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Yoshi Wooly World came in early for me


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Feels like you're forcing to me by going "but you can do this" and "but you can do that." I don't like headphones, they're uncomfortable and make my ears hurt.

Edited by Anacybele
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We aren't forcing you to go with our suggestions. We're just reminding you that there are other options too if the TV is out of the question. I mean, I didn't know you knew that you could play through the Wii U gamepad and that you personally prefer to play it from the TV, which is why I brought it up again because I thought you didn't know.

You can't expect us to know everything.

Edited by carefreejules
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I'm not saying you should know every thing. I mean that if I say I prefer to use the TV, that's that. You don't have to say anything more, yet Quintessence did. That's what started feeling like an attempt to be forced.

Sorry for the misunderstanding.

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That's alright! I should have scrolled a bit up so I could have understood what you meant a bit more clearly.

Let's just all play games the way we want! We all have preferences for a reason.

Also, is it sad that I thought World 1-S was kind of hard AHA..........Like I finished the world with just one heart.

Edited by carefreejules
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Sorry for the double post, but I'm stuck... I can't figure out how to get a blue yarn ball for that last Bowser statue in Bowser's castle. I'm in the right room, I believe, as I went through a blue pipe that led to a room with blue spade marks everywhere... But I can't find anything.

EDIT: Nevermind, I looked it up somewhere. I can't stay up too much longer right now, and I've already found too much stuff to feel like quitting in the middle of it.

Edited by Anacybele
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Sorry to post again, but I don't want this thread to die and I still want to talk about the game. :P

I unlocked gold Yoshi! This is a pretty tough challenge.

After you beat the game, you automatically unlock the boss tent. Battle the bosses you defeated in each world once more, only this time they're nastier. Gradually, you'll earn yourself bronze Yoshi, silver Yoshi, and gold Yoshi in that order. At times, it might seem impossible (I know I felt this way), but I figured out that once you learn the attack patterns well and learn some neat tricks, it's not extremely difficult. If anyone wants advice from me here, let me know. :)

Now I'm going to go back through each world and get the Yoshis I missed on my first go around. I want to get every flower as well since that appears to unlock bonus levels.

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I enjoy the game. It was not too difficult nor too easy.

I picked it up on the day it came out along with the blue and pink yarn yoshi. Ive been playing with my siblings and we are having fun. The costumes from the other amiibos are just too cute. I have tried playing alone and using the yarn yoshis, it was helpful in a way.

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I want to get every flower as well since that appears to unlock bonus levels.

They do! The sekrit levels are hard and goofy but fun. The first one (unlocked by getting all flowers in W1) is all about floating, so playing that one helped me get really good at that mechanic. The levels are also very difficult to 100%, too; for example, in order to pass the level with full stars, you need to get every single heart drop and not get hit once.

Edited by Kirie
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I didn't find that level real hard... But I guess that might be because I've had a lot of experience with Yoshi's flutter jump given how much I played both this and Yoshi's Island for the SNES. :P

I'm not going for 100% though, because that's just impossible for me. lol I did manage to 100% a few levels though, without even trying. XD

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Got the game and have been playing it a bit over the past few days. I really like it. Only complaint is that you need to recollect all of the collectibles in additional attempts if you want the prize. I only missed one yarn bundle in 1-2, but I needed to collect all five in my rerun in order to get the Yoshi costume.

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^What? That wasn't the case for me. I skipped a lot of yarn that I'd already picked up and still unlocked more Yoshis. Your game is glitched.

Although, I also had a glitch occur in collecting the stamp patches. It gave me a star for collecting them in a level even though I only got 18/20. Oh well... xP

Also, I finally got a light blue yarn Yoshi Amiibo! My online order got fucked up because it was undeliverable for some stupid reason, but my local Walmart had plenty of them on the shelf. :D

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Yeah, I'm with Ana. I've never had to recollect all of any item (yarn bundles, hearts, flowers, or stickers) to get the star, so that seems glitchy or maybe you just didn't pay proper attention to the ones you missed? >.>

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