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[FE5 Draft] I want an excuse to play Thracia again


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Chapter 3 : 13/23 Turns

- FUUUU. THE CHILDREN. I HATE THEM. Not only did I need to get Corple for that swooty warp staff, but as I also needed YUBEL for Dalshin. AND GUESS WHAT HOUSE HE HAD. THE FREAKING LAST ONE.

- Got some nice exp though.

EDITED : Chapter 4 : 15/38

- Machua and Karin as freebies.

- Left Lifis behind, who cares about him.

- Left my precious Hezul scroll behind though QQ.

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Freebies are for chapter 4-7, and they must be the same 2 units throughout. So if you picked Machua and Lara, you only get them as free units for all of the Manster escape.


Dagda probably costed me a turn, but the boots are in Chapter 8x anyway so WORTH IT. Othin captured the boss.

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Freebies are for chapter 4-7, and they must be the same 2 units throughout. So if you picked Machua and Lara, you only get them as free units for all of the Manster escape.


Dagda probably costed me a turn, but the boots are in Chapter 8x anyway so WORTH IT. Othin captured the boss.

Kay, so I've gotta restart ch.4 to restrat. :)

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Lara and Asvel are my freebies.

Chapter 4 14/33

In order for my strategy to work, the lockpick had to be in the SE treasure room, which Lara unlocked on her way to Lifis’ room. Lifis hugged the door on turn 1 so that Makua could pass her Chest Key to Lara and trade the Lockpick over to him. Lifis went up the left-hand side, freeing my dudes and grabbing the Rapier. Lara grabbed the Lockpick and the Light Brand from the right-hand side. Brighton and Machua blocked reinforcements from taking the civilians while the two groups converged at the top. After that, it went fairly smoothly, except for accidentally leaving Lifis unarmed and exposed and losing one of my lockpicks.

Chapter 4x free/33
Training Karin, gave her the Life Ring. Lifis got a point of con.

Chapter 5 17/50

GO SPIRAL. Leaf grabbed Karin the turn before Lara opened the door to give her a lift. I brought Nanna along because she’d be attacked otherwise. Lifis got another point in con.

Name   Level HP ST MG SK SP LK DF CN
Leaf   14.56 32 09 02 06 11 11 07 07
Lifis  16.56 29 09 01 06 14 02 03 08
Karin  16.40 33 07 09 08 20 20 05 05
Fergus 11.54 31 08 00 12 11 08 06 08

Quick question, can Nanna rescue Asvel/Lara? I don't think it will matter much, but it makes things slightly easier.

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Good enough for me!

Chapter 6 7/57

Fergus and Nanna mounted and ran to the escape point. Lifis and Lara followed Fergus and Nanna, Lara opening the doors and Lifis grabbing the Rapier on his way through. Karin dropped Leaf on the shop turn 3 and doubled back so Fergus could give her Asvel. She dropped him over next turn, grabbed Lifis on her way to the Knight Crest village and escaped to the west. Everyone else escaped to the east.

I rescued-dropped Lara with Fergus and Nanna twice, so that she could open the lower doors on turn 5 and 6. The only difference if Nanna wasn't allowed to do that is that I'd have to use a Door Key on one of them.

Chapter 7 7/64

Asvel finished his run by helping to rout the mercs quickly. Lara got the Knight Crest village and Karin ferried her down. Karin promoted before escaping.

Name   Level HP ST MG SK SP LK DF CN
Leaf   14.66 32 09 02 06 11 11 07 07
Lifis  18.08 30 10 01 08 16 02 04 08
Karin  17/01 33 10 11 11 20 20 07 06
Fergus 12.12 32 09 00 13 11 09 07 09
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Chapter 4x : Free/38

- Got in

- Got out

Chapter 5 : 17/55

- If Brighton had gained A SINGLE mvt lvl I could have shortened that to 16. WHY

Chapter 6 : 9/64

- Blitzkrieg'd my way through the end. Couldn't get the Elite Scroll nor the Pure Water nor Hicks though.

Chapter 7 : 7/71

- RIP Machua.

- I finally got back my units, yay

Chapter 8 : 6/77

- Took Karin to buy hand axes after I sold some useless tomes.

- Promoted Havan and Brighton so they become more effective. (nothing Elite Mode, Statboosters and Scrolls can't fix!)

- Captured the boss to get one more knight proof + the horseslayer that Dalshin could use once he's promoted.

- Safy reached B staves, I need her to get A so I can finally USE WARP. (I don't remember if I can warp units in unchecked places though, but I think I need the warp to get Salem's sleep staff before he used it all)

Stats :                 HP Str Mgc Skl Spd Lck Def Bld
Leaf, 20.00:            36  10   0   8  14  13   7   9
Havan, 12.44/2.84:      37  16   3  13  17   4  11  14
Marty, 9.60:            40   9   0   0   2  10   9  20
Brighton, 15.92/1.42:   37  10   2  11  13   4  11  14
Dalshin, 12.74:         31  13   1   8   4   0  11  19
Safy, 5.40:             16   0   7   6   8   9   0   3

Chapter 8x : Free/77

- Got all the chests. Lara's only lockpick's now at 5/30 though, so I might have to play conserv... WHO AM I KIDDING WITH THAT

- Dagda wrecked most of the mobs with an iron bow, I was quite shocked. (while Tanya got captured over and over again)

- My physic staff broke. QQ

- My brave axe's almost dead, gonna have to fix that.

- Leaf is still a beast.

- That boss was a PITA to take down, but RNG powers always work with my Fire Blade hits connecting for whatever reason.

Chapter 9 : 6/83

- Quite sped up there. Didn't get a single item.

- Got the Elite Sword by carrying Carrion with Karin to Selphina, then making the three of them escape.

- There's nothing else to see there. No, nothing. Where is Tanya?

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CHAPTER 8X - got the leg ring gave it to Leaf


Leaf proc'd a move star here which helped. Deployed Karin to carry Carrion over to get the Elite Sword. Got Alba, and gave him the Elite Manual. Ditched some undrafted dudes.

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Can I rage against Olwen, her annoying Dimebolt and freaking Eyvel invincibility?

You can't kill her, you're obliged to let her live for now, and she doesn't run until TURN 10.



And that's where Leaf gets hit by 3 ballistas at 50%

I hate my life

and brighton gets killed at 27%


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CHAPTER 10 : 11/94







chapter 11 does not want me alive

Lara gets ohko'd by ballistas

who have like 60 hit on her

and I don't have any door keys

gg me

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In chapter 11, Leaf triggers the trap, so move him in last. I think there's three door keys you can capture on the armours.

Thanks Baldy.

Now I've looked, there are 4 armor with a door key. I don't think Fred has to escape though so I don't need Lara.


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Chapter 8 6/70

Fergus wasn't fatigued (just as keikaku), and I managed to have Leaf/Carrion take enough combat that he wasn't pushed over the edge.

Chapter 8x free/70

Training Carrion.

Chapter 9 3/73


Chapter 10 8/81

I was still held up by Olwen somewhat, because Karin got ripped apart by Ballistae while carrying Leaf.

Lifis did the most damage to Largo with Fire Sword, eventually I got enough hits in.

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Chapter 11 8/102

- Used another Repair -on the fire sword- so I could have the Warp Staff usable. Only 2 uses now.

- Used the Warp Staff to warp Lara out of the Ballistas' range to open that one door I needed.

- Kempf ran like a wymp.

EDIT : One question for 12 : Can I make Karin use a Torch to give Safy vision so I can warp someone? Solved, discovered I can warp someone without the need of vision. :D

EDIT 2 : Seems like there's no way aside using Rescue (and Safy can't be there unless I use a SDrink) to prevent Fred from having two soldiers against him. Is letting him counterattack these two jerks for chapter 11x allowed?

EDIT 3 : And this is only at chapter 12x I remember I had a Leg Ring. GG me. Though it's not that bad, it wouldn't have mattered back then.

EDIT 4 : If this is allowed :

Chapter 11x Free/102

- Trained Carrion Kein.

- RIP Olwen

- I hate that boss. Sniped him so I could use Lara to free the children.

Chapter 12 9/111

- Warped Havan to the gate so I could get a full Sleep Staff.

- Got the Blaggi Scroll and the Silence.

- Couldn't get the Ambush Scroll though.

Chapter 12x Free/111

- Warped Lara to talk to Pahn. RIP Warp Staff n°1.

- Got all the chests along with Chest Keys and Lockpicks.

- Recruited Tina because why not?

- Captured Trewd.

Chapter 13 7/118

- Ran with Leaf, Brighton and Kein through the escape point.

- RIP Carrion, Robert and Alba. Expendables plz.

- I made all the Generics escape, yay!

- Thx Glade for the Silver Lance.

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I think the (unofficial) rule is that penalties in gaidens come from your pool of 20 turns, but in Fred's case I think he should be free anyway since it's almost impossible to keep Jim out of combat if you don't have safy.

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using Lara to open doors is technically a penalty just so you know, Nintales. I don't care either way, but it really devalues drafting a thief if anyone can use them to open doors for free (and the game gives you lots of enemies with door keys to capture anyway)

I always just took 16 turns on Fred's Gaiden, but he should probably be free since he's impossible to keep out of combat.

I have to restart this sometime since my computer died. Probably won't be for a while though.

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using Lara to open doors is technically a penalty just so you know, Nintales. I don't care either way, but it really devalues drafting a thief if anyone can use them to open doors for free (and the game gives you lots of enemies with door keys to capture anyway)

I always just took 16 turns on Fred's Gaiden, but he should probably be free since he's impossible to keep out of combat.

I have to restart this sometime since my computer died. Probably won't be for a while though.

*goes again through the rules*

*realizes he's been constantly using thieves to be lockpick bots since chapter 3*



EDIT : As for the "thief's value", the thing is that thieves are still combat units, and I have to do my best to keep Lara out of combat (yes, Fred aside, if I have an undrafted unit like Mareeta, she won't fight for a single second), and all of you can do something I can't that is stealing things from other units. I'm required to capture people if I wanna get their items. Plus, I think only chapter 8 gives buyable Door Keys, but I don't really remember that. (I know this one due to Super Thracia requiring to buy Door Keys for 8x)

Chapter 14 10/128

- Mandatory 10 turn count

- Killed the boss and got his master axe and tornado (though I wish I had gotten the other's master lance QQ)

- Captured the Priest and the Bishop for two Reblows

- Broke the Elite Sword while Trewd levelled up

- Kein is awesome

- I got some dude called Dean

- BTW not like the boss only moved to kill people especially Dean if you put him in range for the Dragon Lance (which I got) and it's not like he has 99% hitrate with OHKO at all.

Chapter 14x Free/128

- I hate this map's boss

- I got two rewarps for Safy

- I got four SDrinks. RIP the poor dudes who got captured.

- I also got four free staves. Yay!

Chapter 15 3/131

- Dean took Leaf to church. Went for Route A.

- Used Karin to buy Door Keys so I don't have to use Lara or Pahn and break the rules accidently. =(

- Got anything minus the Skill Ring because I have already too much skill for me to handle. (thx Rewarp)

- Gave Salem all the scrolls I had for him to give me a shin level because why not? I don't think I should even bother training him, but status staff utility is status staff utility.

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Anyway, sorry about your computer, Horace.

The thieves' ability to steal/dance, and Lifis/Lara existing in Manster makes them still really good picks.

Chapter 11 7/88

Case in point, Lifis stole a door key and used his lockpick, and I didn't need to keep him out of combat.

Leaf used his Light Brand to make Kempf flee.

Chapter 11x free/88

Training Robert. Karin and Ronan got my first and second move procs. Fergus promoted.

Chapter 12 4/92

Karin be Karryin'

Chapter 12x free/92

Training Mareeta. She got a move proc; I haven't even got the Dain scroll yet.

Chapter 13 4/96

I've stopped Karin about writing detailed chapter summaries for these chapters.

Chapter 14 10/106

Trying to get Robert as much bow use as possible so he can hit C and get to B on promotion. Carrion promoted.

Chapter 14x free/106

Staff-training Linoan. Saved all the villagers. Karin got another move proc. Robert got to C bows on turn 19 so I can't promote him yet.

Chapter 15 2/108

Glade grabbed Leaf, and Carion passed him to Karin, who dropped him in range of the church.

Name     Level HP ST MG SK SP LK DF CN MV
Leaf     20.00 37 13 02 07 14 15 10 07 08
Karin 17/11.34 39 14 12 12 20 20 12 06 11
Fergus 19/6.26 41 18 01 20 19 13 16 12 09
Lifis 20/17.40 43 19 05 11 20 02 07 11 07
Ronan    20.00 30 05 06 12 20 04 03 07 08
Carion 20/3.36 42 20 02 18 20 19 14 11 09
Robert   20.00 39 12 02 11 18 20 06 11 08
Marita   16.36 35 13 06 20 20 15 06 06 07
Glade     4.22 36 11 02 12 12 05 11 12 09
Linoan   11.60 19 00 10 11 15 12 00 03 05
Chapter 16 6/114

Karin brought Leaf to Sleuf's house. Sleuf took a Rewarp staff off Leaf and teleported back to the main group, then Warped Fergus ahead to kill the boss.

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The same as before, but Eyvale got a move star and weakened some stuff for Leaf to finish so he got a bit more exp.
Same as before but Dagda got a move star so he recruited Ronan for his bow.
Trained Leaf, Othin and Tanya.
Gonna do something different in manster this time, screw Brighton, gonna take Lifis for double thief action to clear chapter 4 faster, and I have Machua to kill stuff anyway. Got the Shield Ring/Corpse again.


I hope Machua gets movement in Manster again :(

Lifis has the Hezul/Lockpick. Othin got a HP+2 level with Hezul in 2x, lol.
Lifis helping open stuff helped a lot, but then not having Brighton's muscle in Dalshin's room hurt a lot and I got hung up there. Lifis stole the thunder tomes from the mages to neutralize them at least.
Got the treasure and killed everyone and Sety kill secured the Physic bishop before i could steal his stuff :(
Lost a turn on last time, Machua having movement is better than Lara having movement at this point I guess.
Leaf's Light Sword is only like half broken since he used Brighton's steel sword and the brave sword a lot more.
Karin flew Leaf over to help her get the Odo scroll and Elite ring, while everyone else chugged along on the other half. Machua lagged behind a bit, but she got to beat up a bunch of armours with the rapier from the village, so worth it?
Machua killed all the sworddudes and noone had high enough con to capture any of them :((((

looks about the same as my last Leaf.
magical lara best lara? She's automatically better since she proc'd move.
Machua's a lot better in the strength department otherwise worse since she didn't proc move. Oh well, she ruled in Manster still,
Everyone else is still the same obviously.

I dequipped Marty so he wouldn't cockblock Othin this time around. Also an archer last time proc'd like 2 strength and didn't do damage to Othin and didn't move and blocked him too but I was too lazy to restart.
FUCK Gomes he proc'd a move star and killed Machua one run, i hate this game.
But I finished it the second time, Leaf ate the leg ring, Othin and Machua promoted. I also unintentionally drafted the totally OP Tanya/Othin/Dagda supports, so good and the Machua Sety support even better
Leaf just ran across after saying bye to Marty, Fergus, and Bryton. Karin carried Carrion over for the Elite Sword, and Alva used the Elite Manual brought to him by Leaf.
Othin captured the Fire Sword dude on turn 1, and then took the bridge key down to get the Magic up staff, Lara headed for the Rescue staff, and stole the thief's Rapier and S Drink along the way. Olwen caused issues, but she heals herself instead of taking advantage of plot invincibility so that wasn't too bad. Dagda captured the bolting guy too late to steal bolting, but I don't think any of my units will have the requisite rank anyway, so got Physic. Alba took a bunch of scroll and the wrath manual and went up to the arena for a bunch of turns and turned into a good unit.
Had a bunch of door keys, so just charged through and opened doors when possible. Except Tanya, she got locked out. Finally got some lances for Alba.
Lara got the Torch staff. Leaf broke his light sword making Kempf leave.
CHAPTER 11X - Captured some wind tomes, Fred set the kids free, and promoted Tanya and Alba.
CHAPTER 12 - 9+4/104 TURNS
I guess I take an inevitable Mareeta penalty. Oh well. Got the Ambush Manual, and Othin beat up dudes in the arena for a while. Leaf captured Salem himself.
what a stupid chapter
Lara promoted at least.
CHAPTER 13 - 5/109 TURNS
Deployed losers and Alba/Lara. She danced Leaf and Alba to victory. Glade stole his men's weapons and sacrificed them.

saved his earlygame turns, now he's a capturebot. At least he has +1 innate move.
kills things worse than Machua
still good though.
go lara gooooo
hahaha so good
these scrubs are actually pretty good in drafts
Tina is at base.

CHAPTER 14 - 10/119 TURNS
Got resire I guess. Eda proc'd move, Dain scroll too strong.
Eda proc'd move again and promoted. Just realized im kinda short on knight crests. Shouldn't have promoted Tanya I guess.
CHAPTER 15 - 2/121 TURNS
Eda ferried Leaf over the cliff. Tina proc'd move and hit D staves and is immediately fatigued from missing thief. Good thing I have lots of S drinks.
Eda ferried Leaf to the boss and dumped him with the King sword. The ballisa targetted Leaf instead of Eda, they had like 14 hit on her or something. She killed the boss and Leaf seized next turn. Tina hit B staves, Lara stole Eyrios's Sol manual because I accidently recruited Olwen, so I missed out on his nice stuff. oops.
Eda carried Leaf to victory, dismounting to avoid ballista fire. After Karin talked to Misha, Tina rescued her out and put her to sleep, allowing Othin to catch her. Tina warped Dagda up to the warp and rescue villages, and she warped Homeros (who promoted) to Sara.
CHAPTER 18 - 2/132 TURNS
Sara rescued Leaf across to the right side after being danced by Lara, and Leaf opened the door. Sara rescued Lara on turn 2, then with a move star rescued Leaf who was danced by Lara to seize. Homeros used a Holy Water and was warped in on turn 1 by Tina, and he killed everything in the throne room (he also has ambush/sol) and then killed the boss on turn 2 after Tina stole his Master Lance so Homeros wouldn't die horribly. I even got the member card!
CHAPTER 19 - 1/133 TURNS
Rip undrafted chumps
CHAPTER 20 - 14/147 TURNS
Trained Leaf a bit, got some underwhelming levels.
CHAPTER 21 - 3/150 TURNS
Warped Homeros to the boss, he killed everything there. Eda took Leaf down south, and Tina stole the south most ballista so Eda wouldn't get owned by it. Eda dropped Leaf on turn 3, and Tina warped Lara to dance him to victory. Homeros proc'd move I think too.

he's pretty thwomp
she did good
actually almost totally worthless
his growths are stupid
s drink addict 101
dancing queen
hasn't done anything since Manster really
dat magic
actually so good
1 HP proc in like 13 levels awwww yeah
Was recruited?
hasn't done anything since ballista were a problem because he always proc's charge against them and takes a shitton of damage.

CHAPTER 22 - 2/152 TURNS
Warped Homeros across to deal with Reinhart and Coen, (and to make Cyas leave) and Tina stole the Iron ballista again so Eda wouldn't get blicked. Eda dumped Leaf on turn 2 and Lara got warped across to dance Leaf to seize the next turn. Dagda got warped to the rescue village. Homeros for top tier.
CHAPTER 23 - 2/153 TURNS
Eda was rescued by Sara on turn 1, and she passed Cyas a full rescue staff, and he moved to the left, and Lara danced him ahead, where he rescued Leaf who received the Blaggi sword. Homeros was also warped down to help clear things out. On turn 2, Cyas rescued Sety, and Leaf talked to him, and was danced by Lara. Sety moved to Homeros, who had the last rescue staff, and rescued Leaf to victory.
CHAPTER 24 - 2/155 TURNS
Tina rescued Lara ahead and she danced Leaf ahead after Tanya opened the door and gave Sety a rewarp and rescue staff. Sety rewarped himself next to Galzus and killed everyone in the throne room, allowing Leaf to come up and smack Leidrick with the Blaggi Sword, Sety rescued Lara who was resored by Tina, and she danced Leaf to seize. Sara rewarped herself to the secret shop and used a life ring so she's no longer oneshotted.


Everyone was pretty busy, and my team really isn't that strong inside other than Homeros, Leaf and Sety, so this took a bit longer. I wanted to capture Veld with Dagda, but I didn't have any thief staff uses left. Oh well. MASTER SWORD Misha killed something, it was awesome.

Lara is really really good, but I think Karin might be better overall. If you don't get either Lara or Karin in FE5 drafts, I think you're just boned.

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Chapter 17 5/119

Lifis got Barrier'd and Warped near Sara's village. He stole the sub-boss' Warp staff. Ronan and Marita ran to get the other staves while Karin ferried Leaf and Carrion got Warped to the boss area.

Chapter 18 7/126

Leaf got held up a bit by the armours, even though I had Karin open the door to the right so that they'd go that way. Oh well.

Chapter 19 1/127

Ronan and a bunch of undrafted units took one for the team.

Chapter 20 15/142


Though I did get a lot of Door Keys and other junk.

Name      Level HP ST MG SK SP LK DF CN MV
Leaf   20/10.40 40 20 07 11 20 19 17 09 08
Karin  17/14.08 41 14 12 13 20 20 11 06 08
Fergus 19/10.14 45 19 01 20 19 16 19 13 09
Lifis  20/20.00 46 20 05 11 20 02 07 11 08
Carion 20/ 7.82 44 20 02 20 20 20 15 12 09
Robert 20/ 4.96 41 18 03 16 20 20 08 12 09
Marita 17/ 5.38 38 19 08 20 20 18 09 07 08
Glade      6.00 37 12 03 14 13 05 12 12 09
Linoan    20.00 25 00 15 16 18 16 01 04 05
Sleuf  10/ 3.08 23 00 17 18 09 13 02 04 06
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Yeah, that's my fault for not reading the rules regarding Leaf/Warp/Rescue properly.

I'm already up to chapter 23, and I can't improve either 21 or 22 by Rescuing Leaf so I'll just keep going.

Chapter 20 14/141

Chapter 21 3/144

Sleuf Warped Mareeta to the boss area on turn 1, even though her 1-2 range isn't great it got the job done. Glade carried Leaf forward, Linoan Rescued Fergus forward, Fergus took Leaf and ran down. Next turn, Sleuf Warped Karin down, Fergus gave Leaf to Karin, Karin dropped Leaf in range of the throne. Sleuf Warped Linoan to the church on turn 3

Chapter 21x free/144

Get Warp staves, train a bit, get out

Chapter 22 4/148

Sleuf used a Pure Water and slept Reinhardt through the magic of re-move stars. Linoan Rewarped to make Cyas bugger off, and killed everything using Resire. Karin brought Leaf across the river after Linoan killed the ballista on turn 2. Marita got the Warp village, Sleuf Rewarped to get the Rescue village.

Chapter 23 2/150

I unarmed Karin in the battle prep menu. Linoan Rescued Cyas, Leaf gave Cyas the other Rescue staff got the Blagi sword, and he Rescued Karin forward. Glade grabbed Linoan, and Fergus swapped Linoan to Karin. Karin moved to the space next to the boss, dropped Linoan to the left, and moved one square down to trigger Sety. Next turn, she grabbed Sety and moved one square above Linoan. Linoan Rescued Leaf, who landed in the square Karin occupied. Cyas Warped Glade to kill the enemy in Leaf's way and he seized.

Thank god it's impossible to one-turn this, I'm rapidly losing my turn buffer.

Name      Level HP ST MG SK SP LK DF CN MV
Leaf   20/16.64 45 20 07 12 20 20 20 10 08
Karin  17/14.88 41 14 12 13 20 20 11 06 08
Fergus 19/13.90 46 19 01 20 20 16 20 13 09
Lifis  20/20.00 46 20 05 11 20 02 07 11 08
Carion 20/13.42 45 20 02 20 20 20 16 12 09
Robert 20/ 8.00 44 20 03 16 20 20 10 13 09
Marita 17/ 9.30 41 20 09 20 20 19 09 07 08
Glade      9.04 39 13 03 15 14 06 12 12 09
Linoan 20/19.54 34 01 20 20 20 20 05 05 08
Sleuf  10/ 9.22 26 00 20 20 13 14 05 05 06
Cyas      13.60 24 00 18 16 12 06 04 05 07

Chapter 24 3/153

Leaf, Marita, Cyas and Linoan were in the main group, Linoan Rescued Leaf forward turn 2, and Cyas Warped Marita forward to kill a hero in Leaf's way. Turn 3 Linoan Warped Marita to recruit Galzus and Leaf seized.

Robert drew some of Galzus' group from the right hand side. Sleuf Warped Lifis into the bottom-right group to steal some staves and Fergus to kill the boss.

Final 4/157

Carion beat Zwolf, Marita beat Zwei, Sleuf Warped Fergus in to kill Elf and Karin helped clean up, Robert beat Funf and Sleuf Rewarped in after. Leaf beat Eins while Linoan Warped Galzus to beat Drei. The six seals were secured on turn 3, by which time Linoan had walked around to the boss room and Rescued Fergus to kill the berserkers. On turn 4 Linoan Rescued Leaf, Cyas Warped Marita, and with Fergus she cleared a path for Leaf to seize.

The team:


Leaf was good. I'd use him in my next draft.

Karin was awesome, though her build hurt her somewhat when she needed to fight outside.

Fergus really took off after promotion.

Lifis' thieving ability was invaluable, and he could dish out damage as well.

Carrion was incredible. I knew he had good growths, but holy shit.

Robert was actually quite good once he got some stats and could use non-terrible bows.

Marita didn't actually stand out much compared to Fergus and Carrion, at least while outside.

Glade was a mistake, another horse isn't bad but he was never more than filler. I should have gone for Tina instead

Linoan filled the Asvel/Homeros niche quite well, and could use staves well.

Sleuf Warped things, and so did Cyas.

Galzus was a good last pick.

But of course, all of these units paled in comparison to:



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