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  1. 1. which is best touhou soundtrack?

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do you think you could nmnb the whole thing

the entire stage?

the stage portion is trivial aside from the death fairy transition, which isn't even that bad

Edited by Zeems
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Last night I was listening to my HRtP playlist, as I have been doing for most of the past nights

[Tommy Wiseau voice] WHEN SUDDENLY

the MS version of The Positive and Negative starts playing instead of the HRtP version. I can't even remember having the MS version on my phone? And now I can't find the HRtP version on my phone anymore either.

I'm so confused.

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I'd rather go for UFO LNNN over MoF. .w.

@ZM: Koakuma on #108


Well, I guess she at least placed higher than Wriggle. :V

Hey now, it's not like I dislike her or somethin'. Just don't care too much. At least Rumia's pretty high!

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why is fortune teller even on the sorter

He establishes a major point of Reimu's character and what might happen to Kosuzu.

Reimu does not like it when human villagers turn themselves into Youkai. Kosuzu has been warned by both Akyuu and Reimu about her exposure to the Youma books putting her in danger of this, and... I'll let you figure out the rest.

My point is for a one shot character he left a mark.

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I am so fucking done with touhou

I slave away for hours, finally get a run where I get only 1 death to yuugi, and then I fuck it up royally at stage 4 and die (guess where?) orin's second to last spellcard again.

of course I go back to practice mode for stage 4 and not a single fucking problem.

I'm too frustrated to play well, but the only way for me to stop being frustrated is to 1cc this satanic game so I'm fucked until rngesus literally allows me to get through this.

I haven't made any progress in entire week of misery

fuck this, after I 1cc I'm never bothering with anything harder with SA lunatic and you all sick fucks can't convince me to.

Ran, Shezzy...

Take a break.

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ALRIGHT GUYS ARE YOU READY BECAUSE IT'S weird/bad headcanon time.

As we all know, Gensokyo is where humans locked the youkai away because they were scared of them or something. The ~scariest~ youkai were sealed away in Makai and Hell. The gate to Makai and Hell is located somewhere in Gensokyo and is sealed both by powerful magic and a physical seal, that can change shapes into a humanoid guardian (Shingyoku).

Of course, the youkai didn't just let themselves be locked up; they fought back. In a desperate attempt to save Makai from being sealed, Shinki created a powerful angel of death to fight the humans. This was Sariel.

Sariel's destructive powers are those of a dark night and a fiery inferno (which is why these two are backgrounds during her fight in HRtP). Furthermore, she can absorb her opponents' power; this explains why one of the backgrounds in her fight in HRtP has an image of Reimu and why her final form is a yin yang orb.

However, Sariel's creation came too late; nothing could prevent the sealing of Makai anymore, and Sariel was sealed away in it. However, the sudden creation of the destructive force that is Sariel sent out energy waves all over the universe. These energy waves cannot be perceived by humans or youkai, but on a distant star the Astral Knight Konngara did sense them. She could not allow such a destructive power to exist, as it would break the natural balance. Therefore she sped down to earth to fight Sariel. There she was mistaken for a youkai and sealed away in Hell.

Edited by Hattusili I
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As we all know, Gensokyo is where humans locked the youkai away because they were scared of them or something.

Gensokyo was created by Youkai to prevent them from vanishing though.

Because humans became more skeptical with time.

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