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  1. 1. which is best touhou soundtrack?

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thats the one where you play as Rumia and it acknowledges Layla's existence by having her have a subquest like the ghost from Link's Awakening making it the best fangame ever right?

I heard of it but I never got to play it, it looks fun though. Hopefully less breakable than the Oracle games though.

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Yeah that's the one.

It's preeetty fun, but no translation unfortunately.

and it might be a bit broken, I did a sequence break by accident (but I got stuck because I needed another item to go further so I hat to suicide) lol.

it looked fun honestly.

Sequence breaking is fun but not quite what I meant.

in the oracle games there's a ring you can get that basically increases your attack power for your regular swings by EIGHT but causes you to take 1 damage for every hit. needless to say it makes bosses die fast.

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I use Google Translate to talk to my Japanese friends. Or just short and simple English.

ohh. that works.

So standard 2D Zelda fare? Coolio(It'd be nice if there was something like Ravio's shop since I consider that superior to the dungeon-item system, really opens exploration quick, but can't have everything lol).

i'm honestly not sure how I felt about that. I mean it was nice but you had to grind for rupees to be allowed to keep your items anyways and there's something quite rude about turning someone's house into a store and then selling them stuff (although thats probably the joke)
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ohh. that works.

i'm honestly not sure how I felt about that. I mean it was nice but you had to grind for rupees to be allowed to keep your items anyways and there's something quite rude about turning someone's house into a store and then selling them stuff (although thats probably the joke)

Ravio's, er, renovations were basically just Rule of Funny. His takeover happens slowly and you can just imagine Link's reaction.

And ALBW hands you money like candy so.

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It does a better job at EN->JP than the other way around, tbf, but I would never trust google for any serious tl work without making use of at least one cross-check. It's dangerous to machine TL alone: Take this.

Edited by Balcerzak
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