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Did you get wrecked by cirno's opening spell of the second phase.

pls tell me you did.

Because to this day, even on my lunatic 1cc of the game I had to bomb because of that fucking opening spell.

How are you liking it though.

You're playing on hard mode I assume.

uh... Which is it? It might be. >_> It's pretty fucking early on.

I would like it more if I can get past that stupid ice fairy.

/loads shotgun

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Ah, I see.

In that case, don't be afraid to bomb parts that have gotten you killed before as long as you can afford to (that is, just avoid bombing yourself below 3 Power unless you really have to). Better safe than sorry, after all.

That said, do you restart as soon as you die even once, or do you actually Game Over? In case you're doing the former: don't. Even outside of SA some of my best runs have been ones where I made a couple of really embarassing mistakes in the early stages, then made up for it with a stellar performance in later stages. For instance, while I haven't actually 1cc'd SA Lunatic, the run I've gotten closest in was one where I entered Stage 4 at literally 0 lives and 0 Power, yet still ended up surviving all the way to Okuu somehow, even capturing quite a few spells that I wouldn't have dreamed of capturing had I had any Power to bomb with.

EDIT: Somehow I got ninja'd really hard

Like, 4 posts hard

Edited by Scarlet
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Ahh don't worry about it, getting to cirno on your first few tries is perfectly fine for eosd.

It's tough, and their's only 5 stages on easy so getting to the stage 2 boss is much more progress than it would be in say, IN.

Pretty sure it is.... stupid ice fairy.

I suppose... but I wanna reach my other waifu. I guess I did just compared it with IN because I was at least able to make it through to Keine before she wrecked my face. And DDC is even worse; I can't even pass Wakasagi lol.

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that post was for me lol

You can do it, shirley. I'd be proud enough of you if you could make it to patchy.

shut up I edited now

...YEAH RIGHT. How do I beat Cirno's butt?

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Opening non-spell: bomb

First spellcard- dodging this spell is literally a meme.

Second non-spell-make small movements in one direction, stream. Don't move too much.

Third spellcard- dodge until the bullets stop moving, and then stay still.

FInal-no strategy at all, just dodge.

hmmmm I'll try to remember that. I just managed to beat Cirno somehow and then died in the next stage. TOO MANY STUFF OMG.
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Bombing parts? Huh. <_<

While my post wasn't directed at you (I got ninja'd), yes, after you get used to your hitbox, one of the most helpful and most basic things you should get familiar with is resource management - bombing. If you think you're about to get hit by a bullet, just bomb - after all, your bombs reset to 3 whenever you die, so any leftover bombs are wasted if you die without using them. You won't 1cc the game if you bomb everything that seems remotely threatening (although using Continues, you might still actually beat it), but it'll nonetheless help you get better at the game.

If you have extremely fast reflexes, you can even bomb after you've already been hit (withhin 6 frames) and still survive, but it's probably not advisable for a beginner to rely on this technique too much. This technique is referred to as Deathbombing, and generally easier to do in the later games (where you generally get 8 frames rather than 6)

Oh yeah, I do bomb, but at this point I've resetted so much one more reset doesn't seem like all that much when I get the benefit of having high power

It's still more time spent in stages you're already plenty familiar with. If you scrap the majority of your runs in the first two stages, you'll be missing much-needed practice for the later stages when do actually get a good run.

I restart if I die anywhere in between stage 1 and 2, but after stage 3 I'll just keep going.

Even if you die as early as Stage 2, keep going. Heck, even if you die to Yamame once, I'd consider keeping going, simply because you'll be practicing Stage 1 on literally every single run anyway, whether you want to or not.

Keep in mind that SA gives you enough life pieces to get 9 extra lives, which, since you start with 2, is 2 more than you can actually hold, so past a certain point there's no actual benefit to a flawless run outside of a better score.

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Also, Cirno, are you playing an unmodified version of EoSD? The game is pretty dated at this point, so you may want to consider applying two patches that add features present by default in later games in the series.

The one most helpful to a beginner would probably be the Hitbox patch, which causes your hitbox to appear as a clearly visible red dot on your character sprite whenever you focus, as is the case in PCB and later.

Another one that is more helpful than one might think is the V-Sync patch, which removes input lag, making the game more responsive and thus more precise.

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Opening non-spell: bomb

Well... I don't know about you, but I personally dodge the first two shotgun waves and weave through the third one. It's pretty consistent for me, and I think the subsequent waves can be streamed? I haven't tried streaming those.

Alternatively, you could abuse the opener safespot for one wave and kill it before it repeats.


In other news, other stupid stuff I've done recently.

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Scarlet just do SA Lunatic already

But I'm bad and I can't be bothered to git gud

I do practice stage 3 and 4 in practice mode and it always goes fine, but never of course in the actual stage.

For obvious reasons.

That's part of the reason why I'd advise you not be scrap your runs so easily. Sure, you can practice stages in Practice Mode to learn how to deal with certain patterns, but actually facing the stage in a real run is an entirely different kind of practice that is no less important. You're better off getting used to dealing with stages with low resources than trying to get and keep max resources.

Yeah I'm starting to do that but most runs will just end miserably at stage 3 if I do that, and restarting at stage 2 is a lot easier than restarting after a miserable death at stage 3 for me.

I don't play well at low lives. Period.

Have you tried pausing the game and taking a small break when the pressure gets to you? Maybe that'd help a little.
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My record's still orin's first spellcard.

I don't think I can ever get past that with all the stupid deaths I can't avoid.

Speaking of Orin, you do know how to trivialise her first two nonspells right?

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Also, Cirno, are you playing an unmodified version of EoSD? The game is pretty dated at this point, so you may want to consider applying two patches that add features present by default in later games in the series.

The one most helpful to a beginner would probably be the Hitbox patch, which causes your hitbox to appear as a clearly visible red dot on your character sprite whenever you focus, as is the case in PCB and later.

Another one that is more helpful than one might think is the V-Sync patch, which removes input lag, making the game more responsive and thus more precise.

I'm not sure... I'm just using the one in er... uh... a certain website so I don't know if it's unmodified or not so yeah. So I dunno if I can even use those patches.
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Her first one yes.

Not her second one though.

Well, for her second nonspell, you stay in the center of the screen so that you don't have to dodge the blue rings she spawns. Then stream the wisps vertically.

If you're frustrated with SA, go play PCB or something. Press X and break loads of borders and you'll probably 1cc.

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I'm not sure... I'm just using the one in er... uh... a certain website so I don't know if it's unmodified or not so yeah. So I dunno if I can even use those patches.

You'll know if either of the two patches I mentioned are applied.

If you can't see anything that looks like a hitbox when focusing, you don't have the Hitbox patch installed, and if V-Sync is installed, you'll have a couple of files in the game's folder labeled "vpatch".

Applying the V-Sync patch requires a few steps, but isn't too difficult. Applying the Hitbox patch, on the other hand, should be trivial.

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When you finally are winning a Touhoumon Battle and your laptop makes you dc

all crai.

edit: i'm not sure if its an issue with team composition or just I need more practice actually battling because I was winning with a junk team I tossed together lol

Edited by Zak Something
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