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  1. 1. which is best touhou soundtrack?

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You'll know if either of the two patches I mentioned are applied.

If you can't see anything that looks like a hitbox when focusing, you don't have the Hitbox patch installed, and if V-Sync is installed, you'll have a couple of files in the game's folder labeled "vpatch".

Applying the V-Sync patch requires a few steps, but isn't too difficult. Applying the Hitbox patch, on the other hand, should be trivial.

Nope, neither of those were applied. But I don't know if I'd be able to? I mean I don't know if it's modified or not unless it's unmodified if those patches weren't applied.


Ein says it like Glac and I guess I might too. Though I also say it like Chi-ru-no aka the Japanese way.
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Alright so I beat SA lunatic using continues.

Used continues for stage 5 and 6, didn't actually clear stage 5 without them, though I did get to orin's last non

Does that count for anything

That is indeed quite some progress. I'd say that stage 5/6 with continues (2 extra lives) is generally approximately equal to or less than the amount of resources you'll have getting there with a first clear.

On a side note, screw LNBs. I want to play on supersonic mode.

Edited by Iceflare
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Didn't you get your lunatic 1cc without v-sync?

I remember you getting really frustrated with all the bullshit input lag a while back, haha.

Yeah, I went without it. XD

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Yeah I'm not 1cc-ing anytime soon because fuck stage 1-3.

But on the other hand I managed to beat utsuho with only 1 life in practice so if I ever do get to stage 6 there's a chance I might be able to actually do it.

In my experience at least, stage 1-3 is the most irritating part of grinding for just about anything. So you're not the only one there.


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Also do you think you'll try for a eosd lnb?


...well, LNBs aren't particularly appealing to me right now, but maybe someday. I want to improve my general dodging skills first, I don't think I'm particularly up to snuff.

For what it's worth I think you're much better at these games than I am. I feel like most of my 1ccs are resource management.

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I just watched your eosd extra clear and I think you are, just that you've gotten so good at bombing you don't really need to risk dodging.

So it feels awkward for you.

Lol all 1cc's are resource management in the end, you've just caught onto to that quicker than I have.

Eh... that's not really the case...

Most of the time, my bombs are planned, or at least semi-planned. I can give you an example of what I do mentally, for this stage, for example.

[spoiler=EoSD Extra resource planning]Stage

(Bomb death fairy?)

(Bomb Silent Selene?)

Bomb Royal Flare just as second wave spawns

Bomb Philosopher's Stone at halfway point

(Bomb final wave of books if I have bombs)

Flandre (Ideal: 4/0)

Die to Cranberry Trap

Bomb Four of a Kind

(Bomb Kagome Kagome?)

Abuse invincibility to defeat Maze of Love (hence my death with bombs in stock here; I was at a loss because things went better than expected and I didn't know what to do)

Bomb Starbow Break

Bomb Catadioptric

Bomb Clock that Ticks Away the Past

Die to survival, bomb at 3-5s remaining

So yeah, imo it's just glorified resource management. I don't really have ninja-like deathbomb reflexes or anything, it's probably just the 90fps. You can do something like that if you want more resource micromanagement, but try not to end up like me and ragequit if you miss a power item or something like that.

...sorry, I went off on a rant.

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Stage 1: yay NMNB

Stage 2: Hmm, Parsee fight needs a bit of an improvement. You bombed at the very end of the first spell upon capture, but that's alright. The second non seems to be a bit problematic for you, so maybe try it out some. It's not too bad. Second spell you did well, and the final one...you can afford skipping that. What you do for that one is misdirecting Parsee's shots while staying under her as much as you can.

Stage 3: Nice midboss Yuugi spell cap. Bomb at the end of the stage portion wasn't needed, but you panicked. Only thing you seem to have trouble with is the second non. Just read the lasers as best you can. It helps to try and destroy as many yin-yang orbs as you can. Nice 0 power spell caps. :3

Stage 4: Ah, here's the problem stage. What you do after the midboss is STREAM as best you can. It's the best way to handle it. The end section has aimed amulets before Satori, so keep that in mind. Satori fight also needs a bit of work. Maybe you can try to safespot BoWaP without bombing before entering it, too!

Stage 5: Ah, you timeout midboss Orin? That seems to take more resources away than saving you some. I recommend going for Cat's Walk. You'll spend less resources with the two nons and the spell than wasting them all on the bullet spam that's a substitute. End of the stage went about expected, though maybe you can take out some of the spirits since they drop power items. Learn the pseudo-safespot for Orin's second non, too, it'll help. Needle Mountain game over was sad. :(

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Fuck yuugi's second non

I hate laser's, they intimidate me so much, as you could guess from the unnecessary panic bomb at the end of the stage, and that.

I'll practice it.

Yeah, there's really only one part where the streaming part gets me, which is having to reverse directions, but if I just got that down to 1 bomb it'd be way more helpful.

Satori fight I just get scared.

Many times I can cap the non-spells and get the safe spot for bowap without having to bomb but I've lost too many runs because of that and I hate dying to ridiculous clipping.

I bomb the shit out of Yuugi's lasers and stage 4.

I'm honestly impressed you can consistently get the BoWaP safespot without having to bomb, but if you want to play safely... that might not be the best idea.

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