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  1. 1. which is best touhou soundtrack?

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I dunno I'm not really envious though. I tend to envy luck over skill though, since skill takes... well skill, and luck is that thing that likes fucking me over all the time and I'm very certain that all those legendaries that end up in 1st place VGC teams are hacked because nobody has that kind of luck

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I dunno I'm not really envious though. I tend to envy luck over skill though, since skill takes... well skill, and luck is that thing that likes fucking me over all the time and I'm very certain that all those legendaries that end up in 1st place VGC teams are hacked because nobody has that kind of luck

I'm pretty sure that they go through a check when you do the VGC. The rules even state that you can't bring in hacked mons.

If I see the rules(because the VGC is in my state) I'll tell you.

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PoDD Normal, LLS Normal, Hard, EX, MS Normal, EoSD Normal, Hard, EX, PCB EX, Phantasm, IN Normal, EX, PoFV Lunatic, MoF Normal, UFO Normal,DDC Normal

Haha what a scrub loser

Actually playing games

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nono I understand that. Thing is. the hack checks are... A bit wonky.

Like it boots people for inane bullshit (inf bag items, which has no impact on the competition) but it lets some obviously hacked shit through (Rizzo's Dreamball Aegislash and one time there was a mon that had over 510 EVs that was DISCOVERED but they let the person continue).

That and hackers are getting into making there mons look as legit as possible so their hackymons pass the checks anyways.

It's all kinda ridiculous and they should overhaul or remove the IV system then nobody has an excuse to chet.

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Haha what a scrub loser

Faps to the characters, don't even know who they are, probably likes Momishit and Flandre and doesn't think Yumeko is best pc98

You're not wrong

Flandre's okay and Yumeko is pretty cool tho

Not my favorite PC98 but still cool

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I still wanna play DDC and get owned by my best waifu. Kagerou is prettier than Keine, sorry.

Although I prefer Keine > Kagerou, I approve of DDC as being a good place to start.

One thing you should note about DDC though, is that the viability of the shot types are pretty different. You'll want to use a good shot type. I would strongly suggest going with either ReimuA, MarisaB, or DEMON KNIVES (SakuyaA). DEMON KNIVES is my single favorite shot in Touhou history, so I'd highly recommend that.

only tangentially related but i found a sprite pack with touhous in it for elona, so i can enslave armies of yuukas

I didn't understand most of this post, but what's this about armies of my one and only waifu?


Fun fact: I still haven't heard Magus Night and consider it to be music spoilers since I haven't unlocked GFW Ex yet.

PoDD Normal, LLS Normal, Hard, EX, MS Normal, EoSD Normal, Hard, EX, PCB EX, Phantasm, IN Normal, EX, PoFV Lunatic, MoF Normal, UFO Normal,DDC Normal

Oooooh, another scrublord like me~ Join the club! Edited by Rainbow
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Wait are we listing what we've done

EoSD Easy

PCB Easy/Normal/Extra/Phantasm

IN Easy/Normal/Hard/Extra + 9 Stage Normal 1cc

PoFV Easy

MoF Easy/Normal/Extra

SA Easy

UFO Easy/Normal/Extra

TD Easy/Normal

DDC Easy/Normal

Haha LoLK


Marine Benefit Normal

Riverbed Soul Saver Easy/Normal No hyper Hard/Lunatic/Extra with hyper

White Name's Spoiled Past Normal

Youkai Kori Kassen Normal

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Wait are we listing what we've done

...are we?

Easy: idc

Normal: all except HRtP Hell and GFW

Hard: all except HRtP Makai/Hell, GFW and LoLK

Lunatic: SoEW, LLS, IN (both)

Extra: all except SoEW and GFW

SHMUP Fangames: MPP Normal, MPP Extra, RSS Normal, FDF Normal

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question for the weeanerdotakus here

is there any possible way to play Touhou while under maryjuana's influence

I've been dulled by life (sleeping late, waking up early, and having to do a bit of shit you don't like during the weekday and a METRIC TON OF IT on the weekends) and I can assure you that, no there is not.

There's a good reason I haven't tried picking it up again lately.

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