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Do You Always Get All Characters First Time?


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Is there any Fire Emblem game where you have gotten all of the characters the first time you played it. I think the only one I ever played that I got all of the characters I could was Fire Emblem Path of Radiance, not counting the end when you choose between Giffca, Naesala, and Tibarn.

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I do for most, well, the max allowed given conditions, anyway, in cases like mutually exclusive characters

SS and Thracia are the only two that I think I didn't since

SS was my first FE and I was not prepared and Thracia was just Xavier's effort far exceeds his usefulness and i was not about to reset on Mareeta's two movement levelups

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Usually yes. I say usually because sometimes I miss some of them because of their recruitment mechanics :

Cath in FE6 because I totally forgot about her.

Karla in FE7 because it's obvious right?

Shinon in FE9 because I did the talk with Rolf... but Boyd finished him...

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Usually yes. I say usually because sometimes I miss some of them because of their recruitment mechanics :

Cath in FE6 because I totally forgot about her.

Karla in FE7 because it's obvious right?

Shinon in FE9 because I did the talk with Rolf... but Boyd finished him...

Did you get Stefan your first playthrough in FE9?

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Did you get Stefan your first playthrough in FE9?

Ah! Right, I also forgot about that shady Swordsman, thanks.

Edit : Hell, I don't think I get him in FE10 during my first playthrough!

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In 7,you can't actually get all of them in a single run,but I have gotten all the characters if you do Lloyd's Four Fang Offensive.I haven't done Linus' yet.

In 8 I got all of them.Even the Creature Campaign ones.

In 13,in I recent file,I rage killed one because he kept going for my units with ranged weapons,I thought he would prioritize the weaponless Chrom.But I usually do get all of them.

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In Genealogy, Binding Blade, Sacred Stones, and Awakening I recruited everyone first run, or as many as possible in a single first run.

7 was my first, and at the time there were multiple characters I didn't know could be recruited or just didn't even notice at all, such as Guy, Heath, and Vaida.

In Path of Radiance, I missed Stefan for obvious reasons. I don't quite remember Radiant Dawn; I might have missed Stefan, but I also recall getting to that chapter and thinking I could probably find him there. I want to say I did, but I'm not 100% sure. I got everyone else, though.

In Shadow Dragon, I only missed the gaiden characters.

I never finished Thracia or New Mystery, but of what I did play I recruited everyone.

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In FE 7 I missed no one. (I bought a used copy with HNM on it and I started Hector's Mode)

In SS I didn't miss anyone.

In Radiant Dawn I missed Oliver and Stefan

In Shadow Dragon I got everyone

In Awakening I missed Yarne.

Never played Jap. exclusives or PoR

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Ah! Right, I also forgot about that shady Swordsman, thanks.

Edit : Hell, I don't think I get him in FE10 during my first playthrough!

Yeah, ik I didn't get him in my first playthrough of FE10. I played FE9 after FE10 so I just looked up how to get him so thats how I got him right away in FE9.

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I refuse to kill units to go to FE11's Gaiden Chapters so I've never recruited them. One of these days I'll play the No Death Requirements Gaiden Patch.

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I always try to get all characters and so far I have gotten every character at least once in each of the games I played, even the SD Gaiden characters.I have yet to do this in Binding Blade since I have just recently started.I have not played any game that was not released over in the West except FE4 and FE6.

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I think the only games I've gotten all the units on my first playthrough were Sacred Stones and Awakening. Although I might have gotten all the possible characters in one run of FE6 as well.

FE7-First playthrough I sucked because I was like 10 years old, it was my first FE, and I hadn't really played any other strategy games. I missed people left and right (Guy, Raven, Legault, pretty much anyone who was an enemy, etc.)

FE9-No one gets Stefan on their first playthrough unless they are using the internet.

FE10-I didn't get Oliver, but I haven't on any following playthrough either... I got all the characters I wanted (I knew your games this time Stefan!).

FE11-Don't remember too much about this game. But there's all sorts of characters I didn't get.

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FE3-1: I think I got everyone.

FE4: Got everyone! Some people took a lot of resets and the like, though. Good thing I had some foreknowledge/SF power, or else I'd have a dead Ayra/Jamka.

FE6: People were missed. I can think of Zeiss offhand. (His sis was dead.)

FE7: Heath. I always end up killing him somehow. First run, I had an extremely painful section from 16x to 27 where I was flierless. It was maddening.

FE8: It's so long ago I can't remember. Think I might have missed Cormag, but don't quote me on that. (Man, dragons and me have no luck, it seems.)

FE9: Couldn't be bothered to re-get Shinon. I said no to picking a Gotoh.

FE11: Yeah, I did bad. Not so bad as to get a gaiden, but I missed a lot of people. To name one example, I thought Astram was a midboss.

FE13: I was on Casual. I managed to kill Gangrel in his DLC-gaiden.

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SS was my first FE and I was not prepared and Thracia was just Xavier's effort far exceeds his usefulness and i was not about to reset on Mareeta's two movement levelups

Hahaha holy shit, I remember hearing about those move levels, but they were both in the same chapter?

Hmm. I got everyone the first time I played FE4, FE6, FE9 and FE10. FE7 I killed Guy for sure, and maybe some others. FE8 I don't think I got Rennac. Can't remember for FE13. Same with FE5.

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FE8 was the only game in the series where I got every character first run without cheating (Looking at a guide or something). Every other game I either missed characters or I knew how to get them beforehand.

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Hahaha holy shit, I remember hearing about those move levels, but they were both in the same chapter?

My best was Mareeta 3 move level ups in one enemy phase I don't even

she's kinda ridiculous for me

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I like doing my first playthroughs of a given game blind, so usually there's someone I miss, especially if their recruiting mechanic is kind of awkward (*cough*Shinon). I always at least try to get all the characters, though.

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I might have gotten them all in Radiant Dawn and Sacred Stones, not counting the New Game+ characters of course. Initially, I failed to recruit Amelia on her first appearance in Eirika's route but thankfully she showed up again in a later chapter.

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