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Grinding after main story


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Hi all, it's my first post on these forums so excuse me for any mistakes.

I just finished my second run on Hard Classic and I'm looking forward to trying to complete all the Paralogues and DLC. But, I'm having trouble trying to grind. Exponential Growth is getting a bit too slow for my liking and most of my units can't do Lost Bloodlines 3.

How strong should my units be before I start doing LB3?


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There isn't really a "best" spotpass team to grind on, they're all just 10-man teams to fight.

You could also try doing CoY3 for a while to get stronger. The stuff there is pretty weak and you get a useful reward.

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Thanks all.

One last question;

I'm planning on getting all the DLC. Right now I have the Scramble Pack, LB3, Exponential Growth, Golden Gaufe, and CoY pack. Is there any that are not worth it and will they be too easy if I grind too much?

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Well, unfortunately if you're not buying them in packs you're not going to get the pack discount, so you're already out a few dollars from getting only part of the LB pack and Golden Pack...

You've already got all the easiest maps, too. But keep in mind that the stat caps in Awakening are really high (especially with Limit Breaker), so pretty much everything except Apotheosis and maps where you have allies to protect will eventually just get crushed by dropping someone into the middle of it.

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Use Reeking Boxes if you have them

Reeking Boxes on Hard are too expensive to be a useful source of training, especially when Spotpass is basically the same but free.

LB1 is a map you can skip if you want to save money. Get it if you're determined to have all the DLC or really like the style of the Einherjar maps, but otherwise you'll be fine skipping it.

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Honestly, mate, theres really no faster/easier way to grind other than EXPonential Growth. Im not sure what you mean about it being "too slow". Those Entombed with the purple life bars give a shit ton of experience but its best to hit at a distance because they come with Counter. Spotpass teams are slower to grind on, and a lot of the ones that would give good EXP may be too hard for your guys to tackle (if yer having trouble with Lost Bloodlines...).

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Honestly, mate, theres really no faster/easier way to grind other than EXPonential Growth. Im not sure what you mean about it being "too slow". Those Entombed with the purple life bars give a shit ton of experience but its best to hit at a distance because they come with Counter. Spotpass teams are slower to grind on, and a lot of the ones that would give good EXP may be too hard for your guys to tackle (if yer having trouble with Lost Bloodlines...).

Thanks - I've found a good way to easily do it. I raise my units on EXPonetial Growth until they have a 180~ rating, then switch to LB3 and camp out in a tower with Chrom.

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Thanks - I've found a good way to easily do it. I raise my units on EXPonetial Growth until they have a 180~ rating, then switch to LB3 and camp out in a tower with Chrom.

Ratings don't actually mean anything, btw. If you switch the bottom screen to Full (there's a switch in the top right corner), you'll get your unit's actual stats and will be able to tell things like whether you can double an enemy or how much damage you'll do without having to walk over to them first.

Gates also give more of a boost than Forts, so if you can, try to rush the one in the southeast corner (it's pretty lightly defended) and then camp there.

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