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SF's Official Prediction List of Smash 4 DLC Newcomers


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Now that the Smash ballot is over, I thought it might be fun to see if we can predict whatever newcomers we may get as DLC for Smash 4. We'll do so by posting our suggestions in this thread and then running a poll with the more popular choices and finally end with a "Tier List" of SF's most expected DLC Newcomers.

Here's how it will work:

- Everyone who is a SF member can post in this thread and suggest up to FIVE (5) characters that they consider the most possible picks for Smash DLC. THIS IS NOT A THREAD FOR YOU TO POST CHARACTERS YOU WANT OR CHARACTERS YOU VOTED FOR. This is a thread for characters you THINK are going to happen. Please keep that in mind when choosing your characters.

- Newcomers only, no veterans. Veterans and Newcomers are on different leagues and it's more fun to predict newcomers anyway. Veterans include Ice Climbers, Pichu, Young Link, Snake, Wolf, Squirtle and Ivysaur (and Pokemon Trainer, for that matter).

- It doesn't matter the order in which you post your suggestions. They all have the same value.

- All suggestions must be for a specific character. No vague stuff like "Rhythm Heaven Character" or "Fire Emblem Lord"

- Each suggestion refers to one spot in the character selection screen. Example, "Midna & Wolf Link", while two characters in actuality, counts as one of your five suggestions.

- Only characters that originated in video games. Stuff like Shrek and Goku won't be considered.

- Third party characters must have made at least one major appearance in a game in a Nintendo system.

- Be reasonable. Even if they fit the criteria above, don't make stupid suggestions like "Youngster Joey", "New Age Retro Hippie" or "3-13 Archer". If you feel one of your picks is not a particularly popular one, try to justify it.

- Keep all your picks on one post in this thread. You can edit your post as much as you want before I tally the suggestions for the final poll, but don't spread your suggestions through multiple posts.

To start, here are my five suggestions:

- Inkling (Splatoon): I think this is the safest choice for a DLC newcomer. Popular, great moveset potential, and promotes a brand new IP.

- Dixie Kong (Donkey Kong Country series): Either her or K. Rool, but I have the feeling we're getting no more than one DK character for DLC, and I lean more towards Dixie given her consideration for Brawl and the fact she's been in the most recent game in the series.

- Fiora (Xenoblade Chronicles): Even though I've always supported her, a month ago I probably wouldn't have considered her for this, but with her recent inclusion in Project X Zone 2, I can see her showing up in Smash as a cross-promotion, plus she now has Sheik/Lucina status in that she's no longer considered spoiler territory.

- Impa (Legend of Zelda series): I do think we're getting a Zelda character, and I think Impa (hopefully with Hyrule Warriors design) is the most obvious pick.

- Shantae (Shantae series): Bit of bias here, but after the major push she got from the creators and the fans, I legitimately believe she has a fair chance. I definitely think that if we get an Indie character, it will be her.

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My five suggestions:

- Isaac (Golden Sun): People have been clamoring for Isaac for a long, long time now. They say they want to please fans with the DLC, and adding Isaac would most definitely please a huge chunk of the fans. Last I checked, he was one of the most wanted characters! It's the perfect time for them to please a huge number of fans and add Isaac.

- King K. Rool (Donkey Kong): I really feel like we'll be getting another DK character, and I feel that K. Rool is the best and most popular choice. I see it everywhere, huge amounts of people all over the place wanting King K. Rool added as a playable character. Along with Isaac, he's one of the most requested characters, he's popular with the fans! Plus, he'd (hopefully) have a very varied and unique set of moves, there's a lot of inspiration to pull from his various appearances in the DK games.

- Dixie Kong (Donkey Kong): Like I said, I really feel like we'll be getting another DK character. And if we don't get King K. Rool, then I think Dixie Kong is the next best choice, and the next most likely choice! She's not as popular as K. Rool, but she'd be just as unique. Just like with K. Rool, there's a lot of inspiration to pull from her appearances in the DK games to give her a unique set of moves.

- Impa (The Legend of Zelda): I have a gut feeling we'll be getting another Zelda character and I feel like Impa is the best and most likely choice. I think that characters that are already Assist Trophies (Skull Kid, Midna, Tingle, etc.) are out, and out of any remaining characters I think that Vaati is the only one who might possibly be a better choice than Impa. Plus, I have seen a lot of fans say they want a new Zelda character that isn't just another version of Link, Zelda, or Ganondorf. And, Impa has been a recurring character, appearing in nearly every Zelda game. Not many characters can say that.

- Daisy (Super Mario): Call me crazy if you want, but I really do feel like Daisy has a good shot. She's got a huge number of fans asking for her, and they've been asking for her since Peach's "Daisy Costume" in Melee! People think she'd likely just be a clone of Peach, but I disagree. There's enough potential for a good, unique set of moves, they could even try to pull some unique inspiration from her first appearance in Super Mario Land! I feel that the amount of people wanting Daisy has only grown. That combined with how long people have been wanting her, I think she's got a real shot.

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  • inkling: the only legitimate reason for inklings to not happen is if they want to save something big for a hypothetical ssb5, but that's just not how capitalism works. splatoon is incredibly popular now, they're working on ssb characters now, and there's all of the money to be made on the overlap of the two now. also, come on. inklings. they basically scream "hey, we've already made the entire moveset for you, sakurai!"

impa: my zelda literacy isn't anything too amazing, but i was legitimately surprised that they didn't bother with new zelda characters this time around. there's always money to be made off zelda, and of basically everyone who's left impa is easily the obvious choice, especially now that she's had hyrule warriors to up her profile a bit, between her depiction there and what ocarina and skyward sword had to say, she's got some solid potential to be unique

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My predictions:

Dixie Kong - She's the most obvious pick for a new DK rep, imo, and I do think we'll be getting one since this series is underrepped. I'd list K. Rool as well, but he was given a Mii costume instead, and I don't think non-playable characters that have been given Mii costumes will be made full characters. It just doesn't make sense to me. This is also the reason I'm not listing the Inklings.

Shovel Knight - Seems to be a really popular choice and he got his own Amiibo already.

Vaati - The most obvious pick for a new Zelda rep, imo. He's the most recurring Zelda villain after G-dorf. Handheld Zelda also has very little attention in this game. More villains would be nice too, and Vaati would bring some new stuff to the table with his wind magic and other magic tricks. And people have been asking for another pure magic user. He uses a bunch of different attacks, so a moveset for him would be easy to make. Heck, his Final Smash is obvious too: his eyeball bat monster form!

This is really all I can say. I'd love to say Daisy, but Mario has enough reps for now, imo. And Corrin or Azura, but FE has enough reps for now too.

Edited by Anacybele
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My hopes:

* Mario's Daisy

* Zelda's Impa

* Golden Sun's Isaac

* Rayman's... Rayman

My expectations:

* Shovel Knight

* Shantae

* Rayman

* Snake (I know you said no veterans, but I expect him to come back anyway)

I'm hoping they announce the winners soon! I can't wait any longer!

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- King K. Rool

- Inklings

- Isaac

They're all heavily requested and frequently brought up in both official and non-official Smash Bros. newcomer polls.

I can't really think of the next two most popular characters (that aren't 3rd party. 3rd party territory isn't exactly easy territory to guess, especially when the vocalness of the groups really throw off the actual amount of requests they get). I don't think these two Nintendo characters are that likely (but I'm kind of required to list a 4th and 5th most likely), but since I'm bringing this list up to 5, I'm including them just for that:

- Toad/Captain Toad (he got quite a lot of requests, he's probably the most popular Nintendo character that still isn't playable, and Captain Toad's Treasure Tracker gave him quite the boost in playable Smash requests)

- Bandanna Dee (he's probably the most prominent and popular Kirby character nowadays besides the three Kirby characters that are already in. He also gets quite a lot of requests in terms of playable Smash characters who aren't in yet)

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I'm not too confident about any of my DLC predictions, so it's less "these are who I think will get in" and more "these would be the least surprising for me."

Dixie Kong: People are clamoring for a new DK character. K. Rool is generally more popular, but the Mii costume suggests he isn't coming. Dixie seems the most plausible, especially with her presence in Brawl's forbidden 7 showing that Sakurai has considered her before.

Chibi-Robo: It would represent a new IP for the game, and one that has been around for quite some time. He's not insanely popular, but still notable, and just had a new game released on 3DS.

Impa: I guess? Hyrule Warriors has put her into the minds of more people, and we haven't seen a true new Zelda rep since Melee. She seems the most likely for the spot.

Isaac: Honestly, I don't actually think Isaac will make it in at all, but there are so few candidates left and nothing has happened to suggest he isn't coming that he's kind of just on my list by default.

Tetra: Toon Zelda was in the forbidden 7, so while Tetra hasn't really been in the spotlight for a while, she's still around and fairly popular. Impa seems more likely as the Zelda character who would continue to be used in the series, but Tetra seems plausible barring that.

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So what's official about this?

Also, I hope Nintendo changes their mind about it and give us nothing

EDIT: Oh I guess I didn't read the OP. I don't want these characters in, but if I had to guess

-Waddle Dee (removed from Dedede side special)

-Isaac (because he's popular and isn't an assist trophy anymore)

-K. Rool (cause he's a popular villain and Mii Costume doesn't mean shit IMO. Sakurai be like trololol I had y'all with that costume)

-Some random ass old school character

-Bayonetta (new IP, pretty popular)

Edited by Knife
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Lana (Hyrule Warriors)

Oh, I completely forgot about Lana! She'd be pretty cool, and if they include her, they better put in her Guardian of Time and Skull Kid outfits!

Impa: I guess? Hyrule Warriors has put her into the minds of more people, and we haven't seen a true new Zelda rep since Melee. She seems the most likely for the spot.

Er... Toon Link? Though I guess you could count him as "just another Link."

Though I totally voted for another Link, but with a different playstyle

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Er... Toon Link? Though I guess you could count him as "just another Link."

Though I totally voted for another Link, but with a different playstyle

I consider Toon Link a Brawl newcomer as much as I consider Twilight Princess Link a Brawl newcomer. He's an updated Young Link.
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My guesses are

1. Isaac- No trophy, no costume, no assist. I have a sneaking suspicion. My brother will at least be very hyped if he makes it

2. Dixie Kong- Personally, the K. Rool costume lowers his chances IMO, but if there were another DK rep who wasn't King K, then it'd be Dixie. It's still possible it'll be King K. Rool, but I think this is the safer option

3. Chibi-Robo- I'd honestly would expect a new 3rd party before him, but he seems like an out-there choice that could be interesting

4. Shovel Knight- Nintendo seems to have good relations, Amiibo, that one rumor, and my personal want

if not, then

5. Shantae- Lots of demand, lots of votes, lots of support


6. Simon Belmont

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