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Optimal Pairings for a Galeforce/Armsthrift party ?


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Optimal Pairings for a Galeforce and Armsthrift party. Including a Male Avatar. And also please post their builds as well. That would be really helpful. Thank you

Edited by Jeymz
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Well let's see

Owain, Morgan, Severa, Brady, Inigo, Cynthia, Lucina (sans Sully being her mother) - all get Galeforce

Inigo, Severa, Morgan - always gets Armsthrift

So Inigo, Severa, and Morgan are 100% guaranteed to get both.

Donnel, Gaius, and MaMu pass down Galeforce.

Gregor, Vaike, Donnel, and MaMu pass down Armsthrift.

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Optimal for what?

Also, do some of the work yourself, or at least experiment and find what doesn't work. Start here.

Are these good?

Male Avatar/Thajra:

Noire/Morgan: -Armsthrift, Vantage, Wrath, Galeforce/Vengeance, Tomefaire/Limit Breaker


Lucina: Galeforce, Rightful King, Luna, Limit Breaker, Aegis/Vantage/Dual Guard+/Rally Speed
Inigo: Galeforce, Armsthrift, Vantage, Sol/Luna, Limit Breaker
Owain-Luna/Miracle, Galeforce, Vantage, Wrath, Limit Breaker/Aggressor/Dual Guard+/one of the Faires
Cynthia: -Galeforce, Tomefaire, Anathema, Dual Guard+/Dual Support+, Luna/Limit Breaker
Kjelle -Armsthrift, Sol, Galeforce, Aegis, Pavise/Limit Breaker
Gerome: Sol, Dual Support+, Dual Guard+, Deliverer, Limit Breaker (Standard)
-Aegis, Pavise, Renewal, Sol, Limit Breaker (General tank)
Laurent -Vantage, Wrath, Vengeance, Anathema, Tomefaire/Aggressor/Limit Breaker
Brady-Luna, Galeforce, Renewal, Tomefaire, Lifetaker/Dual Guard+

Yarne --Vantage, Armsthrift, Sol, Axefaire, Wrath/Deliverer/Lancebreaker/Limit Breaker


Severa:-Vantage, Armsthrift, Sol, Galeforce, Luna/Swordfaire/Bowfaire/Limit Breaker


Nah-Vantage, Sol, Lifetaker, Galeforce, Deliverer/Limit Breaker

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Uhh. . .

Number of people with the skill - Already covered

Apotheosis - Armsthrift isn't necessary on everyone, and neither is Galeforce

Streetpass - That's really team-dependent. For example, I had one team that was a bunch of bulky manaketes, who weren't so bulky after Laurent grabbed a Book of Naga. Another team was pure glass-cannon offense, which requires positioning.

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Are these good?

Too much Vantage.

If you don't know what you're optimizing for, you won't be able to tell the difference between what's "optimal" and what isn't, because optimal is undefined. So you're going to have to be a bit more specific about what you want in order to get help; there's no such thing as a generally accepted set of best pairings.

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Too much Vantage.

If you don't know what you're optimizing for, you won't be able to tell the difference between what's "optimal" and what isn't, because optimal is undefined. So you're going to have to be a bit more specific about what you want in order to get help; there's no such thing as a generally accepted set of best pairings.

maybe i am asking the wrong question....i just want to know the best team with the most armthrift+galeforce party using a male avatar

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I was going to say something, and then I got distracted, and now I'm un-distracted, so here goes. I'm going to use Laurent as an example.


"I want the best Laurent possible."

Uhhh. . .best for what? Here's a slightly better example:

"I want the best back-row Laurent possible."

That's a start. He's probably better off in a magical class, because Miriel's got a great magic modifier and a not-so-great physical one (hybrid also works). He also gets some nifty skills that operate from the back (Anathema, two -faires, and if you're inclined to grind, Miriel's Dual Support+ can be passed to him). I'm a sucker for Dual Guard+, but he might not have room for it if you're throwing him into Apotheosis. Pair-up bonuses can also be calculated, etc.

"I need a back-row support for Donnel!Kjelle for Apotheosis."

THIS will get you a much better answer. Thanks to this, we have Kjelle's possible class sets, skills, and caps. From there, it's a matter of picking out which skills will be helpful on Laurent, figuring out which fathers give them, and then passing them on.


The more specific you can be, the better the answer will be. Fire Emblem is still about numbers, so if you're aiming for a goal, it's possible to work backwards.

Edited by eclipse
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maybe i am asking the wrong question....i just want to know the best team with the most armthrift+galeforce party using a male avatar

It doesn't exist. You're going to need to be more specific in your definition than "the best team with certain skills"

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I used to value armsthrift like galeforce, but now I only use it for running things like double bow sniper, aversa's night, or making ragnell an infinite weapon the way it should be. it can also be useful if you're forging a brave or a magic weapon, but even then not necessary.

Edited by Radiant head
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Well let's see

Owain, Morgan, Severa, Brady, Inigo, Cynthia, Lucina (sans Sully being her mother) - all get Galeforce

Inigo, Severa, Morgan - always gets Armsthrift

So Inigo, Severa, and Morgan are 100% guaranteed to get both.

Donnel, Gaius, and MaMu pass down Galeforce.

Gregor, Vaike, Donnel, and MaMu pass down Armsthrift.

Leaving Owain, Brady, Cynthia and Lucina needing AT. Lucina and Cynthia can't get it, meaning Lissa/Maribelle should get Gregor/Donnel. Pair MaMU with Sully/Tharja/Nowi. Done.

Now if you want to also include Luna you could do a lot better.

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