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What's your favorite Zelda game?


Favorite Zelda Game  

68 members have voted

  1. 1. What is your favorite Zelda game? (Pick, like 2 max)

    • The Legend of Zelda (NES)
    • Zelda II: The Adventure of Link (NES)
    • Link to the Past (SNES)
    • Link's Awakening/DX (GBC)
    • Ocarina of Time (N64)
    • Majora's Mask (N64)
    • Oracle of Seasons (GBC)
    • Oracle of Ages (GBC)
    • OoX (Both Oracle games)
    • The Wind Waker (GCN)
    • Minish Cap (GBA)
    • Four Swords (GBA)
    • Four Swords Adventures (GCN)
    • Twilight Princess (GCN/Wii)
    • Phantom Hourglass (DS)
    • Spirit Tracks (DS)
    • Ocarina of Time 3D (3DS)
    • Skyward Sword (Wii)
    • Link Between Worlds (3DS)
    • Majora's Mask 3D (3DS)
    • Triforce Heroes (3DS)
    • Tingle's Freshly Picked Rosy Rupeeland (DS)
    • Wind Waker HD
  2. 2. What was your first Zelda game?

    • LoZ 1
    • Zelda 2
    • Link to the Past
    • Link's Awakening
    • Ocarina
    • Majora
    • Oracle of Seasons
    • Oracle of Ages
    • Wind Waker
    • Minish Cap
    • Four Swords
    • Four Swords Adventures
    • Twilight Princess
    • Phantom Hourglass
    • Spirit Tracks
    • Ocarina 3D
    • Skyward Sword
    • Link Between Worlds
    • Majora 3D
    • Triforce Heroes
    • Tingle
    • Wind Waker HD

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Triforce Heroes is out, so it's time think about what your favorite game in the series is. For me it's the original N64 Majora's Mask and Link Between Worlds.

Edited by Lantairu
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Ocarina of Time & Twilight Princess come close but I enjoyed TP's story and liked the controls more.

I think they are making a Twilight Princess HD for Wii U.

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Ocarina of Time & Twilight Princess come close but I enjoyed TP's story and liked the controls more.

I think they are making a Twilight Princess HD for Wii U.

I did hear that. I'm actually pretty excited. My Wii broke down a few years back, and I got rid of my copy of TP, but if I do get a Wii U, which I hopefully will, I can finally play TP again.
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Twilight Princess

wouldn't it be easier to make a poll or something?

Yeah, I was wanting to except I'm A) On my iPad so I was too lazy. And B) Actually playing Wind Waker while making this topic, which is partly why decided to post it. But sure I'll make it into a poll.
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My personal favorite is Skyward Sword, although I like all of the Zelda games. I especially like the soundtrack and controls/gameplay of Twilight Princess in particular.

I've played Minish Cap almost to the end, so I'm familiar with Vaati too, and he's probably my favorite primary antagonist from Zelda. I like Ghirahim more but I can't consider him a primary antagonist.

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Skyward Sword, though The Minish Cap is a close second. I feel that Skyward Sword had the best gameplay, story, and characters. All are amazing! This game revived my old love for Zelda too, after merely finding Twilight Princess okay, and not enjoying Majora's Mask or The Wind Waker at all (both are pretty terrible, imo). I enjoyed Four Swords Adventures, but not as much as The Minish Cap or Skyward Sword. I loved The Minish Cap, but I still felt that the Mario and FE games I was playing were better. Now, Zelda has surpassed Mario again for me and Skyward Sword is my favorite non-FE game of all time.

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Skyward Sword, though The Minish Cap is a close second. I feel that Skyward Sword had the best gameplay, story, and characters. All are amazing! This game revived my old love for Zelda too, after merely finding Twilight Princess okay, and not enjoying Majora's Mask or The Wind Waker at all (both are pretty terrible, imo). I enjoyed Four Swords Adventures, but not as much as The Minish Cap or Skyward Sword. I loved The Minish Cap, but I still felt that the Mario and FE games I was playing were better. Now, Zelda has surpassed Mario again for me and Skyward Sword is my favorite non-FE game of all time.

Finally, someone who actually likes Skyward Sword! I loved that game too, and I don't see how it is the worst Zelda game according to a lot of people. Does it have flaws, yes, but the good far outweighs the bad.
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I don't see how it is the worst Zelda game according to a lot of people. Does it have flaws, yes, but the good far outweighs the bad.

The controls are rubbish for one thing. Also, Fi's excessive hand-holding.

Also, why isn't Hyrule Warriors in the poll?

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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Finally, someone who actually likes Skyward Sword! I loved that game too, and I don't see how it is the worst Zelda game according to a lot of people. Does it have flaws, yes, but the good far outweighs the bad.

Blame the Zelda cycle... People always hate on the newest console Zelda and start praising the previous one. Before Skyward Sword, people hated TP for being too easy and tacking on Ganondorf and stuff. Now people hate on Skyward Sword for Fi being too hand-holdy and the game being too linear. And I don't even get that second one, linearity isn't a bad thing. A linear game can still be good. I also hear complaints about the controls, but I personally think this is the best Zelda gameplay to date. It really feels like you're wielding a sword in this game!

And yes, Skyward Sword does have flaws, but I agree, the good far outweighs the bad. Unlike MM and TWW...

But just watch, people will start hating Zelda Wii U and start praising Skyward Sword.

Edited by Anacybele
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I have some serious nostalgia for Ocarina of Time. I always found that the 3ds remake was not as good as the 64. And of course Majora's Mask is my favourite its just so fun to replay and the time mechanic is really good. Haven't gotten around to the 3ds remake probably never will.

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Finally, someone who actually likes Skyward Sword! I loved that game too, and I don't see how it is the worst Zelda game according to a lot of people. Does it have flaws, yes, but the good far outweighs the bad.

Alright I'm gonna tell you all a story called "Why I don't like Skyward Sword despite never even making it to the first dungeon"

So one day a friend of mine wanted to borrow my copies of Paper Mario 2 and 3, two of my favorite games

I asked if he could lend me something in return because at the time I didn't really have anything to play

He lent me Skyward Sword and Mario Galaxy 2

I started Skyward Sword, ready to have a fun time

I had actually played the beginning of it before, but stopped out of boredom. This time, though, since I had it to myself at that time, I felt like I would be able to enjoy it a lot.

I started up the game and was immediately intrigued by the rather interesting intro. It really excited me and made me want to play the game.

Then I was in control of the main character. I messed with the controls a bit and noticed that they were pretty good. I also really liked the art style, though not nearly as much as Wind Waker's.

But then, I was put through a bunch of uninteresting tutorials and errands. The game taught me to jump, to climb things, to throw things, and other such things. While these tutorials were effective, I can't exactly say I was having fun. Not only was it tedious, but the characters and narrative were no longer even vaguely interesting to me. Once I got the sword, I thought that might be a little fun, with the motionplus and all. But while the tutorial was interesting, when I actually got to use it I wasn't really interested. You can't really take much advantage of the new mechanics yet despite them being explained to you.

So, eventually, I found the loftwing and started the race thing, and while that was interesting and all I was just ready to give up at that point. If a game can't grab my attention after almost an hour, that's already too much. So far, the most fun I had playing it was telling Groose he has nice hair.

I then played Mario Galaxy 2. Despite only really having that because he had also borrowed two games, I actually had a great time playing it! Got like, 60 stars or something. Meanwhile, I didn't touch Skyward Sword. I just couldn't get into something that doesn't let me have fun for such a long time.

I could write something equally long about how Wind Waker managed to grab my attention despite a similar beginning, but I've gone on long enough for now.

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I always found that the 3ds remake was not as good as the 64.

Uh, how? It's the exact same game except with updated graphics, the Stone of Agony replaced with the Shard of Agony (thank goodness), some less annoying equipping (like having to switch in and out of the Iron Boots in the Water Temple, it's less of a hassle in the 3DS remake), and a Master Quest mode added on.

Why didn't Skyward Sword have a Master Quest mode... Hero mode is stupid compared to that. Hero mode is simply stronger enemies and no hearts to be found. Master Quest actually changed the dungeon puzzles and relocated the dungeon Gold Skulltulas. Why couldn't Skyward Sword have that (with the Goddess Cubes in place of the Skulltulas)?

Edited by Anacybele
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Alright I'm gonna tell you all a story called "Why I don't like Skyward Sword despite never even making it to the first dungeon"

So one day a friend of mine wanted to borrow my copies of Paper Mario 2 and 3, two of my favorite games

I asked if he could lend me something in return because at the time I didn't really have anything to play

He lent me Skyward Sword and Mario Galaxy 2

I started Skyward Sword, ready to have a fun time

I had actually played the beginning of it before, but stopped out of boredom. This time, though, since I had it to myself at that time, I felt like I would be able to enjoy it a lot.

I started up the game and was immediately intrigued by the rather interesting intro. It really excited me and made me want to play the game.

Then I was in control of the main character. I messed with the controls a bit and noticed that they were pretty good. I also really liked the art style, though not nearly as much as Wind Waker's.

But then, I was put through a bunch of uninteresting tutorials and errands. The game taught me to jump, to climb things, to throw things, and other such things. While these tutorials were effective, I can't exactly say I was having fun. Not only was it tedious, but the characters and narrative were no longer even vaguely interesting to me. Once I got the sword, I thought that might be a little fun, with the motionplus and all. But while the tutorial was interesting, when I actually got to use it I wasn't really interested. You can't really take much advantage of the new mechanics yet despite them being explained to you.

So, eventually, I found the loftwing and started the race thing, and while that was interesting and all I was just ready to give up at that point. If a game can't grab my attention after almost an hour, that's already too much. So far, the most fun I had playing it was telling Groose he has nice hair.

I then played Mario Galaxy 2. Despite only really having that because he had also borrowed two games, I actually had a great time playing it! Got like, 60 stars or something. Meanwhile, I didn't touch Skyward Sword. I just couldn't get into something that doesn't let me have fun for such a long time.

I could write something equally long about how Wind Waker managed to grab my attention despite a similar beginning, but I've gone on long enough for now.

I feel ya, mate. It took me until about the Lanayru Desert Silent Realm business to stop playing, but i stopped playing for this reason. The game is unfun, tedious, annoying, a bit hard to control, and full of needless busywork. Like, why the fuck am i collecting little thingdeals in the Silent Realms to begin with? As a test? Nah, its because they needed to pad the game. Why am i fighting Imprisoned more than once? Because tense moments? Nah, its to pad the game. Why the hell did they need to pad the game to begin with? Because its not designed very well and it keeps holding my hand.

Nope. I did not have fun with Skyward Sword, despite it having some great characters.

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