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New ~Official Touhou Chat Thread~


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  1. 1. which is best touhou soundtrack?

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PoFV are not standard danmaku Touhou games, I agree, but they're still most definitely "real" Touhou games. Heck, they're still proper danmaku games, like ISC and GFW, making them closer to standard Touhou than even StB or DS, while games like HRtP and the fighting games are way off.

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well i mean unless you live in a cluster of raving touhou nerds of course you wouldn't have friends

i didn't really start hanging out with my friends in the same place as my laptop until about after when my laptop stopped functioning properly so... >.>

Edited by Zak Something
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i hate you

For future reference, it's faster and easier to just quote the post and find the center of all the spoiler tags.

Unless you use WYSIWYG, in which case you should switch to Plaintext Mode (top-left button), even if only temporary (but I'd suggest keeping it in Plaintext Mode).

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For future reference, it's faster and easier to just quote the post and find the center of all the spoiler tags.

Unless you use WYSIWYG, in which case you should switch to Plaintext Mode (top-left button), even if only temporary (but I'd suggest keeping it in Plaintext Mode).

yeah but clicking the spoilers is ~FUN~

Also I have Makaze's script so I'm using both. 8) Don't treat me like an idiot either because I know how both works lol.

Edited by Towa Herschel
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yeah but clicking the spoilers is ~FUN~

its the principle of the matter, they went through all the trouble of putting all of them in the least i can do is click them all


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