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Golf Run


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I haven't seen many LTC threads for this game, but a few months back, I decided to give one a shot on Normal Classic.

To emphasize my overall goal, I'll disclose the rules first.


1) All Chapters, Skirmishes, Paralogues, and Xenologues are allowed to be played.

2) Any item that can be accessed over the course of play is allowed to be used.

3) Any unit found in the game can be recruited.

Seems...rather lax, eh? Boring, even.

Well, I've saved the main wrinkle for immediately below.


Kill Grima in the lowest total amount of turns possible.

By "total," I mean that every turn taken to clear a Chapter, Skirmish, Paralogue, or Xenologue will be added to the final score.

Suddenly, all those world-famous grinding sessions don't seem so appealing.

Now, the best time to try a golf run is when your Renown is maxed out, since you'll have almost-immediate access to about 110,000G early on. I'm nowhere close to maxing out at the moment (20K range), but I managed with what I could get just fine.

So, without further ado...

p: 2    9: 8   19: 3
P: 4   10: 6   20: 5
1: 3   11: 8   21: 11
2: 4   12: 6   22: 6
3: 5   13: 4   23: 8
4: 3   14: 8   24: 8
5: 7   15: 7   25: 7
6: 6   16: 4   E:  3
7: 5   17: 9
8: 7   18: 8

TOTAL: 165

Again, I'm not merely including the main chapters--these are all the maps I played! No skirmish, paralogue, or xenologue was even considered, let alone attempted.

I'll make key notes on my first run here a bit later.

I plan to do a golf run twice more to get a better feel for the best approach, as well as to determine a par for each map. Feel free to do a golf run on your own and share your progress!

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Yes, all of the above is legal, as are the bonus regalia.

Indeed, I am eager to see how hiring units by logbook or SpotPass (or, as I've been calling it, sellswording) can affect golf run play.

Just make sure your score isn't ruined through getting the stuff you want (i.e. by grinding).

Edited by x14113
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There is a distinct lack of Rescue staff usage here. For reference, I'll dig up a "draft" where I got nothing but Spotpass units (which was also Normal/Classic). This thing. Pay attention to the strategies behind my run - it's nowhere near perfect, but it should give you an idea of what you'd employ for low turn counts.

EDIT: While you can technically say that I did some gold grinding, Marth + Brom breaks the game in half on Normal. I wish I was joking. Now imagine that with a female Robin x Chrom pair, and Lissa/Libra for staffbots (or hire Elincia before Chapter 11).

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In that case, you are a good 132 turns above par.

Hmm, sounds like you'll need an elaborate setup beforehand, but if that can be repeated...


UPDATE: Some more specific details from the cited playthrough could be useful.

The top post mentions that Lute was hired for 50000.

I just trained her for GF and lance rank...and her cost is only 29600.

I wonder what I'm missing...

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