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  1. 1. which is best touhou soundtrack?

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i know that now but still...

i'm surprised thats NOT a thing considering DQ is popular as fuck in Japan. >.>


It probably is a thing considering everybody and their mother plays DQ in Japan, but because the western DQ fandom never quite took off to the same extent it's just not known about in the west.

Though from what we've seen, SE is considering localizing DQX (which would be an even bigger undertaking than VII cost-wise, between several times the text, servers, hiring gamemasters, and multiplatform issues), which says good things about VII's preorder levels in NA and Europe. They wouldn't have said that it was under consideration if they didn't have some faith.

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I can't choose between Sanae and Reisen in touhoumon purple and this is my fourth attempt to beat the game how do I choose.

Pick Alice instead. That's how you choose.

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if you care about speed, Reisen is undoubtedly the fastest.

although Sanae and Alice in their normal (non shard) evolved forms are bulky special attackers Sanae's Faith typing gives her more resistances but she has a weakness to Beast, which is what a lot of the Com Mons have in the form of Tackle and whatnot.

Alice's typing gives her more weaknesses but they're pretty uncommon.

although i'mma be honest go Reisen, the Champion has an Advent Reisen and i forget if his has Energy Ball/ a Dream type move but AdReisen can easily 1-shot Sanae with Luster Purge (which is a Psychic Fire Blast here) and do the same with Alice with Signal Beam

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Pick Alice instead. That's how you choose.

Used her and played through a huge chunk of the game, I don't want to see her ever again.

I only care about aesthetics, so stats don't mean much to me.

update: I'm starting another world, pray for me.

Edited by Kabby
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update: I'm starting another world, pray for me.

oh god why

i almost beat another world


and then I realized months later how shitty my team was all along

wait how far did you get? I mean Another World is Another World, you have to have a decent team to get past all the Z forms >.> Edited by Zak Something
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ohhh. i dunno, you still can't make it that far without a team thats at least decent.

although all you're missing out on is an extremely anime cutscene before an opponent with THREEEEE Zpuppets and the ability to get a Zpuppet of your own, chosen randomly with random nature.

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I dunno, I still think your team is more than workable. i bit weak to ghost/dark but nothing unmanagable.

my team was Layla/SSKeine/LMarisa/LRemi and I forgot the last two but i can easily sum it up as "a fuck ton of glass canons with too many Special attackers" so...



thats still the best acronym ever. Edited by Zak Something
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that's completely understandable too. Another World and World Link are so unpolished that the hacker of Purple actually wrote a rant article that went on for 6 pages EACH. well five for WL, page 6 was him deleting the game and giving up, and for AW he hacked in Z forms of waifus

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So that's what they call "going to the hospital" nowadays? :V

If you can call Another World a hospital, sure. It sure is another world in Silent Hill though.

I got Luna Child as my starter, was hoping for Sapphire so I might restart.

Also, I actually like this more than Shanghai Teahouse?

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