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Nyx [Spoilers]


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Nyx is a Vampire everyone (jk).

Since Nyx has been cursed not to age... How old do you estimate she really is? I personally think around 35 or so.

Also, is Nyx a good unit to use? I've heard mixed things about her; but, I need some ideas for her setup/skills/whatever you wanna call it (when I get the game that is). Thanks in advance! ^.^

Edited by ♡黒猫~
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Just because she can't age doesn't mean she's a vampire. Ivy Valentine from Soul Calibur doesn't age either, but she's not a vampire. Also, you need more than "this character can't age" for them to be a vampire.

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It was a joke. Although, I wish she kinda was honestly. That'd be a twist of the century. Anyways, does anyone have a set for her I can use? I really like her character and story and she seems like a cool unit. (and I am obsessed with magic users)...

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She is easy to use but not good to use.

She needs to be protected all the time: low HP&Def&Lck, so-so Res. We can have many good tanks so that is not a problem .

And then we can use her to attack safely. She can deal a lot damage with high Mag&Spd as a lead unit, but her Skl is too bad for support attacks.

Elise has a lot skills to strengthen tanks in return, while Nyx offers almost nothing. This makes Nyx being outclassed.

As soon as Nyx is not taking hits, skills from Sorcerer/Dark Knight are useless.

Outlaw class line has some good skills for her, but her Str is tooooooo low. (In theory the training is doable by using Attack Stance though...) If you want a mage with Movement+1, it is better to try Witch Anna.

Basically skills are not important for her. When you are using her, you are just using high Mag and high weapon rank.

Edited by Tooru
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Or she's hexed or cursed. But maybe Vampire is teh real deal, I mean, Hoshido have an Oni. Each nation have a beast folk character, it seems if she was Vampire than each nation have a fitting fantasy being. I seriously think she has the mind of a wise old lady.

She needs to be protected all the time: low HP&Def&Lck, so-so Res.

She has a body of a child, it's only logic. Except when she's still able to get preggers and instantly spawns a child.

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Thank you so much Tooru!!! I'll try to make a useful strategy for her based around that. I appreciate the help. x3

@Great Geargia Gateway, It'd make sense to me if she really was one. Hopefully we can get a DLC surrounding Nyx and her story someway somehow. ^.^

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If you want some skill suggestions, it will really rely on your pairing. In Nohr, I suggest Buddy Sealing Effie for Knight (which, has some pretty awesome defensive skills) and Marriage Sealing Lazward for Mercenary (also a branch for good skills, particularly Sol.) You wouldn't want to keep her there much at all, due to them being physical classes, but grabbing a few of these would boost her survivibility.

For IK I'd go Kamui with Samurai and Orochi for Spellcaster. Samurai will give you Vantage while Spellcaster gives you access to Tomefaire, Flamboyant, and Breaking Sky. Personally, I'd grab Sol from her previous playthrough skill buys and replace Breaking Sky with it. Or even Luna, since you'd have had Great Knight in your Nohr playthrough. I don't suggest Astra because her Skill will never be great.

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Samurai will give you Vantage while Spellcaster gives you access to Tomefaire, Flamboyant, and Breaking Sky. Personally, I'd grab Sol from her previous playthrough skill buys and replace Breaking Sky with it. Or even Luna, since you'd have had Great Knight in your Nohr playthrough. I don't suggest Astra because her Skill will never be great.

I could always buy skills and I do like breaking sky a lot lol. Thanks ^.^

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I could always buy skills and I do like breaking sky a lot lol. Thanks ^.^

Diamond Strike and Line of Death are two other options. Line of Death pairs quite nicely with Vantage, so long as you've the power to OHKO. Added to Flamboyant and Luna/Breaking Sky you shouldn't have an issue doing that. Diamond Strike is just a solid move for any character who is going to take a hit on player phase.

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She's "a lot older than" Harold, so probably even older than 35, as Harold already looks pretty old. Maybe even her 50s or 60s or beyond - think more along the lines of the old witch achetype.

What's really annoying about her character, though, is how bloody obsessed she is with her age. Like, she's probably to the point where looking like her actual age would be actively detrimental, with failing health and back problems and all that - but to her, getting "cursed" to look like a child forever is apparently adequate punishment for some nondescript deed involving murdering a bunch of people. Like, geez. I mean, a legitimate curse would be a bit overzealous given her age at the time, but still. The way she puts it makes it seem like some horrible, debilitating punishment that was completely warranted, and it makes her come off and incredibly shallow-minded despite the apparent wisdom she's supposed to have.

Only explanation I have is that the curse also paused her psychological development in addition to her physical growth, resulting in someone who's really not emotionally healthy. It's a pity, since she was poised to be my favourite character before the supports started getting translated. Hopefully the Treehouse saves her.

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There's just no depth to her. She's not a subordinate to anyone so she doesn't have any interracial back story supports. She just feels lacked and probably because IS just didn't put the effort enough into her. Just put her in just because they needed a loli that was "allowed" with having kids.

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There's just no depth to her. She's not a subordinate to anyone so she doesn't have any interracial back story supports. She just feels lacked and probably because IS just didn't put the effort enough into her. Just put her in just because they needed a loli that was "allowed" with having kids.

You say that but at the same time there's plenty of of literal kids being open for marriage and instakids.

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