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I am no leader, I have stated this multiple times. I only do what is fit and just to me.

The reason I don't like you is because you have done the same towards me. I have tried, and tried is put in a hard tone, I have tried to do things with you where we could have fun.

I wanted you to test my game in its early phases, but you stopped wanting to play afterwards, yet you would do other things.

You would never play the game I bought you with the money I could've easily spent on myself, but because I still see you as a person of respect and honor, I gave you it regardless. But yet and still, you wouldn't play it, and put it below other things.

I can apologize for the inactivity, but again, I don't like inactive people that don't pop in every week or so. You don't show up for weeks at a time, and usually it's to say hi to a certain person. IMs exist you know.

End of story: I have wanted to like you, but it seems like the more I try to press and show the things I like to do and show, the more you try to get away to me. To ME, it seems like you're the one who doesn't like me.

Yeah, which makes you a bad leader regardless due to how much of a tyrant you are. That behavior doesn't fly. You were ousted from Eientei for a reason.

So the reason you don't like me is because of purely selfish reasons. I apologize for not playing Neptunia yet, but you have to remember that I'm really scatterbrained. XD And besides, tbh...I haven't really been into RPGs these days. I tried playing EO and couldn't really get anywhere, and the game you made, while really good, I couldn't sit through for too long. I need to get back into them again.

I'm fine with being kicked out, but you better fucking explain your reasons for doing so instead of doing it and then leaving me out to dry. Again, that goes under tyranny. Your groups won't survive if you don't moderate them correctly. The first step is simply common courtesy, which it seems you need to learn.

If I wanted to get away from you, I would've never brought up these concerns with you. And you know very well about how passive and silent I am.

Edited by Zeems
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Yeah, which makes you a bad leader regardless due to how much of a tyrant you are. That behavior doesn't fly. You were ousted from Eientei for a reason.

So the reason you don't like me is because of purely selfish reasons. I apologize for not playing Neptunia yet, but you have to remember that I'm really scatterbrained. XD And besides, tbh...I haven't really been into RPGs these days. I tried playing EO and couldn't really get anywhere, and the game you made, while really good, I couldn't sit through for too long. I need to get back into them again.

I'm fine with being kicked out, but you better fucking explain your reasons for doing so instead of doing it and then leaving me out to dry. Again, that goes under tyranny. Your groups won't survive if you don't moderate them correctly. The first step is simply common courtesy, which it seems you need to learn.

If I wanted to get away from you, I would've never brought up these concerns with you. And you know very well about how passive and silent I am.

I have changed more than you think, and my group on skype still thrives more than ever. I am not Lawful Evil, more Lawful Neutral.

I am selfish, petty and someone who cares about themselves more than others(at times). This was common fact. But I also am empathetic at times, hence why I have split personality disorder. It's all on whims.

Read the first part. My groups still thrive, and I love working with them. I am a leader that takes advice from others, not someone who does things by themselves. Else, I would be Lawful Evil than Neutral. Second, if I kick you out of a group, it's because of inactivity. I do it to everyone who doesn't have an excuse why, and because of that, I see no reason to change it. As for you in particular, the moment you stop posting regularly(or to me in general), you're no longer apart of my family. That's that.

If suggest you learn how to get over that passiveness. It leads to ruin.

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I have changed more than you think, and my group on skype still thrives more than ever. I am not Lawful Evil, more Lawful Neutral.

I am selfish, petty and someone who cares about themselves more than others(at times). This was common fact. But I also am empathetic at times, hence why I have split personality disorder. It's all on whims.

Read the first part. My groups still thrive, and I love working with them. I am a leader that takes advice from others, not someone who does things by themselves. Else, I would be Lawful Evil than Neutral. Second, if I kick you out of a group, it's because of inactivity. I do it to everyone who doesn't have an excuse why, and because of that, I see no reason to change it. As for you in particular, the moment you stop posting regularly(or to me in general), you're no longer apart of my family. That's that.

If suggest you learn how to get over that passiveness. It leads to ruin.

That's good, but the main concern here is how you let your personal matters dictate your decisions. That's something you need to get rid of.

Glad you realize your flaws.

Like I said, the inactivity component makes sense. But if your family runs off of purely selfish reasons, then I see no reason to be apart of it.

I don't think I need you telling me what I need to change, considering that Eientei is thriving even more than ever due to my contributions. I have gotten quite a bit more outspoken since the last year, however.

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252 Atk Choice Band Youki Shadow Hit vs. 0 HP / 252+ Def Murasa: 294-348 (86.21 - 102.05%) -- 12.5% chance to OHKO

maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan, trying to counter the meta suuucks.

wtf i thought this was a touhou thread not a roleplay thread

IDGI Edited by Zak Something
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