B-but I love you, ZM-chan... Just because you've grown so much that I can no longer regard you as a kouhai doesn't mean I don't feel attached to you anymore...
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I've done it before, but with much more high damage shot types so I felt pretty smmmuuuuggg

Eternal Meek actually has variable hp depending on what shot you're using, and I think ReimuA has it the easiest.

Anyway, yay. Now do it again with default lives anyway.

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